Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1369

Zheng yuluo is very distressed. She holds Jing Zhi's hand and anxiously says, "all of them have small blisters. Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No, it's going to go away after a while. I'm good at recovery."

"Then I'll rub some medicine for you and wrap it up?"

Jingzhi hugged her with a smile and gave her a cruel kiss: "do you still need a bag for this little injury? Your husband is not a piece of paper. Don't worry. It will be OK soon. Go out first. I'll cut the meat and go out. "

"Husband" this appellation, let Zheng yuluo heart ripples, she also has a husband!

My husband got up early in the morning to make food for her!

Zheng Yu fell on tiptoe and gave Jing Zhi a kiss: "you are injured. I'll cut the meat! It's easy to cut meat. I can do it

Zheng yuluo couldn't help but pick up the knife and began to cut beef slices.

Zheng yuluo originally thought that he was a girl. He was clever at cutting things.

As a result, her skills are not as good as Jingzhi's. after all, Jingzhi has strength, good coordination of body, and high coordination between eyes and hands. She can master the essentials of cutting things in a few strokes.

Zheng yuluo was much worse. She almost cut the beef slices into beef pieces.

Jingzhi didn't mind, and he always encouraged her: "it's a good cut!"

Anyway, the beef is cooked in the shop for a long time. A large piece of beef can look better if it is cut into pieces. It is also eaten in pieces.

Zheng yuluo put the beef cut by himself and Jing Zhi in a crystal plate, and then he was ashamed.

It's cut by Jingzhi. The size is basically the same, and the thickness is the same. The size is neat. It looks like the beef platter in the restaurant.

She cut It's a bit miserable. I feel that the beef in her hand must have suffered a lot.

No, no, it's a shame!

We must practice hard in the future!

Jingzhi knows that Zheng yuluo can't cook. She is also a big lady at home and never goes to the kitchen.

He picked up the plate with a smile and took Zheng yuluo's hand to eat in the living room.

Jin Xin had a little sleep. He was too hungry to get up to eat. Then he saw Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo sitting at the table. You feed me and I feed you. How kind of you.

Seeing that he got up, Jing Zhi said, "Lao Jin, come and have breakfast! I made sandwiches. Try them! "

Jin Xin went to the table and saw his breakfast. He almost thought he was still dreaming and didn't wake up at all!

No, they have lived together for such a long time, and they haven't seen Jing Zhi cook before. As soon as they get married, they become so virtuous?

Jin Xin rubbed his eyes to make sure he didn't look at him. He looked up and down at Jingzhi with questioning eyes: "you didn't poison me? Don't you think I've influenced your two world, so let me disappear? "

Jing Zhi looked at him angrily: "I always treat you as air, don't you know?"

He said, fierce side of the Zheng Yu fell into the arms, "Bo Er" a kiss.

"You see, it's all the same whether you're here or not. Should I kiss or hug?"

Jingzhi is thick skinned, but Zheng yuluo's face is red. She patted Jingzhi's thigh with all her strength: "you have a good meal, don't move around!"

Jingzhi looked at Jinxin with sincere eyes and said, "look, my daughter-in-law also thinks you don't exist. She still touches my thigh!"

Jin Xin feels that Jing Zhi after marriage has completely lost his mind and will never return on the road of spoiling his wife.

He simply took his breakfast and went back to his room.

With these two people to eat together, they do not think he is eye-catching, he also dislikes them too eye-catching!

Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo had breakfast, changed their clothes, and then drove out.

Stroll all morning, two people bought big bag small bag, picked a pair of ring again, one person wears on hand.

On the way to Zheng's house, Zheng yuluo has been looking at their rings.

This pair of rings, more than a single diamond ring let Zheng yuluo like.

She put her head on Jing Zhi's shoulder, and said expectantly, "when I go to work tomorrow, will my colleagues be surprised to know that I am married so soon? If Liu Xiaoying knew I married you, she would cry

Liu Xiaoying often accompanies Zheng yuluo to waiting. Jing Zhi, of course, knows this girl with a little buckteeth.

"Why does Liu Xiaoying cry? Aren't you good friends? She should be happy when you are married

"Oh, don't you know? Xiaoying has always liked you so much! She said you look like a movie star

After Zheng yuluo finished this sentence, he immediately reflected that Jing Zhi was really a movie star!

However, in order not to let her stay in the entertainment industry, he gave up his acting career directly.

Thinking of this, Zheng yuluo suddenly realized that Jingzhi has always been in love with her, but he is not good at expressing himself. No matter what he has done before, he is stuffy and cold.Unlike now, he's a sweet talker.

Zheng yuluo's eyes are a little wet. They have missed it for a long time!

Jingzhi is sensitive to the change of Zheng yuluo's mood. He drives with one hand, takes her shoulder with the other hand, and asks her in a low voice, "raindrop, what's the matter?"

Zheng yuluo got up and kissed Jingzhi, then leaned back on him and said, "it's OK. I just feel happy."

Jing Zhi is not only asking questions, he has already learned to give Zheng yuluo enough personal space.

When he arrived at the Zheng family, Zheng yuluo got off with a big bag and a small bag, and Jingzhi drove away alone.

These two days have really accumulated a lot of things to deal with.

He's going to clean up the people who once coveted his bar.

If he smashed his bar, he would make those people pay the price.

Since you want to stay in city a, prestige is a must.

It's better that after all people hear his name, they can run away in panic, or there are always some people who don't know the height of the earth to try his depth.

Zheng yuluo didn't know that Jingzhi attacked people aggressively and made a lot of noise, which disturbed the whole a city.

She brought many gifts home. Zheng Lun and Zheng Yuwei met her.

Zheng Yuwei galloped down from the second floor and hugged her. She cried excitedly, "sister, I miss you so much! I didn't expect you to come back today. How happy you are

Zheng yuluo was hit by her fiercely, and her chest hurt.

"How many times have you said that? Can you be gentle? It's like a tomboy, and you won't get married in the future."

Zheng yuluo gently hugged her, gently scolded her, the face is full of smile.

Zheng Lun piled all the presents in the living room. Seeing her two daughters holding each other, she wept with joy.

She was also afraid that Zheng yuluo would not go home. Now, seeing her coming back, she was relieved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!