Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 135

The men and women who came to the banquet were shocked by the dramatic change. It took a long time to accept that the two men were enemies a second ago and allies after a second!

It turned out that Huang Xinyi, who was a cousin, actually joined forces with Jili to pit her cousin!

Her cousin sang to everyone for her sake. She not only poured red wine all over her body, but also knelt down to Jili for fear that she would be bullied!

As a result, she and Jili had designed all these things!

This woman is so cruel! In the future, you must stay away from her, or I don't know when she killed her.

The most shocking person is shangguanning.

She never thought that today Huang Xinyi was not cheated by Ji Lili. Instead, she was willing to cooperate with her in acting in order to embarrass herself!

Her heart is as cold as soaking in the ice water in winter. Ji Lili treats her and embarrasses her. She is not sad or surprised. However, Huang Xinyi is her cousin. She unites Jili to fix her, which makes her feel like she is stabbed.

Is she still human?!

Shangguan Ning kneeling knee pain, she wants to stand up, but behind her two men will hold her down, not let her up.

Huang Xinyi came to her and slapped Shangguan Ning. Shangguan Ning was held down and couldn't move. She couldn't avoid it. Her face swelled up immediately.

"Ha ha ha ha, you've been drenched in the water. What a pity!" Huang Xinyi was in a good mood and didn't care about her half exposed chest and bare thighs. She pointed to shangguanning's nose and said, "shangguanning, you have such a miserable day! Hum, you didn't occupy our house. You even encouraged my father to divorce my mother. My father actually sent me to go abroad alone! We have a good home, all of which have been torn apart by you

Shangguan Ning was slapped by her, and the corner of her mouth overflowed with blood. She raised her head and said coldly, "Huang Xinyi, I don't know you are insane. In the future, you will certainly regret your behavior today!"

Her eyes are too cold and her tone is too cold, which makes Huang Xinyi feel flustered.

She immediately turned her head and asked Jili, "sister Lili, do you have anyone here who will take off my arm or leg? Last time she asked someone to take off my arm, which hurt me so much that my life is almost gone. I must let her taste that taste today! I'll take off her arm a hundred times! "

Huang Xinyi's new idea soon won the approval of jilili. She clapped her hands happily, "old five, old six, you must take off her arm! I've never seen such an interesting performance as taking off your arms. You should try your best. If she doesn't scream in pain, you two will get out of the house immediately, and you will never be allowed to enter the gate of Ji's house again! "

The two people who had been holding down shangguanning to let her get up immediately should have lifted their hands to remove Shangguan Ning's arm.

However, after two shots tearing the eardrum, the two men, whom Jili called "the old five and the old six", suddenly screamed and let go of the hands that twisted Shangguan's arm, and fell to the ground with a bloody wail.

The royal crown is famous for its luxury and elegance, but this does not mean that it is only for its appearance. When eating here, the safety is still very high. It is OK to make a small fuss, but shooting and killing have never happened here.

Who is it?

Dare to open fire here!

People panic around looking for the lawless perpetrator, and for a long time they lock in a man standing at the door with cold and murderous intent.

However, the man in suit who did not know when he appeared in the banquet hall was not known. Behind him, followed by more than 20 men in black, all of them just came out of hell, all of them were full of evil spirit.

As soon as the leading man appeared, all the men here were compared by him.

His elegant facial features are sharp and angular, as hard as a knife. His well-cut black suit shows his nearly perfect figure. With his cold and noble temperament, mature and steady breath, the women on the scene are trapped in a short time.

When did city a have such a perfect man? Why we have never seen him before!

Did he just fire it?!

In jingyichen's black eyes, it was all cold. His eyes did not go to see anyone in the banquet hall, but strode towards shangguanning.

When Shangguan Ning sees jingyichen, the whole person relaxes and feels that the knee is numb.

She wanted to get up, but because she knelt for too long, she couldn't get up at all, so that she swayed slightly and then fell to the ground.

Jing Yichen hugged her in her arms. Her eyes turned red, but her voice was more gentle than ever: "baby, if you want to take a bath in red wine, tell me that we have some red wine. I will take you to our vineyard in France. You can make whatever you want. The quality of red wine here is too low, only suitable for feeding dogs. Next, let's have a dog fight, shall we

As he spoke, he took out his white handkerchief and tried to wipe the red wine off shangguanning's face.Shangguan Ning saw the veil and thought of Tang Yun's words. She didn't know how to hide subconsciously.

Jing Yichen's hand was slightly stiff, thinking that shangguanning was afraid that he had come too late to let him wipe it, so he apologized softly to her: "honey, I'm sorry, I'm late, wipe my face, and I'll avenge you in a moment."

Shangguan listened to his words, and his heart was warm. He didn't seem to mind the handkerchief. He let him gently wipe his face clean.

Jing Yichen holds Shangguan Ning to a chair and sits down. Then she takes off her coat which has been wet by red wine. She takes off her suit and puts it on her body. Then she looks at the crowd.

Ji Lili has never met jingyichen. She doesn't know who he is. Seeing that he not only shot and wounded her own people, but also saved shangguanning, so she wiped her face carefully and spoke to her gently. She was jealous and angry in her heart!

Shangguan Ning that fox spirit, when did you catch such a high-quality man! Is this her husband?!

No, she has to grab it!

She went to jingyichen and said in a commanding tone: "don't you know me?! I'm mayor Ji's daughter. Please kneel down and apologize to me, and I'll forgive you! Otherwise, I'll ask my mother to drive you out of city a! "

Jing Yi Chen looks at her without expression, that look in the eyes is as cold as looking at a dead person.

Ji Lili was cold all over, and just wanted to say something again, but was kicked to the bottom of the stage by jingyichen without any sign.

Her body fell to the ground like a broken sack with a dull sound.

If it wasn't for the thick carpet on the floor, it would have killed her.

However, although jilili did not die, she felt that her internal organs seemed to have moved. The bones on her body seemed to be splitting inch by inch. She couldn't even send out a scream in pain! , the fastest update of the webnovel!