Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1479

Li Zhi "cluck cluck cluck" Jiao smile: "it seems that my play is not home, actually you see through. So Do you like me

Lou Ziling didn't even hesitate for a second, and said neatly: "I don't like it!"

"Oh? Who do you like, Jingxi? "

Lou Zi Ling a Leng, then denied: "No."

Li Zhi slowly stood up, suddenly reached out and patted Lou Ziling's shoulder. There was some joy and excitement in her tone: "Lou Ziling, you just hesitated for a second."

Lou Zi Ling wanted to get rid of Li Zhi's hand, but he didn't get away from it!

His whole person is a shock, incredible look at Li Zhi: "you can martial arts!" And he's a great master!

Li Zhi took back her hand, the smile on her face had disappeared, revealing her cold side: "very unexpected? If what I expect is good, Jingxi will do it too! After all, her brother Jing Rui is more powerful than me. It is impossible for the king family to let the only little princess be powerless. "

Lou Ziling frowned: "is your ultimate goal Jingxi?"

Li Zhi lightly shakes her head: "no, I have no interest in her, I am a woman, of course, only interested in handsome men, such as You. "

Lou Ziling, of course, didn't think Li Zhi was interested in him. He frowned and thought for a while. In his mind, he flashed Jingrui's cold face like a knife. When he looked at Li Zhi's eyes, it was like looking at a Madman: "are you for Jingrui?"

Li Zhi was peeped into his mind, but still not in a hurry. She picked up her Persian cat and sat back on the sofa: "you guessed it. You know a little bit more secrets today."

"He's married a long time ago, and his children are two years old!"

Lou Ziling felt that she couldn't understand the woman in front of her.

"What does that matter? In my opinion, married men are more attractive. He knows how to love women and what is love! Is it not always easy to remarry when a man is divorced? On the contrary, if a woman has a child, she can't get married easily! "

Lou Ziling knows that Li Zhi's "woman" refers to Jing Rui's wife, Shu Yin.

Lou Ziling has met Shu Yin. Although he doesn't know the preference of other men for women, he feels that women like Shu Yin are more comfortable.

I don't talk much, but when I speak, it's always the point.

Smart, but never smart.

Li Zhi is smart enough, but with her, always makes people feel uncomfortable inexplicably.

Lou Ziling suspects Li Zhi has a problem with Shu Yin, otherwise she won't expect Shu Yin to get married.

However, none of this has much to do with him.

"Miss Li, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. You can't get Jing Rui through me. You overestimate me."

"Whether it is overestimated or not is only known by trying."

Li Zhi's face returned to a smile. She didn't mind letting Lou Ziling know some of her strength and purpose. At the tip of her iceberg, Lou Ziling would be afraid, so she would not go back easily.

"I never underestimate anyone, Lou Ziling. A year ago, I thought you were not enough. Now, it's enough. Don't underestimate yourself or me. "

Lou Ziling was silent for a long time, then slowly opened his mouth: "do you want to use Jingxi to force Jingrui? It's impossible. Just give up! "

"Why is it impossible for Jing Rui to love her sister so much? His sister's beloved man is going to marry me. Do you think he will come to me, or Please

Li Zhi seems to see Jing Rui kneeling in front of her appearance, can't help but cover her mouth and smile.

At the end of the laugh, her laughter was even madness and sharp, listening to the floor Ling straight frown.

This Li Zhi, perhaps for many years but not, now has some nervousness.

Li Zhi smile enough, just changed a pair of serious look, light way: "Lou Zi Ling, let's get married! I give you the money you want, the power, the status, all your troubles, and I can help you out. "

"I haven't planned to get married. Today I just want to solve Lou Mingzhen. If you don't want to take over, I'll go to someone else."

The reason why Lou Ziling asked Li Zhi to solve this problem was that she was cruel enough and had a good reputation. She was reliable and would not involve her employer.

He drove his uncle and his family to death. He didn't want to bear the name of louziling, nor did he want his father to bear it.

He will not be responsible for what he has done to the world.

But if you want to get married because of this, he will not agree.

Although he is not very picky about the choice of his wife, Li Zhi is obviously not suitable.

Lou Ziling refused again. In Li Zhi's expectation, she gently laughed: "it's OK not to get married. We can get engaged first. You can cooperate more to create momentum for our marriage, so that the more people know, the better."

Lou Zi Ling still refused. He felt that he had nothing to say to Li Zhi, so he stood up and prepared to leave.

Li Zhi, however, said faintly behind him: "you should be more careful when you come to see me in the future. Last time we met, the Jing family already knew that, Jingxi Of course I know. This is not conducive to our future cooperation! "

She is worried that Jingxi will destroy her plan when she knows about it, so she has some reproaches in her tone and thinks that Lou Ziling is too careless.

Lou Ziling did not respond to her, pause for a moment, think of that day Jingxi abnormal, in the heart of a doubt finally solved.

He knew for a long time that his meeting with Li Zhi could not be concealed from the Jing family, but he did not expect that the cafe he chose would be Jing Yiran.

No wonder Li Zhi chose here today. It turns out that the reason is to prevent the meeting from being known by the Jing family.

Lou Ziling drove away, and after walking a long way, she found that there was no monitoring equipment all the way. A large area here should be Li Zhi's.

Here are mostly low buildings, or ordinary small bungalows, like the quiet rural residential areas.

Lou Ziling sighs in his heart that Li Zhi's strength is really strong, and his thinking is meticulous, and the details are considered very comprehensive.

Maybe it's time for him to build his own influence in the dark.

Lou Ziling went back to the hospital. After seeing Lou Mingyang, he was in good condition, so he went to the company.

Tan Zhen in the hospital to take care of Lou Mingyang is enough. Lou Ziling will not take care of people at all. What he has to do is to stabilize the hearts of the company and solve the problem of Lou Mingzhen and Lou Zirong.

People in the company are in a panic. Many people are affected by the rumors. When they see Lou Ziling coming to the company, they also look at him with a vague eye, some in awe but some with contempt.

Lou Ziling ignored all kinds of eyes and went to the reception room, where the second brother Lou Ziyi was already waiting for him.