Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1297

The next morning, Deng Kun came to pick up Zheng Yu as usual and left for work.

Looking at the daughter and the son-in-law out of the double into the right, Zheng Jing finally satisfied.

Her daughter can marry anyone, but she can't marry Jing Zhi.

Fortunately, Jingzhi has not appeared for a long time, and his family never mentions anything about him. Zheng yuluo has forgotten him again. It's God's will!

Deng Kun is much better than Jing Zhi. He is gentle, modest and considerate. He is not only good to Zheng Yu, but also filial to her elders.

Every time I came to Zheng's house, I would bring all kinds of gifts and gifts. My uncle and aunt called me intimate and respected them very much, which made Zheng Jing have a sense of satisfaction.

Zheng Lun, however, was not at ease in her heart. Looking at Zheng Jing's satisfied face, she could not help but say in a low voice: "are you really going to let them get married like this? I always feel that Luoluo doesn't like Deng Kun. I want her to marry someone she likes, or I'll regret it all my life. "

Zheng Lun himself is married to love, and his relationship with Zheng Jing has been very good for more than 20 years, and he has never quarreled.

She felt very happy and wanted to make her daughters happy.

Zheng yuluo has no love for Deng Kun. She always says that she seems to have forgotten some things and an important person. Zheng Lun feels extremely distressed every time.

Zheng Jing turned his head and said faintly: "I think Deng Kun is very good. He has taken good care of the fallen. Now it's hard to find such a considerate person."

The most important thing is that Deng Kun is in good health. He doesn't have any messy viruses. He doesn't poison people with a little blood. He also has a serious job. Unlike someone, he makes a living by killing people!

"Lun Lun, don't worry. Both of them have been in love for so long, and her daughter has not raised any objection. It can be seen that she is also satisfied with Deng Kun. It's settled. I'll talk to the Deng family and see when it's better for them to get engaged. "

Zheng Lun has the idea what has been lacking. The family size is Zheng Jing has the final say. She thought and thought that it was reasonable, and she said no more.

In Deng Kun's white Lexus car, Zheng yuluo is also thinking about marriage.

"Luoluo, we have talked for so long, it's time to get married. I want you to be my wife. Do you want to?"

"We will be very happy in the future. I love you and you will love me. In the future, we will have two children, eat together and walk together. Do you like it?"

Zheng yuluo doesn't know if it's a proposal, but she finds that she doesn't have a little heart and a trace of yearning.


Why is this?

Is it because there are no roses?

Or is Deng Kun not kneeling on one knee with a diamond ring?

Or is it because she knew for a long time that Deng Kun not only misunderstood her and her sister, but also was gentle and considerate to other women?

No, no, no!

There was a voice in her mind telling her that it was not for these reasons!

The real reason is that she has no heart!

From the day she woke up, from the day she forgot someone, she also forgot her own heart.

Deng Kun was chosen not because she liked this person, but because her parents liked him and her sister liked him. They all said that this person was very good, suitable for love and marriage.

Only Zheng yuluo knows how disgusted she is to be touched by Deng Kun.

But she's been patient.

Family members say he is good, so he should be really good, right?

Even if there is no Deng Kun, there will be others. She will choose a man to marry.

Although Deng Kun is a bit of a playboy, he is good-natured, progressive and generous. It seems that there is nothing wrong with marrying him.

Zheng yuluo closed his eyes, pressed down the inexplicable bitterness and pain in his heart, and said with a smile, "marriage matters must be discussed with parents."

Deng Kun's handsome face also showed a smile: "well, you're right. Let our parents discuss it. We'll listen to you. You can get married whenever you want. "

It was not until Zheng yuluo was sent to her company that the smile on Deng Kun's face disappeared.

His lips hook up a cruel arc, the tenderness in his eyes has long disappeared, replaced by a vicious and cruel.

Having been in love for so long, he and Zheng yuluo have not made any substantial progress at all.

Every time I touch her, she is stiff like a piece of wood. Once she kisses her, she even vomites directly!

Which one of his family background, appearance and career is not a first-class one?

The women who chase him line up!

The wood like Zheng yuluo is not as good as Zheng Yuwei, who is hot tempered and always hits people.

It doesn't matter. When he gets married, he has many ways to torture Zheng yuluo in bed!

What he means is that wood can also be turned into a unique creature by him!

"Wood" Zheng Yu, dressed in a light gray business suit, stepped into the company with the same color of diamond high-heeled shoes. As soon as people in the company saw her, the originally heated scene of discussion suddenly quieted down.Zheng yuluo was a little unclear, so she said good morning with a smile, and then went to her desk and sat down, turned on the computer and prepared for work.

She does design work, logo design, cover design, etc., the company's boss is a friend of Zheng Jing, Zheng yuluo's work is easy, no one will impose on her work.

Zheng yuluo studied microbiology in the first two years of University. Later, she dropped out of school to become an actress. When she returned to school, Zheng Jing helped her change her major and learn design.

He always said, this is what girls should learn.

All majors are the same for Zheng yuluo.

Since learning design can make her family happy, she accepted it.

While Zheng yuluo was working hard, there was a whisper in the office.

"Hello, Hello, Xiao Chen, are you right? When her boyfriend is so nice to her, how can she mess with other women in the bar

"Yes, I hear they are going to get married soon? They are very happy to see them at ordinary times. Are they all pretended to be for us? "

"I can't be wrong! By the way, I also took photos. Take a closer look. Is that Deng Kun? "


Gossip is always the fastest spread, Zheng Yu fell to more than four o'clock in the afternoon, already know all the rumors.

Colleagues in the company all look at Zheng yuluo with a kind of "you are so pitiful" and "we sympathize with you". However, Zheng yuluo is like a person who has nothing to do. He should do drawing and drawing, and drink coffee and coffee.

In fact, she had heard a lot of such rumors when she was in college.

Deng Huaxin knew it for a long time.

His tenderness is like water, not only for her, but also for many other beautiful girls. , the fastest update of the webnovel!