Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 130

Uncle Huang Xinyi is such a daughter. She grew up in the palm of her hand when she was young. She did not suffer any hardship. She was very easy to be cheated. She even had no brain than Jili.

Although shangguanning didn't like Huang Xinyi's bad temper and was not friendly with her all the time, it was one thing for her to quarrel with her cousin, and another thing to let her be destroyed by Jili.

She didn't want her cousin to make any mistakes, otherwise she could not tell her uncle.

Uncle has no wife, only daughter, she is a niece can not let his old age have no one to take care of.

When she has time, she may be able to inquire about his uncle's preferences and find him a suitable partner.

Although my uncle is more than 50 years old and has white hair on his head, he is tall and bulky. When he was young, he was also a handsome young man pursued by many young girls. Now, although he has more wrinkles on his face, he has a calm and restrained mature aura. All he does is the self-confidence and edge of a successful entrepreneur. As long as you clean up a little bit, you have to clean up, It looks like she's only in her forties.

Shangguan Ning made up his mind that when he was young, his uncle would protect her and take care of her. Now, she will take care of his uncle and his daughter.

When she attended the party, she didn't even wear a pair of light blue sports shoes.

She didn't really go to Jilly's party. There was no need to dress up deliberately. For her, it was not an important occasion at all, and she didn't need to support Jilly.

Shangguan Ning doesn't know what jilili will do. To be cautious, she calls Li duo who has been following her secretly and tells him that he will go to the party and something may happen at the party. In case of any conflict at that time, it will be convenient for Li duo to adapt to circumstances.

When Shangguan congealed to the royal crown, Jili's birthday party had already started, and the whole royal crown was wrapped by her. In the luxurious banquet hall on the third floor, there was a scene of cheering and cheering.

The banquet started as early as 7:30. Ji Lili deliberately informed Shangguan Ning that she wanted to wait until all the guests came and let shangguanning make a fool of herself in front of everyone.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Shangguan Ning went to the third floor.

As soon as the door of the banquet hall on the third floor is opened, there is a sense of luxury. The gorgeous crystal chandeliers on the top of the head can't open their eyes.

All the men and women in the room wore expensive and luxurious dresses of various colors, showing their most elegant side, so that they could catch a heterosexual with good status at this level of banquet.

On the stage of the banquet hall, four men in black tuxedos are playing the violin attentively, bringing melodious music to the whole banquet hall.

Shangguan Ning's casual clothes, which are incompatible with the whole party, attracted a lot of attention as soon as she came in.

She turned a blind eye to all the strange eyes and looked for the figure of her cousin Huang Xinyi in the colorful crowd.

Before she found it, a strong aroma came, a gentle woman appeared in front of her, blocking her sight.

"Sister, you are coming! Lily said you would come today. I didn't believe it. I didn't expect you to come, but why didn't you change your dress? "

Shangguan Ning didn't want to say a word to her. She turned to go, but Xie Zhuojun came over with a glass of wine.

"Xiaoning, it's really you. I don't believe it when Xiaoxue said you came. But I'm afraid you don't fit well in this suit? "

Shangguan, as like as two peas and a disliked man, is almost the same as what he said, like a good line.

Shangguan rouxue is well-known in a city. As soon as she came over, many people in the banquet hall had already seen it. In addition, Shangguan Ning's clothes that were incompatible with this place aroused the interest of men and women.

The people who can be called by Jili to attend this kind of banquet are basically either rich or expensive. They hardly need to work on weekdays. Their families have arranged everything for a long time, so they all have a lot of time to waste. They all come here with the mentality of making more powerful children. Of course, if there is a lively look, everyone will be as excited as if they were beaten with chicken blood.

Shangguanning doesn't like this kind of occasion. She seldom attends such a banquet. Moreover, she has not come back to study abroad for four years, so few people know her.

Everyone looked at her in secret, wondering how she would be abused by Jili, the host of the party.

After all, Ji Lili values face most. She likes to be accompanied by other people to eat with her. She likes to hold various parties. However, if the people who come to attend are not good-looking, or don't dress up to grade or formal, she will not be polite enough to drive people out.

Shangguan Ning didn't want to waste time with Shangguan rouxue. She was afraid that Huang Xinyi would make a mistake for a while. She said coldly to the two people: "get out of the way!"

Shangguan rouxue flashed a trace of ruthlessness in her eyes, and then she bumped into Shangguan Ning with her wine glass.Shangguan Ning had long been familiar with her move and could not be familiar with it any more. When she moved her body, she immediately flashed away.

Today, thanks to her flat shoes and casual clothes, she was able to avoid Shangguan rouxue so easily.

And Shangguan rouxue wore a light pink off the shoulder dress and high-heeled shoes. She was not as agile as usual.

So when Shangguan Ning avoided, she fell straight to the ground, and the red wine in the wine glass spilled all over her body, and dyed the high-end dress that she spent millions of customization.

This time, Shangguan rouxue deliberately bumps into Guan Ning's action because of her miscalculation, because Shangguan Ning responds more quickly than usual, leading Xie Zhuojun to see the whole thing clearly.

His fingers holding the glass tightened at once, making a squeaking noise with excessive force.

He couldn't believe looking at his fiancee who fell to the ground. He couldn't believe what his eyes had just seen!

In his heart, he was innocent, just like a piece of paper!

She deliberately bumped into shangguanning. If shangguanning hid more slowly, the scene today would be exactly the same as that on their engagement day. All people would see was that shangguanning knocked Shangguan rouxue to the ground, causing her to be wet by red wine.

Xie Zhuojun brain has a moment of blank, the whole world seems to be spinning, that kind of terrible feeling of being cheated covers his whole body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!