Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1499

Luo Feiyang is willing to do anything as long as he can get rid of this female Tang monk.

He promised: "good, good, you speak good words for me in front of Jingxi, my life's happiness depends on you!"

Tan Ruyi was very happy: "OK, it's on me. I know girls best."

Sent Tan Ruyi, Luo Feiyang finally quiet for two days.

But the company's business has not improved because of his quiet, has been on the verge of bankruptcy.

Luo Fei plunder but no matter at all, these companies are the personal assets of Luo Feiyang in the future. If he does not have them, they will be gone.

Luo Feiyang has no choice but to go and find Lou Ziling.

"I'm in a bit of trouble here. Please show me!"

This is not the tone of asking for help. Lou Ziling is not in a good mood recently, so he doesn't pay any attention to him.

"Lou Ziling, do you want to help or not? If you don't help me, call my sister-in-law and let her take care of you! "

Naturally, Lou Ziling will not be afraid of Lou Ruofei, but he will be worried that because of his own reasons, Lou Ruofei will be difficult to be a man in the Luo family.

However, he is not so easy to promise Luo Feiyang, or help after endless.

"If you work as an assistant for me for a month, I will help you to revive the company."


Luo Feiyang widened his eyes: "do you dare to open your mouth and let me be your assistant? one month? My company has been bankrupt for a long time! "

"If you don't want to, you Luojia companies are more than a drop in the bucket. If you go bankrupt, you will continue to toss about other things. Before you lose your family, you should be able to practice your skills."

Of course, Luo Feiyang doesn't want to. He is the second young master of the Luo family. What is it like to be an assistant to louziling? Do you want to mix up in the future?

He was staring at Lou Ziling, and the door of Lou Ziling's office was pushed open. A beautiful woman came in. She had noble temperament, but she had a charming charm.

Luo Feiyang felt that his soul would be taken away!

Without Lou Ziling's introduction, he had already guessed the identity of the visitor.

"Li Zhi?"

Li Zhi smile perfect, voice sweet but not greasy: "Luo Er Shao even recognized me at a glance, good eyes!"

Luo Feiyang is not the same as Lou Ziling. He has a hot personality and has experienced many women. After seeing Li Zhi at one glance, he knows that she is a kind of excellent beauty.

At the age of 19, he was just at the right time. In order to chase Jingxi, he had not touched a woman for a long time. When he saw Li Zhi, who was in front of the convex and backward, his eyes were shining!

Lou Ziling is so beautiful that she can have such a girlfriend!

There is no conflict between the Luo family and the Li family. Luo Feiyang grinned at Li Zhi and said, "it's better to see everything than to hear it. Miss Li is really a beautiful woman! It's a little bad, but you don't have a good look in your eyes

Li Zhi's flowers and branches trembled with laughter: "you are worthy of your reputation! However, Ziling is still excellent. I believe in my choice. "

Lou Zi Ling one does not like Luo Feiyang, two do not like Li Zhi, listen to these two people in his office said some have no, directly drive people: "all out!"

"Well, Ziling, I'm here to talk about the project with you today. Aren't you interested?"

Lou Ziling's voice was cold: "I'm not interested. In addition, I hope you remember that our contract is terminated."

Luo Feiyang heard that they two seemed to talk about confidential matters, and quickly got up to slip away.

Li's insidious ruthlessness has always been famous outside, and so on the uninvited dare not provoke, Luo Feiyang felt that he did not need to get involved.

He went back to his company, and then called a meeting of the company's management to discuss solutions to avoid bankruptcy because of his wrong decision.

Luo Feiyang doesn't know how these management levels of the company are promoted. One by one will shirk their responsibilities, and none of them will really come up with ideas and do practical work!

He would like to fire all the people who don't like it, but if he does, the company will collapse more quickly.

In the evening, he was still working overtime in the company. He didn't even pay attention to Jingxi calling him to eat.

In the end, Tan Ruyi found her.

Luo Feiyang stunned: "how do you even know my company address?"

Tan Ruyi opened a pair of big eyes and said innocently, "my cousins all know that. Just ask one of them!"

Luo Feiyang gnawed his teeth: "Lou Ziling! You have been betraying me

Tan Ruyi was not happy: "how can this be called betrayal? Do you know the address of your company? What's more, I got the address from my cousin. What does it have to do with my cousin? "

Tan Ruyi is afraid of Lou Ziling. She usually doesn't look for him if she can't find him. Compared with Lou Ziling, who is cold and dead, Lou Ruofei's character is much better, and she loves her very much. Tan Ruyi will have a video chat with Lou Ruofei when she has something to do, just like a sister.When Luo Feiyang heard that Tan Ruyi was going to start a long talk, he interrupted her: "what do you want to do with me? After the phone can be contacted, do not come to my company, the impact is not good! "

Tan Ruyi frowned: "do I have anything to hide? If it wasn't for your business, I wouldn't come! You think you look like... "

"What the hell is going on?"

"Didn't I chase Jingxi for you? We are good friends now. She invited you to dinner. Why don't you go? Do you know how long I tried to persuade Jingxi to give you a chance to eat? It was not easy for her to agree! "

"I don't have time! Everyone in the company is working overtime. If I, the supreme commander, leaves, can we still work hard? My company is going bankrupt. I'm not in the mood to eat! "

Luo Feiyang felt that the girl was making a mess for him. He was impatient to drive people out: "go back to your own home and do your homework, don't bother me!"

Tan Ruyi looked at him wrongly: "I helped you chase girls, but when did you return my innocence? It's not my problem that I didn't catch up with you. It's because you didn't work hard. Don't you admit it? You are such a bad man

Her 16-year-old face still has a trace of tender, like a just beginning to bloom magnolia, pure and elegant.

She was wearing a white down jacket with short white hair around her neck, which made her a little cute, like a red eyed rabbit, accusing her master of cruelty.

Luo Feiyang felt that he must have been stimulated by too much today, and even though Li Zhi was amazing, she still felt that Tan Ruyi was also a little beautiful!

Crazy, crazy, he must have been in love for too long to appear this illusion!

"Get out of here and call me if you have something to do. Come back to my office and I'll make sure you stole something!"

Luo Feiyang roared fiercely, which made Tan Ruyi run away in a hurry, like a rabbit who was scared and ran away.

Luo Feiyang touched the tip of his nose and regretted that his voice was too loud and his tone was too fierce. , the fastest update of the webnovel!