Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1486

"Hee hee, I added a little material to your infusion. How about it? Is it good? I made it myself, and I tried it. As a result, I didn't get up from bed for two days. My father scolded me for it. He seldom scolded me

I don't know. When I hear the conversation between Jingxi and Lizhi, I think they are good friends!

"I'm leaving. I'll see you again in two days."

Jingxi left, Li Zhi did not take too long to return to normal.

She was a little strange. She felt that Jingxi's method was too light, and it was hard to believe it.

In the evening, Li Zhi found that her face, touched by Jing Xi, had become a big steamed bun! And numb without any sense!

Her hands are poisonous!

Li Zhi smashed the mirror, changed the bodyguards and even the hospital.

But two days later, Jingxi appeared again.

She sent a bunch of beautiful blue enchantress to Li Zhi, did not speak much, and left in a hurry.

After Jing Xi left, Li Zhi immediately let people throw the flowers.

Unfortunately, there is no use, her body can not restrain the dry heat up, see tall and strong bodyguards, she wants to jump on!

Li Zhi is a strong willpower person, originally can endure the past, but in this kind of thing, she does not want to control herself.

She indulged herself, so her injuries aggravated, and her whole body became weaker.

After that, for more than half a month, Jingxi often came to visit Li Zhi.

To the end, Li Zhi has become a frightened bird, hear the name of Jing Xi will be pale.

She used to think that she was cruel enough, but compared with Jingxi, she was too kind!

She killed people happily. She didn't need to bear pain. But Jingxi cut the flesh with a blunt knife, which would not hurt her life at all!

Li Zhi in the hospital to raise such a long time, Jing Rui to her injury is not good, but aggravated.

She did not dare to live in a city, used her own private plane, went directly to foreign countries to recuperate.

Finally, Li Zhi was driven away, and Jing Xi relaxed a lot.

Every day she wore a tailored suit and went to work from 9 to 5.

Then, the people of Liyu technology, almost all of them have been rectified by her, and now no one dares to despise her.

November 19 is Lou Ruofei's wedding day.

Luo Feiyang told Jingxi in advance that she must go to America to attend his brother's wedding.

Jingxi went with Ji Moxuan.

Ji Moxuan is very happy to be with Jingxi. He takes good care of Jingxi and is very considerate.

For ordinary girls, often taken care of by a handsome and gentle big boy, it must be moving.

But Jingxi did not.

She knows that Ji Moxuan is not only good to her, but also warm, soft hearted and full of gentlemanly demeanor.

Such a person can be a close friend, but not suitable to be a boyfriend.

Jingxi is a bully. She can't stand her boyfriend taking care of other girls with a warm smile every day. She can't stand her boyfriend being involved with her ex girlfriend.

Therefore, she and Ji Moxuan have always maintained a proper distance. She never said anything that made him misunderstood, nor did anything that made him misunderstood. She told Ji Moxuan plainly that they were just friends.

Ji Mo Xuan is not discouraged, with the identity of a friend in Jingxi side, this feeling is also very good.

He and Jing Xi get along happily, many views coincide, more common topics, but also a half confidant.

They arrived one day in advance, and the Luo family arranged a five-star hotel for the guests who came to attend the wedding.

Luo Feiyang personally went to the airport to receive Jingxi and Ji Moxuan to the hotel. When they got off and went to the hotel, they happened to meet louziling, who also took the guests there, and went to the hotel.

Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan are stunned at the same time and take a look at Lou Ziling, and then both look at Jingxi at the same time.

Jingxi, however, looks like he didn't see Lou Ziling. His face still has a faint smile on his face. Even the frequency of his steps has not changed, so he walked to the hotel.

Luo Feiyang and Ji Mo Xuan look at each other and quickly follow up.

Lou Ziling stood there for a long time without moving.

It turned out that one day, she could be so strange to him.

It's like never knowing each other, like never appearing in his life.

She's always been a princess, always has been.

If it was not for chance, he would not even have the qualification to be the bodyguard around the princess.

Jing Xi rectification Li Zhi those things, Lou Ziling all know.

Because Li Zhi has been looking for him several times in a huff, let him go to find Jingxi, pacify Jingxi's mood, so as not to upset her again.However, Lou Ziling knew that he had no position to go to Jingxi.

What's more, Jing Xi picked up Li Zhi, can only blame Li Zhi was too cruel to her, Lou Ziling could not plead for Li Zhi.

Jingxi, as before, was not willing to suffer losses. The spirit of the ancients was strange, and he lived freely and freely.

And Lou Ziling, however, is more isolated and does not like talking.

A 15-year-old girl beside Lou Ziling took a careful look at him and said, "watch Cousin, we Is it time to go in? "

A middle-aged woman behind the little girl's voice was more cautious than her: "Ziling, did you know those people just now?"

Lou Zi Ling came back to God. He didn't know him or not. He said faintly, "I'll live here these days. My mother will come soon."

The middle-aged woman was relieved to hear that Tan Zhen would come.

She was really uncomfortable in front of this nephew. She didn't know what was going on. She always felt that she was under great pressure and dared not speak easily.

She took her daughter's hand, followed in the building after Ling, into the magnificent five-star hotel.

The little girl was very obedient. She did not look around when she entered the hotel. She followed her mother and cousin in silence.

Lou Ziling took them into the room and gave the door card to the middle-aged woman: "you can tell me what you need."

Louziling's voice is cold and clear, like a robot without emotion.

His uncle passed away for several years. His Aunt Wang Qiu and her cousin Tan Ruyi lived together and never remarried.

Tan Ruyi is Tan Zhen's only niece. She has always been in love with her. She often asks Lou Ziling to send things to the mother and daughter.

Although Lou Ziling and his aunt and cousin have met countless times, they can say a few words.

When Tan Ling Zhen is close to Wang Ling's building, she will not be afraid of her death.

When Lou Ziling left, Tan Ruyi took Wang Qiu's sleeve and said in a small voice with a white face: "Mom, does cousin have no soul?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!