Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 131

Xie Zhuojun had the feeling of being involved in a huge deception a long time ago, but this feeling only appeared for a moment, and it was very vague, and he ignored the past.

Today, the feeling is so clear that he wants to escape.

In a flash, he had a large amount of cold sweat, soaked through his expensive shirt.

Shangguan rouxue fell to the ground, her dress was wet, and her whole body was in great pain. What's worse, Xie Zhuojun didn't come to help her for the first time as usual!

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Xie Zhuojun's aloof face.

He had never seen her with this kind of eyes, which made her feel cold on her back and made her very flustered!

He is always so gentle and doting on himself that he would like to give her the best things in the world. He said that no matter what happens, he will always love her, only love her!

Why have they changed recently?

He has become very busy recently. She works from the TV station. He will not wait to pick her up outside the TV station. When she thinks of him and wants him to accompany her, he is always accompanying customers. Even when her mother is scalded and in urgent need of treatment, he does not appear!

Not only that, when they were doing the most intimate things, he was completely free from the tenderness and consideration of the past, and ran rampantly, regardless of her pain, just blindly vent!

It's shangguanning. It's all her fault!

If she has been abroad and will not come back for a lifetime, Xie Zhuojun will not waver and be attracted to her!

She looked at Shangguan Ning's back, her beautiful eyes full of resentment.

Her hands clung to her skirt, and her hatred was like a huge wave.

Four years ago, she was able to grab Xie Zhuojun and force her to go to guanning. Four years later, she can still do it! She will never allow shangguanning to stay in a city!

The bitterness in her eyes disappeared in the blink of an eye. Instead, it was a misty mist filled with innocence and injustice. It seemed that her fall was entirely the fault of shangguanning.

"Sister, how can you do this to me! I'm your sister. My mother's face is ruined by you. I don't blame you. Can you sit down and talk to me? I really miss you

Most people are not as close to them as Xie Zhuojun, so they don't see what happened just now. Hearing Shangguan rouxue say, they all think that shangguanning tripped her up.

Everyone looked at Guan Ning with some disdain. Only Xie Zhuojun, who was standing beside her, saw clearly what she had done before and after. At the moment, she felt as sick as eating a fly, and her whole face turned white gradually.

At the moment, the gentle expression on her face is still strange!

Shangguan rouxue was a little flustered by Xie Zhuojun's eyes. She was not sure that Xie Zhuojun had seen her movements, but looking at his eyes now, it was estimated that she had found something.

No, no, she must not let Xie Zhuojun doubt her. She will marry him and live with him for a lifetime! He can't doubt her!

Shangguan rouxue was lying on the ground, her face was a little pale. She covered her legs, and her tears whirled in her eyes, but she didn't fall. She looked more and more pitiful: "Zhuo Jun, I just sprained my foot. Help me up quickly. It's so painful..."

In the past, every time she used this move, she was very effective. No matter how angry Xie Zhuojun was, he would immediately come to hold her and comfort her.

However, this time she waited for a long time, Xie Zhuojun still did not move, like a sculpture, there was no expression on his face.

The door of the banquet hall was opened again, and a tall and straight man came in.

As soon as he came in, he caught the eyes of all the women in the banquet hall.

High nose, sexy red lips, enchanting beautiful peach blossom eyes, sinking amber eyes, perfect and delicate face, beautiful almost can not distinguish men and women.

But he was tall and upright, and his whole body revealed a kind of noble spirit. He was not half feminine and handsome.

Shangguan Ning hears the sound of opening the door and subconsciously looks back at it. As a result, jingyichen, who has just entered the door, threw a wink at her.

Today, he is wearing a dark gray double breasted retro British Plaid suit, which should have been solemn and classical style, but he just put on a frivolous feeling.

Shangguan Ning doesn't like him and ignores him directly. He continues to search for Huang Xinyi's figure.

Jing Yiran came in and received the eyes of countless women. However, Shangguan Ning, who cared about him, refused to give him even a trace of residual light.

However, as long as she didn't have the slightest breath like that day, she couldn't bite and beat him like usual. As long as she could see her standing here alive, he was in a good mood.

Look, or alive and kicking, she just makes his whole blood excited, just let him full of energy!

Jingyiran is in a good mood, she likes to meddle in her own affairs and has a little too much to talk about.He put his hands in his trousers pocket, swaggered to Shangguan rouxue, stretched out his foot and kicked her. Then he said in a disdainful way: "this lady, your acting skills are so bad that you are still dressed hard there. Don't you see that your fiance doesn't pay attention to you? Get up and get out of here! Oh, the world is going down, the host has to pretend to be a beggar to beg for food! "

He said Shangguan rouxue. He didn't look at her beautiful face. He directly put out a finger and poked Xie Zhuojun's head. After poking, he took out a snow-white veil to wipe his fingers, as if Xie Zhuojun's head was dirty.

"Have you ever been kicked in the head by a donkey? Unexpectedly, I like this kind of vicious woman. Tut Tut, it's really the world's largest. Every radish and vegetable has his own love! Oh, by the way, I remember that you were a vegetable

Jing Yiran patted her thigh with a sudden realization. Then she ignored Xie Zhuojun's eyes of killing people and looked at him with a pitiful expression and said, "the brain of a vegetable should be better than the brain that has been kicked by a donkey. You can be forgiven for looking at such a woman! Oh, you are really good. I advise you to go to the hospital to have a look at your brain, or it will be late to get married! Divorce is going to take away half of your family property, and you'll lose all your hard-earned money, you know? Well, I guess you don't know. What can vegetable people know? "

"Oh, yes! I've also brought you a little gift to meet you! " He said, as if suddenly remembered something, took out a wrinkled photo from his pocket, forced it into Xie Zhuojun's hand, and looked at him with the expression that you have made a lot today. , the fastest update of the webnovel!