Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 136

Ji Lili's eyes turned black and lying on the carpet. "Wow," she spat out a big mouthful of blood. Her face was as pale as paper, and there was no more bossy and arrogant before.

Seeing this, several bodyguards who are responsible for protecting Jili Li's safety immediately rush to jingyichen, but before they get close to jingyichen's corner, they are subdued by the man in black he brings.

Looking at all the people who opened the door: "Leng Yichen!"

As soon as his voice dropped, the whole banquet hall was filled with the piercing sound of guns and the crack of glass, and everyone screamed with fear.

The sound of the gun lasted for two minutes. When it stopped, the crowd found that no one was injured. What they shot and smashed was the expensive crystal chandelier on top of their heads.

All the lights were broken, and the banquet hall fell into a short period of darkness. Soon the emergency standby lights were on, and the banquet hall became bright again.

All of them were frightened to hold their heads and shrink on the ground, for fear that they would be hit in the head if they were a little higher than others.

There are timid people, have been whining to cry, there are bold people, take out the mobile phone, want to call for help.

They just came to a birthday party. How could they think their lives were in danger!

However, the caller soon found that the signal here was blocked in a short period of time, and could not make a phone call or send a message at all!

When everyone was in a panic, jingyichen said coldly, "everyone, take off your shoes and step on it."

People are stunned, looking at the broken crystal all over the ground, no one moved.

Are you kidding? These things don't make a hole in your feet when you step on them!

But jingyichen's men are not vegetarian. In their violence, soon everyone took off their shoes and stepped on the fragments of crystal chandeliers barefoot.

The most beautiful and pure crystal in weekdays has become a sharp fragment that makes people change color and frighten. It deeply pierces everyone's heart.

The women were all shivering and crying, and the men were no better. Their faces were all pale.

Jingyichen turned a blind eye and said in a strong tone: "Li duo, whose feet are not bleeding, give him a shot!"

Because Li duo fights with jingyiran's people, his face is covered with bloodstains, which makes him look terrible. At the moment, when he hears Jing Yichen's orders, he should be immediately.

Then I'll take the people under me to check them one by one.

Found that there are no shoes, immediately in the calf shot, immediately screamed repeatedly, no one dare to play smart.

"Congratulations, you're all in love with Jilly. Now, all of you kneel down! If you don't have a broken knee, make up for it

Someone was screaming and cursing, "what are you? Why should we kneel down! Let me go! My father is the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. If you offend me, my father will make you die very ugly! "

As soon as his voice fell, he was shot in the knee, and he fell to the ground, bleeding from the broken crystal.

All the people around him knelt down with their heads in their arms. They didn't care that their knees were punctured and bleeding.

When everyone knelt down, jingyichen walked up to Huang Xinyi, who had already been scared out of face. She said in disgust: "you have to thank your surname Huang, otherwise, it will be more than just bleeding today!"

He finished and nodded to a Hu who had been looking at her: "take off your arm and throw it down!"

Without saying a word, AHU skillfully removed her arm. Huang Xinyi yelled at the pain. Everyone below was terrified.

After that, Huang Xinyi was thrown on the crystal chips under the stage and lay side by side with Jili. Both of them were covered with blood and were in a state of confusion.

Shangguan Ning looks at Huang Xinyi being tortured. Although there is no trace of sympathy in her heart, she is still worried. She is afraid that her uncle will be sad if something happens to her.

Jing Yichen patted her hand and said in a soft voice, "don't worry. It's just a little skin injury. It will hurt and die, but it will never die. If you don't give me a hard lesson, you will do it again. "

He comforted his wife, then strode to Tang Yun and looked at her with a kind of cold eyes: "take off your shoes, kneel on the debris."

Tang Yun opened her eyes in disbelief and lost her voice: "you What are you talking about? "

"I don't want to repeat it a second time, and don't make me shoot!"

"Are you crazy?! I'm Tang Yun, brother Yichen. Don't you know me? How can I kneel down for Shangguan like those people! I'm not going! "

Jing Yichen is in a very bad mood. Shangguanning is bullied by so many people and teased by Huang Xinyi and Ji Lili. He is in a rage and has no patience to treat Tang Yun.

He grabs Tang Yun by the collar, pulls her to a pile of debris, kicks her on her knee, and kneels down on the sharp crystal.

Tang Yuntong almost closed her breath and wanted to speak, but jingyichen seemed to know what she was going to say. She said coldly: "what I owe you is what I owe you, and what you owe her is that you owe her. She looks at my face and is embarrassed to ask for debts from you. I want them all for her! You should know best that I have always been a cruel man and have been very kind to you todayHe said, no longer looking at Tang Yun, but went to the table where the red wine was placed and took two bottles of red wine.

Jilly looked at the man who was like a murderous God coming out of hell. She came to her with red wine. The whole person was shaking with fear.

"I My mother is the mayor! If you know the truth Just get out of here... "

Before she finished her words, the red wine in jingyichen's hand directly and severely hit her head.

With a loud bang, the bottle of red wine exploded. Glass fragments and red wine burst on Jili's head, and the blood from her head slid down her cheek to her body.

Deep in the bone marrow of the pain hit, jilili felt like her head exploded in general, simply unable to think!

She wants to pass out directly, but jingyichen's control is just right, which not only makes her feel worse than death, but also doesn't let her faint in the past!

On the contrary, Huang Xinyi, who was beside her, screamed and fainted.

However, jingyichen can't be so cheap for her, he orders ah Hu to splash her with red wine.

When Huang Xinyi opens her eyes, she is still in the banquet hall!

Jingyichen see her sober, without hesitation to another bottle of red wine hit her head.

There was a loud bang again, and the blood gushed out of Huang Xinyi's head. Her shrill screams echoed throughout the banquet hall. However, like Jili, she would die in the next moment of pain, but she was still awake and could still feel the same pain from needles on her head and body.

She screamed and called "cousin", eager for Shangguan Ning to come to rescue her, but what she received was only Shangguan Ning's incomparable indifference in her eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!