Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1370

Mother and daughter three excitedly opened the gift to talk, Zheng Yu can't help but lift the younger sister's clothes, look at her injury.

"Elder sister, you are all married. How can you take off my clothes casually?"

Zheng Yuwei covers not to show her, lest her body bruise again causes elder sister and mother two to shed tears.

Last night when she came home, Zheng Lun had already cried with her in his arms.

Zheng Lun didn't believe her explanation that she was OK.

Today, Zheng Yuwei doesn't want to explain it again.

"Don't hide, come and let me see your wound! It has nothing to do with whether I get married or not. If I get married, aren't you my sister? "

Zheng Yuwei quickly changed the topic: "did Jingzhi not send you back today? His husband is not qualified, let him go home and kneel durian! "

Zheng yuluo chuckled. She could not bear to let Jingzhi kneel.

"He sent me to the door, and then he left. I didn't let him come, so that my father would not be happy and they would not fight again."

Zheng yuluo didn't see the shadow of Zheng Jing when he entered the door. He couldn't help asking, "where's dad?"

Zheng Yuwei's mood quickly went down: "Dad is still in the Bureau. He tried Chen Yijie overnight and arrested Deng Kun. He did not admit that he kidnapped you, but the evidence is sufficient. My father is almost mad. If someone hadn't pulled him, he would have killed Deng Kun. "

Mention Deng Kun, Zheng yuluo's face is a little white.

If Jing Zhi doesn't show up, she will never remember him, and she will probably marry Deng Kun!

At the thought that he almost married an animal, Zheng yuluo felt afraid.

His abnormal and crazy appearance is so terrible, who knows what he will do to her after marriage?

Zheng Lun also knew that they almost sent their daughter into the tiger's mouth. She felt a little distressed when she saw her daughter's pale face.

"It's all because we're not good. We almost hurt you. We won't. I told your father that I'll respect your opinions and won't force you to do anything again!"

In the evening, Zheng Jing went home with a cold face.

Seeing Zheng Yulai sitting in the living room, he was obviously stunned. For a moment, he didn't know how to face his daughter.

Deng Kun was chosen by himself. After studying all aspects, he thought it was very good, and then he pushed it to Zheng yuluo's side.

Today, however, he realized how dangerous Deng Kun was.

He didn't cherish what Zheng yuluo had done 100 times.

If Jing Zhi didn't get there in time, Zheng yuluo would have been dead this time, and even his body might not have been preserved.

Those Desperado are crazy, even if they have been arrested, they still clamour, and even openly started to fight with the people in the police station.

Zheng Jing knows from Chen Yijie that Jing Zhi has received the news that Zheng yuluo has been kidnapped. He even can't identify the authenticity. He doesn't even have a second's hesitation about how much Chen Yijie wants. He calls money directly, and then drives to the abandoned factory building.

Zheng Jing felt that if it was him, he would not be able to reach the level of Jingzhi.

It's not that he doesn't love his daughter, but that he suspects that the other party is cheating. He may hang up the other party's phone directly and call Zheng yuluo first to make sure whether she is safe or not.

However, Jing Zhi didn't consider whether it was a fraud at all. He gave the money directly and went to the destination.

Like Jing Zhi, a killer organized by killers, he must know that the probability of being cheated is also very high.

He would rather be cheated than delay every second of saving Zheng yuluo.

Zheng Jing sighed deeply in his heart that if Jing Zhi was a normal person, he would have no worries at last.

The virus in his body exists one day, Zheng yuluo is dangerous one day.

Although the probability of infection is low, but it really exists. He has no way to accept the death of his daughter infected with the virus, which is killing him!

Zheng yuluo had already seen Zheng Jing. She stood up and called him softly: "Dad, you are back!"

Zheng Jing nodded and went to her side. After a long silence, he said in a low voice: "after a good life with Jingzhi, he bullied you, so he went home to find me. That Deng Kun, I'm sure I'll make him pay the price. "

This means accepting Jing Zhi.

Zheng yuluo opened her eyes in surprise. She didn't expect Zheng Jing to change her attitude so quickly. She thought it would take a long time to wait!

Seeing her surprised, Zheng Jing sighed: "I know that Jingzhi likes you. If he is healthy, I will agree with you. But now that you are married, can I still hate him all the time? Isn't that a hindrance to your marriage

The affair of Deng Kun gave Zheng Jing a heavy blow.

Although he didn't say it, he actually felt guilty about Zheng Yu.

He chose the wrong person, but his daughter did not. Now the best way is to make Jing Zhi treat Zheng yuluo better, rather than give Jing Zhi a cold face and make him stand down.Zheng yuluo was a little happy: "Dad, you should be better to Jingzhi in the future! He wanted to come today, but I didn't dare to let him come. I'm afraid you will not be happy and you will scold him! "

Zheng Jing can do it better.

As long as Jing Zhi treats Zheng Yu well and makes her happy, he, who is a father, will certainly be satisfied.

However, it is not possible for two people to get certificates.

"You tell Jing Zhi to call Jing Yiran back. Your wedding must be held."

After Zheng Jing finished, he suddenly said, "forget it, I'll tell Jingzhi about it myself! Come in a moment and ask him to come and talk to me

"Dad, tell him not to go up and I hate him. "

Zheng Jing can't help crying or laughing. His daughter has only been married for a day, and her elbow has turned so much?

"When did I despise him?"

"Last time, when he came to our house, I asked him to come in and sit down. You always said that he was poisonous or something. How bad it was!"

"It's true that he's poisonous!"

When Zheng Jing heard his daughter's resentment, he felt that his daughter had been raised in vain!

He has raised him for more than 20 years, and dare to support Jingzhi!

Zheng Yu stamped his feet in a hurry: "it's a fact that you look ugly, but does anyone say it? There are some facts that can't be said, they are hurt

Zheng Jing has been hurt to vomit blood by her daughter! Do you hurt your father so much?

Who is ugly?

He's so handsome!

"OK, OK. I don't say Jingzhi is poisonous. But his violent tendency is extremely serious, today in the bar street there, killing! We don't have enough police force! "

Zheng Yu was surprised: "ah? He killed? Is he hurt? "

"No killing, I just used a more appropriate adjective! He has beaten hundreds of people by himself. It is estimated that he will be on the news tomorrow! "

Zheng yuluo immediately said, "isn't it very hard for him to fight with so many people alone? No, I'll go first. I have to find him

As soon as her voice fell, Jing Zhi came in with a gentle voice: "the rain falls, do you want me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!