Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 149

Although jingyichen wants to throw Shangguan rouxue down from the steps, he still resists.

Although this will make Shangguan rouxue painful for a period of time, it is too cheap for her!

What jingyichen wants is to ruin her reputation, betray her relatives and completely destroy her life!

All the evidence, he has already collected, just waiting for her to marry Xie Zhuojun, the other side of her all opened!

I hope that Xie Zhuojun, who just saw that scene, will not change his idea of marriage!

Yes, the scene just happened, Xie Zhuojun all saw in the eyes, he clearly saw that Shangguan rouxue talked with shangguanning with a kind-hearted manner, and kicked shangguanning's knee in a cruel way!

Shangguanning fell from such a high step, what would be the result? There was no need to guess.

Xie Zhuojun angrily came forward and slapped the face he could never see through!

"Shangguan rouxue, are you still a human being?! I didn't know you were such a vicious man

Shangguan rouxue was shocked by jingyichen's appearance. She was stunned to see Xie Zhuojun at the moment. What she didn't expect was that Xie Zhuojun, who has always been gentle and gentle, would actually hit her!

Her face was filled with burning pain, but Shangguan rouxue didn't care about the pain at all. Her whole heart was extremely panic.

Is it just a scene, all Xie Zhuo Jun saw?!

What to do?! Do you admit your mistake to him?

No, she can't admit it, absolutely not! Once admitted, Xie Zhuo Jun will leave her, she can't lose him!

This time, her eyes were filled with tears.

"Zhuo Jun, how can you hit me? I love you so much. Who else in the world loves you more than me? Don't you believe me? It was my sister who fell down on her own just now. I want to help her. I didn't hold her. You can't blame me! I'd rather fall myself than watch my sister fall

Her voice is still so gentle and pleasant to hear, like oriole, but listen to Xie Zhuo Jun's ears, only feel abnormal harsh.

"Shangguan rouxue, do you think I am blind?! Now you are still lying to me. When are you going to cheat me! I didn't know your character until today. Was it that you were too successful or I Xie Zhuojun was too unsuccessful? "

Because Xie Zhuojun was too angry, his whole face turned red in an instant, and the blue veins on his forehead suddenly swelled up, showing that he was out of control.

He also wanted to give Shangguan rouxue a slap in the face, but he couldn't do it. After he roared angrily, he turned and strode away.

Xie Zhuojun's parents learned that shangguanzheng was unconscious and rushed to the hospital to see him at the first time.

When they arrived, Xie Zhuojun had left, only Yang Wenshu and Shangguan rouxue were in front of shangguanzheng's hospital bed.

Both mother and daughter looked very bad. Xie Dongfeng and Wang Lu thought that they were worried about Shangguan Zheng, so they talked to each other.

Shangguan rouxue got up to talk to her future father-in-law and mother-in-law, but in the twinkling of an eye, she seemed to be out of strength and fell to the ground.

After the doctor gave her an examination, she laughed and said to the nervous three people: "Congratulations, she's pregnant. It's been more than a month. In the future, we should have a good rest and not be too tired, otherwise it will be bad for both adults and children. "

Xie's husband and wife are surprised at the speech, but Yang Wenshu is very happy.

It's time for my daughter to get pregnant!

Wang Lu and Xie Dongfeng looked at each other and saw their worries from each other's eyes.

Recently, their son Xie Zhuojun saw the change of Shangguan rouxue. At first, he refused to say anything. Later, he said that he didn't want to marry Shangguan rouxue!

If it is not really from the heart do not want to, if he still like to go to the official rouxue, with his soft hearted character, will never say such words. After all, both of them are engaged. Relatives and friends all know that they are going to get married. The Xie family and the Shangguan family are both respectable families in a city. How can they be so rebellious.

However, if the son really doesn't like it and doesn't want to live with Shangguan rouxue, they will eventually support his son. After all, it's just engagement, and it's not that they haven't done such things as repentance. At the beginning, shangguanning paid so much for his son, but they still withdrew from marriage.

However, if Shangguan rouxue is pregnant with a child, the nature of the matter will be very different!

The reason why she was able to give up marriage with shangguanning without any scruples was that nothing happened between her and Xie Zhuojun. She was still a pure and innocent girl's family, and Shangguan rouxue was pregnant with Xie's family's flesh and blood, so she could not say that she would retire from marriage.

Although shangguanzheng is in a coma at this moment, he must be furious when he wakes up to know that his daughter is pregnant and has been divorced.

Wang Lu and Xie Dongfeng have been fighting in the mall for decades. What do you think in your heart at the moment, half of your face doesn't show up.All of them praise Shangguan rouxue with joy on their faces, telling her to take good care of her body, just like taking her as a daughter-in-law.

Wang Lu also immediately took out a card from her bag and handed it to Shangguan rouxue. She said with a smile, "this is a little token from your mother. You can buy what you want. You can't be careless now. You can't be vegetarian every day just to avoid killing animals."

Shangguan soft snow smile to promise, four people and its happy chat a few words, just each full of mind scattered.

Mr. and Mrs. Xie didn't see their son today, so they had a bad feeling.

Xie Zhuojun has been to the hospital for a long time. How can he not see anyone now? Shangguan rouxue is pregnant, and he certainly doesn't know. He should tell him quickly.

To let him rest with Shangguan rouxue's mind, two people still want to get married!

And Shangguan rouxue here, waiting for Xie's husband and wife to go, the face of shame and happiness are all gone.

Yang Wenshu had no smile on her face. She took her daughter's hand and asked in a low voice: "Xiaoxue, don't you plan to have children so early? What's going on? The Xie family now know that if you have children, your actor dream will not come true! "

Shangguan rouxue is bent on her career. She has not been satisfied with being a simple host for a long time. She has already contacted several directors and producers, and wants to enter the performing arts circle and develop the hosting and acting in an all-round way.

If she is pregnant at this time, it is bound to affect her bright future.

Originally, Xie's family didn't want her to enter the entertainment industry. When they knew that she was pregnant, they would not allow her to take over the film.

Shangguan rouxue's hands were tightly clasped together. There was no tenderness in her voice, but only cold and cruel: "Mom, don't worry. I didn't intend to have this child. I chose to say it at this time for a reason! It's just a temporary measure! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!