Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1487

Wang Qiu knows that her daughter means that Lou Ziling is too impersonal.

She scolded her daughter: "don't talk nonsense, he is your cousin, how can you have no soul!"

Tan Ruyi was unconvinced: "but we all have happiness, anger, sorrow and joy, cousin has not! I've never seen him laugh or cry. I think it will be very pitiful who will be my cousin in the future. "

She didn't think that Lou Ziling could not marry a wife. After all, Lou Ziling was not only young and promising, but also ran a big company by himself, and he was almost perfect and handsome.

"Your cousin is a man. Even if he is sad, can he still cry in front of us? Ziling is so excellent, your future cousin will only be a lucky one, where will you be pitiful! "

Wang Qiu said that, but in fact, she also felt that Lou Ziling's personality was not pleasant. Girls needed warmth and care. She was always cold, and no woman could stand it.

At noon, Wang Qiu takes Tan Ruyi to the restaurant of the hotel to have a buffet. He happens to meet Jingxi.

When Tan Ruyi is facing Lou Ziling, she is slow. She can see little girls of the same age, but she doesn't have that kind of restraint.

She didn't know the identity of Jingxi, but thought that Jingxi was an ordinary little girl. She went up to her and said, "you are so beautiful. I don't think anyone is more beautiful than you!"

Jingxi is often praised by others and is used to it. She smiles at Tan Ruyi and politely says, "you are also very good-looking!"

She remembered the little girl standing by Lou Ziling yesterday.

Tan Ruyi shook her head anxiously: "no, no, no, I mean it! You are really beautiful, I can't compare with yours

What's your name

"My name is Tan Ruyi. I'm 16 years old! Now I'm a sophomore in senior high school. Come to my cousin's wedding

Is this girl too straightforward?

She asked what it was called. Tan Ruyi almost said everything about herself. It was so simple and easy to be cheated.

Jing Xi shakes her head helplessly and has already guessed the identity of Tan Ruyi.

Tan Ruyi took a plate and casually picked up some food. She followed Jingxi and asked, "do you know my cousin?"

Jingxi looks at her unexpectedly. She didn't speak to Lou Ziling yesterday. Lou Ziling can't mention her to anyone else. The girl can see that they know each other. She looks very smart.

"You mean Lou Ziling?"

"Oh, yes, yes, that's him. He's my cousin! Lou Ruofei is my cousin. Tomorrow she gets married. I'll be the bridesmaid for my cousin! "

Jingxi hasn't met such a simple and straightforward girl for a long time. Talking to tan Ruyi doesn't need to be on guard or think.

She asked with a smile, "how do you know I know your cousin?"

"Oh, you don't know. After you left, my cousin looked at your back in a daze! My cousin, it's frightening. I always suspect that he is actually a zombie and has no soul. It was when I saw you before that he looked a little bit human. Did you say that you knew each other in previous lives? "


Previous life?

Did the girl watch too many TV plays?

Jing Xi is so smiling that she can hardly hold the plate. If Lou Ziling knew that her cousin suspected him to be a zombie, would she turn blue with anger?

She didn't think Lou Ziling was frightening, but she was really cold.

Just, Lou Ziling can still look at her back in a daze?

Jingxi thinks it's impossible.

Wang Qiu is clip to eat, a turn to see the daughter with yesterday saw the little girl behind the chatter of talking, quickly went over to take the daughter away.

She is the most clear mother. Tan Ruyi is as simple as a piece of white paper. Her daughter is well protected by her. In addition to being afraid of Lou Ziling, others always think that they are good people.

She is not worried that Jing Xi will deceive Tan Ruyi, but worried that Tan Ruyi has no scruples and offends people.

Tan Ruyi left, Jing Xi just took food to Ji Mo Xuan and Luo Feiyang's table and sat down.

Both of them saw Jing Xi talking to tan Ruyi, but they were not interested enough to come forward and ask more questions.

Luo Feiyang is just complaining: "I said to go to my restaurant to eat, you do not agree, this buffet has what delicious!"

"Your brother will get married tomorrow. You'd better go home and help."

Jingxi urged him to leave, but Luo Feiyang didn't want to go: "my brother's marriage is not my marriage. What am I busy with? I'm just a best man. Don't rob my brother of the limelight tomorrow, or he will surely kill me

With a smile, Jingxi pointed to tan Ruyi, who was sitting at a table not far away. "You see, that girl is the bridesmaid. What a coincidence!"

Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan turn their heads and look at the past at the same time.

"True or false?"

Luo Feiyang knew that the bridesmaid was his sister-in-law's cousin, but he had never met her. He did not expect to see her twice a day.

"My sister-in-law is so elegant and generous. How can her cousin look like a bean sprout! Yesterday she stood beside Lou Ziling. I thought she was a child who had been abducted and sold! "Luo Feiyang actually hopes that the bridesmaid can be Jing Xi, but the Lou family and the Jing family are broken up by Lou Zi Ling Nao. There is no way for the new lady to invite Jing Xi to be the bridesmaid. Moreover, Jingxi's identity is too high, so the Jingxi family will not agree with Jingxi to be a bridesmaid for others.

When Jingxi heard the name of Lou Ziling, he suddenly moved for a moment, but then he pressed down.

There is nothing she can't do. It should be easy to forget someone, isn't it?

The next day, Jingxi and Ji Moxuan went to the wedding site together.

Western wedding is sacred and solemn, but Jingxi is absent-minded.

Because, do not know who arranged the seat, Lou Ziling sat next to her.

Luo feiran and Lou Ruofei's wedding actually had nothing to do with Jingxi. It's normal for her to come or not.

But she came in the end, in the final analysis, she knew that she could see Lou Ziling here.

She just looked at him. She didn't want to talk to him or be so close to him.

Lou Ziling didn't expect to sit with Jingxi. He should have sat in the front row, but Lou Mingyang was still angry with him and refused to let him sit in front.

He is close to her, but seems to be far away.

Lou Ziling couldn't help but look around at Jingxi. Her eyes were half down and her long feather eyelashes were slightly upwarped. She looked calm and stable, and could not see what she was thinking.

Her long hair is soft and smooth on her shoulders, without perm dyeing. Her skin is white and shining, like jade, beautiful and spotless.

Lou Ziling even remembers that the taste of her body, the light fragrance, with a sweet breath, makes people lost.

Even he did not know when the girl around him was branded in his mind.

Even if he closed his eyes, he could outline all of her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!