Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1506

Lou Zi Ling was stunned slightly, and then understood the meaning of Jing Xi.

He held Jingxi in his arms and fell in her ear, laughing in a low voice.

Jingxi has never heard Lou Ziling laugh so much. She always thinks that Lou Ziling is too reserved and calm, and has no human feelings. It turns out that he has such a pleasant laugh.

"What are you laughing at? I'm really growing up now. I used to be a small steamed bun, but now it's a big steamed bun."

Jingxi said, and blushed.

After listening, Lou Ziling laughed even more.

He knew that she was different, and even had such a description of himself!

He picked up Jingxi and looked down at her bulging chest. His eyes were slightly hot and his mouth was dry.

Jingxi thought it was no big deal when she said it, but she really saw Lou Ziling staring at her chest. Her subconscious arms hugged her chest and glared at Lou Ziling: "don't do this, I I feel uncomfortable... "

Lou Ziling stretched out his hand. The feeling made him feel the whole blood was boiling!

"Hee, you are very soft, and I can't hold one hand. What do you eat? I remember it was very green... "

Jingxi's face heaved to the ground like a fire. It was very hot!

It seems that abstinence is the cold president of Lou Ziling. Speaking of love words, is it to stimulate the dead?!

So? Did he ever pay attention to her breasts?

The villain, acting like a gentleman, turned out to be full of bad water! She was cheated!

Jingxi "pa" off the hand, trying to adjust his breathing, suppress the heart of the wild jump, angry: "Lou Ziling, you learn bad, you return the original high cold Lou Ziling to me!"

Lou Ziling leaned against the back of the car seat and pulled Jingxi into his arms. Half jokingly, he said, "I'm so cold that you should hate me for murdering you. How dare I?"

Jingxi thinks that everything is wrong today. She is totally unfamiliar with such a louziling. She can laugh and make fun of herself. It is quite different from him before!

She suddenly held up the face of Lou Ziling and asked seriously, "where was the first time we met? When? "

Lou Ziling chuckled and said helplessly, "don't make a fuss. I haven't been replaced by people. Aren't you always materialistic? Why do you start to believe in ghosts and gods? "

He likes Jingxi holding his face and talking like this. From this action, we can see that she cherishes him.

The feeling of being cherished by her is very wonderful. Lou Ziling only felt that her heart was soft, and she hated that she understood too late, which made her sad for so long.

He was reluctant to let Jingxi leave and took her to a restaurant at noon.

Lou Ziling stops the car, goes around to the other side of the car, opens the door for Jingxi, protects her head, and lets her get off.

Jingxi felt his happiness bubbling, stepping on the hard ground, just slightly feel some real.

Many people came to the restaurant for lunch. Louzi Lingsi didn't care about the eyes of the people around her. She took her hand and took her into the restaurant.

Jingxi was still active in a city's school when she was a child. She spent most of her time abroad when she grew up. Few people in a city knew her.

However, Lou Ziling is the leader of young entrepreneurs in a city, and even the dream lover of countless girls. Many people know him.

There are a lot of eyes are looking at Jingxi, Jingxi himself did not care, Lou Ziling slightly frowned: he does not want to let Jingxi exposure.

But let him now shake off Jing Xi's hand, pretending not to know her, he also can't do.

He had to take Jing Xi and hurried into the elegant room of the restaurant.

Even so, Jingxi is a little unhappy, she sat in front of the fine-grained wooden dining table, Du mouth way: "go so fast to do what? When you were in love with those girlfriends, you would shoot them and publish them in newspapers. Why did you come to me? Would you not like to make it public? "

Lou Ziling rubbed her hair and said, "of course not, just because you are different from them. I don't want the media to bring you trouble."

In fact, his heart knot has always existed, and it has not disappeared until now.

He didn't want to make use of Jingxi, even if it was unintentionally used, it would make him feel miserable.

Once the media exposed that he and Jingxi were together, countless people would come to him to establish relations and cooperate with him in the name of "Jingxi".

When he exposed his love affair with Li Zhi, it was just like this.

But he can use Li Zhi's reputation to make money, but he doesn't want to earn a cent by Jingxi's name.

He's still not strong enough.

Seeing that the louziling sitting opposite to him has regained his usual indifference and calmness, it seems that the man who broke down in the car was not him. He felt a little strange in his heart.

"That Lou Ziling, don't you have a split personality

Lou Ziling has some headache. He is indifferent to her. She thinks he is too fierce. He is warm to her. She thinks he is a rascal. She is indifferent to her. He says that his personality is split!He took a sip of water, put down his glass and said, "come here!"

"Ah, where are you going?"

"Come to my side."

Jingxi stood up with a puzzled face and went to Lou Ziling. Just about to speak, she was hugged by Lou Ziling and dragged into his arms and sat on his lap.

Jingxi exclaimed, ashamed and angry, he stretched out his small fist and hit him: "why do you want to eat? Let me go!"

Lou Ziling gave her a kiss on her pink face. Suddenly she felt that the touch was very beautiful. After two kisses, she raised her head reluctantly and said solemnly, "you eat for a while, and I will eat you, so you don't think that my personality is split or possessed by ghosts."

It's out there! How can you kiss and hold, and speak without scruple!

Jingxi is completely defeated by Lou Ziling's thick skin. Is he crazy?!

"Put me down, I don't doubt you. You are normal and handsome."

"Well, I know that." Lou Zi Ling nodded faintly, with a face of course: "you are good to sit, don't move, or I can't guarantee what will happen for a while. You know, I'm not in the mood to eat right now. I'm full of you. "

The unexpected confession, Jingxi heart small deer bump, she never know, the original Lou Ziling so can say sweet words!

With his indifferent expression, he said such affectionate and ambiguous words. With his blazing breath and burning body temperature, Jingxi felt that he had no resistance to him.

"Come on After a while, the waiter will come in and see me. People will laugh at me... "

"Who dares? I'll take the one who laughs , the fastest update of the webnovel!