Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 148

Xie Zhuojun's face came from a sharp tingling sensation, until the doctor gave him medicine, bandage, he did not feel comfortable.

Shangguan Ning never thought that Xie Zhuo Jun would block himself in front of him.

When he came forward, she couldn't tell what she felt. She was surprised and grateful.

She thought that, in front of Shangguan rouxue, she would always be the dim and neglected one.

Originally, Xie Zhuo Jun also can't see her at all?

If this happened four years ago, she would be moved to tears? I'm afraid it will be even more determined to Xie Zhuo Jun?

Now, she has only one point of gratitude, but not a trace of moving.

Because the damage caused by the past is indelible.

"Thank you," she said

Xie Zhuojun turned his head and looked at shangguanning, whose face was calm. For the first time, he felt that even though he was very close to her, he still felt far away from her.

"You're welcome. That's what I should do." His voice was a little low, but not because of the injury on his face, but because of the injury in his heart.

Shangguan Ning felt that he had nothing to say with Xie Zhuojun. Seeing that he was ok, he got up and said, "you have a good rest. I'll go to see my father."

She said that, then went out, and did not look at him again.

On the bed of another ward, shangguanzheng, who had always been dignified and lofty, was lying there pale. Like an ordinary old man, his face was wrinkled and his hair was stained with frost. He lost his former glory and pride.

In the ward, he was the only one lying quietly in the hospital bed. Yang Wenshu and Shangguan rouxue were not there.

He was still in a coma, still awake.

The doctor said that there was no big problem with his body, that is, he suddenly suffered from too much stimulation, and his mind could not bear to collapse. He only needed to rest for a few days to recover.

Shangguan Ning now knew why Shangguan Zheng would faint. She felt sad deeply.

She remembers that on the day of her mother's suicide, shangguanzheng did not react much except for some panic and sadness.

Today, he just didn't become mayor. He was still the vice mayor of a city. But he couldn't accept the fact, and his anger passed out.

In his mind, official position and power are more important than anything else. He can lose his wife, sacrifice his daughter, and even lose his dignity, but he can't accept losing his official position.

Why do those over 50 years old still want to climb up? He is now the status of many civilians in the world look forward to, but he is still not satisfied.

She hoped that he was just an ordinary father, not a vice mayor.

Shangguan Ning learned that he was not in a big way, so she was ready to leave after sitting for a while. She was not close to shangguanzheng since she was a child. His father's love was all given to Shangguan rouxue. Sitting beside him at the moment, she felt that she was accompanying a stranger.

However, Shangguan Ning has not gone out, Shangguan rouxue walked in.

Her eyes were red, and it was obvious that she had cried.

It should be because Xie Zhuojun was scratched by Yang Wenshu.

As soon as she entered the door, Yang Wenshu's face was ferocious, and she threw her hands at her. Shangguan Ning felt chilly.

I don't know whether it was because of shangguanzheng's coma or because she hated herself deeply. Yang Wenshu completely tore up her virtuous mask that she had maintained for many years.

But Shangguan rouxue is still a poor, gentle and kind-hearted appearance, I don't know what kind of tricks she wants to play.

"Sister, Dad suddenly fainted. I'm really worried. He'll be OK, right?"

"There is no outsider here. You can say something directly. I feel tired looking at it all the time."

Shangguan Ning has seen Shangguan rouxue's means and acting skills for a long time, and is not affected at the moment.

"Sister, Zhuo Jun and I are going to get married. Can't you let go of the past and bless us?" Shangguan soft snow eyes with tears, seems to have been how much aggrieved in general.

"It's OK to let go of the past, but it's impossible to bless you. If I don't curse, I'm already worthy of you! If you're here to show off the success of your junior three, there's no need to say it. Four years ago, the moment you climbed into his bed, you succeeded. I don't want men who have been used by others! "

With a sneer, Shangguan opened the door and went out.

Shangguan rouxue followed her out, and the "elder sister" kept calling behind her, which attracted people in the hospital to see them.

When Shangguan Ning walks to the stairs, Shangguan rouxue catches up.

There were few people at the entrance of the stairs. Shangguan rouxue stopped her and cried: "elder sister, my father is so ill, are you going to leave without taking care of him? How can you be so cruel when he loves you so much

Shangguan just wanted to open his mouth, but suddenly came a sharp pain on her knee, and her body fell uncontrollably.Below is a dozen stories of high steps, if you fall down, even if you don't die, you will fall half disabled!

Shangguan rouxue can be really cruel, deliberately talking to her to distract her attention, and then kicking her knee!

However, the imaginary fall did not happen, she fell into a warm and familiar arms.

"Be careful. I'll worry about not being alone with this person next time."

The deep voice in her ear faint ring, with a strong concern and can not be mistaken for anger.

Shangguan Ning raised his face from his arms and said in surprise, "how did you come?"

"When my wife goes out, I, a husband, will be your bodyguard and coachman, so as not to be bullied." Jing Yiran's lips slightly show a smile, some pet touched her hair.

Then he bent down and gently kneaded her knee, which was kicked by Shangguan rouxue. He asked with some heartache: "is it still painful? Does it matter? I'll take you to Mu Qing and have a look. "

If you don't shake your head, you won't have to shake your head

She was just afraid of falling, but when she needed him most, he showed up on time.

She thinks that she is the legendary Cinderella, and jingyichen is the prince charming who guards her.

This is the first time that Shangguan Ning has said such a thing to Jing Yichen. She has always been shy and not very coquettish. Today, she even said such intimate words to him in an attached and delicate tone, which made his heart throb instantly.

Jingyichen did not resist, in her lips kiss, and then a hold her up, down the steps.

He didn't even look at Guan rouxue. He turned his back to her and said in a cold voice like ice: "today's business, I will recover it for a Ning with interest. I hope you don't die too early. I hope you can live to that time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!