Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1478

Lou Ziling a pair of black eyes, Gu Jing Wu Bo, there is no sign of being angered.


Lou Ziling has never done it.

It's not worth it for people like Lou Mingzhen to dirty their hands.

If he really wanted to die alone, how could he do it himself? He can achieve his goal through the hands of others without being aware of it.

If anyone obstructs him on his way forward, Lou Ziling doesn't mind being cruel.

Which road to success is not a lot of bones?

Just like Jing Yichen, there are countless dead souls in his hands.

Lou Ziling is eager for success and strong power. He doesn't want to do anything evil with this power, nor is he addicted to money. He just wants to gain respect through these things, and he doesn't need to look at other people's faces.

Deep down in his heart, there was a thought that he was too shy to talk about. He felt that he was not worthy of Jingxi. She was a princess, but he could only be her bodyguard.

This idea, he has always covered up very well, he even prevented himself from thinking about it.

He is eager to be strong and powerful, so that one day when he can sit with Jing Xiping, he can face up to his heart.

In order to be strong, God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha. No one can stop him from moving forward!

Lou Ziling finally let people drive Lou Mingzhen and his son away, but for two weeks, the father and son came to the company every day to make trouble.

"Lou Ziling, return my property! You are a robber

"Lou Mingyang, you and your son are despicable, oppress your brother and nephew, and embezzle property. You are all criminals! You're all going to jail! "

"You embezzle public funds without permission. Now the company is empty shell! Let those employees work hard for you, and they will lose their conscience! "


Lou Mingzhen and Lou Zirong will take a large group of idle people in the society every day, pulling a huge banner, shouting in front of the building of Lou's group.

When the name of the building was raised, he tried to persuade his brother and nephew to stop and give them some money to let them go home and live a good life.

However, his kindness and kindness did not exchange for the compromise of the other party. Instead, he was beaten by the gang.

In Mu's Hospital, Mu Qing, the president of the hospital, personally treated Lou Mingyang, and his internal bleeding was finally stabilized.

Lou Ruofei had already followed Luo Fei back to the United States before. Lou Ziling and Tan Zhen were the guardians of Lou's fame in the hospital.

Her husband was beaten visceral bleeding, and even fainted for a time. Tan Zhen's eyes were swollen and her throat became hoarse because of the fire.

Lou Ziling stood by the bed, listening to Mu Qing's advice, Lou Mingyang must remember to be angry and need to rest. He made a certain determination in his heart.

When Mu Qing left, Lou Mingyang patted Tan Zhen's hand. She said with a pale smile: "how old are you? You still cry like this. It's OK. I'm fine. Don't worry!"

Tan Zhen wiped her tears, but as soon as she wiped the tears off her face, the tears in her eyes overflowed again.

She has a wonderful relationship with Lou Mingyang. Her dream is to live with Lou Mingyang for ever. Her son and daughter will eventually have their own family. Only their other half will accompany them in the future.

In case there is something wrong with Lou Mingyang, Tan Zhen thinks that she will collapse immediately.

Lou Mingyang saw that his wife was still crying, so he raised his injured hand to touch her head and coaxed her in a low voice.

Lou Ziling walked out of the hospital room and walked out of the hospital.

Father injured, mother sad, good life was wantonly destroyed, Lou Ziling will never let go of the culprit!

Lou Ziling dialed a number: "I need your help."

In the mobile phone, a pleasant female voice came out: "Lou Ziling, I finally wait for you!"

She only said a word, Lou Ziling hung up the phone, and then received a short message in her mobile phone, with an unfamiliar address on it.

Lou Ziling wrote the address in her mind, then deleted the text message, opened the car navigation, entered the address, and quickly drove to the destination.

An hour later, Lou Ziling's car stopped in front of an unimportant two story building.

He got out of the car and walked in.

The appearance of the small building is ordinary, but the interior is extremely luxurious, just like a small well decorated villa.

On the vermilion leather sofa in the living room, there was a charming and charming woman with snow-white Persian cat in her arms. It seemed that she had been waiting for Lou Ziling for a long time.

The woman raised her hand slightly, and her vermilion lips opened gently: "Mr. Lou, please sit down!"

Lou Ziling sat down on the sofa opposite her and went straight to the theme: "Miss Li, let the loumingzhen family disappear from city A. no matter where they are sent, they can live. Make an offer

Li Zhi gently clapped her hands: "good, I like to do business with happy and neat people!"

She shows all the amorous feelings that a woman should have, mature, enchanting, but also shows a noble and elegant.

In addition to her special identity, huge assets, ordinary men, even a look at her need great courage.

Even if Li Zhi is not a city person, can still have a very high visibility in a city.

But Lou Ziling was sitting in front of her, with no waves in her eyes and no love.

Li Zhi is very interested in him, she likes to conquer men, but men are too easy to be conquered will lose the fun.

For Lou Ziling, she just has a little interest. The obsession in her heart has always been Jing Rui.

Because Lou Zi Ling is very determined, Li Zhi's attitude towards him is very good: "Mr. Lou, this is just a small problem. I've always been steady and ruthless under the black hand. You can rest assured and give it to me."

She touched the soft fur of the Persian cat and gave a smile: "however, I have only one request."

Lou Zi Ling asked faintly, "what's the requirement?"

"I know it's hard for you to marry me, so I'll talk to you about it when you need me more. But if you can't marry me, it doesn't mean you can't sleep with me, can you? "

Lou Zi Ling's good-looking eyebrow slightly frowns: "why?"

Most women take their virginity more seriously, even if Li Zhi doesn't care what chastity, she can help him deal with a big problem and then sleep with him again, which is extremely unreasonable.

Li Zhi such a person, work will also lose money? It's impossible!

Lou Ziling intuitively believes that Li Zhi has a conspiracy.

Li Zhi suddenly threw the cat away. Ping Ping Tingting walked to Lou Ziling, sat down on his side and gave him a charming smile: "generally speaking, when I put forward this kind of trading method, men will be very happy. Only you, you have to ask why. Do I like you for another reason

Lou Zi Ling smelled the rich aroma of Li Zhi and held back discomfort. He said coldly, "you don't like me."