Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1500

Near the end of the new year, city a snowed heavily, covering the whole city.

The company that Luo Feiyang managed went bankrupt.

Thousands of employees lost their jobs just before the Chinese new year, and their year-end bonus was hopeless, and even their wages were in arrears.

Loss as high as 20 million, Luo Feiyang for the first time in his life, feel frustrated, feel his incompetence.

The second young master of the Luo family, once domineering and arrogant, was surrounded by countless employees in the office, exhausted and confused.

He wanted to curse, but he didn't know who to scold or how to.

He wanted to scold his father Luo Yi. Why didn't he take care of him and let him learn more!

He wanted to scold his brother Luo feiran. Why did he hand over such a large company to him so easily and didn't help him solve the crisis!

He wanted to scold Lou Ziling. Why didn't he let his company go bankrupt!

Perhaps, the most scolding person is himself?

Luo Feiyang has not eaten for a day and a night. He is very hungry, but he has no appetite.

Tan Ruyi was carrying large and small bags of food and tried to squeeze into the crowd: "Oh, you You all let me in

When she crowded in front of Luo Feiyang, her beautiful ponytail had been skewed and looked funny.

Can Luo Feiyang but can't laugh out, he angry way: "how did you come again? I'm broke. Are you here to see my jokes? Get out of here quickly. I won't investigate the ring. Don't tell me about the innocence in the future

Tan Ruyi opened a pair of big black and white eyes and said weakly, "you You misunderstand me. I'm not here to let you return my innocence. I'm here to give you something to eat. My cousin said, "you've been busy these days, and no one has taken care of you. Let me see you..."

Luo Feiyang's anger was cut off. He was embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

He is really used to swearing. Tan Ruyi has no serious business all day long. She is innocent when she opens and closes her mouth, so that she misunderstands her this time.

Those employees around Luo Feiyang see that Tan Ruyi gives Luo Feiyang food, but they all quit.

"Everyone didn't eat. They were waiting to settle their wages. Why did Luo always eat?"

"What does Luo family mean? Is it humiliating to push a young boy under 20 years old to manage such a large company? Pay the salary quickly, otherwise everyone will be spending so much here

"That is, we worked overtime for more than a month. In the end, we couldn't take any money. The money must have been swallowed by your Luo family."


Hundreds of people Wu Yang, angry and angry, look at Tan Ruyi's eyes are very bad, suspected that she and Luo Feiyang Gang, empty the company's money.

If Tan Ruyi was not a young girl, people would ask her for money.

Even so, some hungry people in the crowd fiercely snatched Tan Ruyi's snacks and drinks.


Tan Ruyi screams with fright. Where has she experienced this kind of battle? It's almost like eating people's rhythm!

Last time she came here, didn't everyone be polite? How can you become a bandit in a flash?

Luo Feiyang pulls Tan Ruyi to his back and protects her from being hurt.

Tan Ruyi shivers, holding Luo Feiyang's hand tightly, for fear that he will push himself out the same.

The spacious office is full of people, noisy and disorderly, but Luo Feiyang has some warmth in his heart. At least there is a person who is afraid that he is hungry, so he specially comes to deliver food for him.

"All back! Against you, even a little girl also bullied, shameless?! I'm sure I'll pay you back the salary I owe you. It's nothing to do with this girl if you have something to do with me

Luo Feiyang yelled at his voice, but no one believed him. He called one after another, and no one left.

They are afraid that if Luo Feiyang is released, his salary will be wasted!

With the second childe of Luo family, can you still get some money?

Everyone is guessing Tan Ruyi's identity, staring at her with the same eyes as gold. It seems that she is also very valuable and can be used to ask for wages from the Luo family.

Luo Feiyang ignored the people's shouting and scolding. He turned back and held Tan Ruyi. He said, "don't be afraid. It's OK."

"No, no, no, I'm still afraid. It doesn't look like it's OK? It's frightening. I'm timid. You can carry it yourself. I'm going home! "

Luo Feiyang was still moved by the heart, the moment of the rare broken!

This girl is more irritating than Jingxi and a good hand to destroy the atmosphere!

Tan Ruyi wants to go, Luo Feiyang won't let her go. He clutches her hand and doesn't let her break free: "there are so many people around here. It's easy for you to come in, but it's hard to get out! If you steal my ring, I have no gift to give to Jingxi. Just die with me

Tan Ruyi is really timid. When she sees Lou Ziling's cold face, she is scared to death. When she sees so many people staring at her, her eyes are red."No, no, no, I didn't steal! I don't want to die yet. What about my mother when I'm dead? She has lost my father. She can't lose me any more

She said, tears on the big big big drop down, as if really about to die.

Luo Feiyang was shocked, he just joked. How could this girl take it seriously?

His heart, which was still heavy and impatient, suddenly relaxed and felt less embarrassed to be surrounded by people.

It's a big deal to break down a company! This is also in a city, Luo family industry is small, low visibility, if in the United States, where anyone dares to bully him!

Luo Feiyang holds Tan Ruyi's boneless hand and feels that it feels good. It would be nice if I could play a little more.

"Don't cry. I won't let you die if I die."

Luo Feiyang has always been a man of righteousness. Even if he is facing death now, he will not involve the innocent Tan Ruyi.

Tan Ruyi looked at him in disbelief, with tears in her eyes: "really? So Give them some money and let them get out of the house

As soon as he mentioned this, Luo Feiyang was angry: "I may not be the son of my parents. I have called several times. They don't give me a cent! Say I'll pay the debts I've caused

Tan Ruyi doesn't know the specific situation of Luo Feiyang's family. She takes his words seriously and thinks that Luo Feiyang is not his own. She immediately sympathizes with him.

She still has her mother. Luo Feiyang has no biological parents. What a pity!

"Well Why don't I call my cousin and ask him to help you? "

Luo Feiyang was just about to scold Lou Ziling. Suddenly, a cold and dignified voice sounded in the noisy office:

"I am Lou Ziling, I owe my salary. I can go to Lou's group to get my salary this afternoon!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!