Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1296

The diamond identification agency once tried to persuade her to sell them diamonds, but Zheng yuluo refused.

She didn't know who gave them to her, but she knew that they must have been given by the most important people.

It can't be someone who accidentally left it.

Before, she was lying in the intensive care unit, and no one had ever been inside except doctors, nurses and family members.

She also asked her sister many times. She said that no one had visited her except for her parents and her.

Diamonds, a symbol of eternal love, except for individual collectors, ordinary people buy diamonds for marriage proposal and marriage.

Zheng yuluo's eyes are shallow at a loss. Who wants to propose to her?

She took the diamond, went to the closet, stroked the man's gray coat inside, and slowly closed her eyes.

There are tears in the inadvertent slip, Zheng yuluo uncomfortable some can not breathe.

Every time she approached the dress, she would cry unconsciously.

She was more and more sure that the owner of the dress must be a very important person to her.

But why did she forget him?

Why didn't he come to her?

Or is he no longer in the world?

Zheng yuluo had been transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward, and read his own news.

There was a speculation in the news that she committed suicide.

Zheng yuluo felt absurd at first. She had parents and sisters. She lived happily. Why did she commit suicide?

But now, she has gradually believed that she may have committed suicide.

But when she woke up, she completely forgot the reason for her suicide and someone else.

No one has ever mentioned anything about him as if he had never existed.

But in the middle of the night, she always remembers a warm embrace, holding her, even calling her with her surname: Zheng yuluo, you wake up!

The dream is fragmented, the voice is fuzzy, and his shadow is even more blurred.

After waking up from the dream, she was always tearful and couldn't breathe with heartache.

Zheng yuluo wiped the corner of his eyes, hid the diamond, changed his clothes, closed the cabinet, and walked out of the room.

Zheng Yuwei had been waiting outside her room. Seeing her coming out, she immediately went up to her with joy, took her arm and said with a smile, "sister, let's go. My brother-in-law has been waiting downstairs for a long time."

Zheng yuluo smiles and nods, goes downstairs with her, and then three people go out for a walk together.

It would have been strange for the three to take a walk together.

But Zheng yuluo didn't like to take a walk with Deng Kun alone, so she would be more comfortable.

Zheng Yuwei is not at ease. Her sister is alone with Deng Kun. She is always afraid that she will suffer losses, so she comes half heartedly.

As for Deng Kun, the two sisters have the same appearance, but different personalities. One is gentle and graceful, the other is lively and hot. They accompany him for a walk, which is quite meaningful for them to serve their husband together. He is so vain that he can't wait for them to come together.

Zheng Yiwei doesn't fight against the rain.

And in front of Zheng yuluo, he stealthily takes advantage of Zheng Yuwei. In order not to let Zheng yuluo find out, Zheng Yuwei will usually swallow her anger.

Deng Kun quietly touched Zheng Yuwei. Seeing her gritting patience, she just wanted to laugh!

He took Zheng yuluo's waist in a good mood and pressed her into his arms. Seeing Zheng yuluo's submissive appearance, he felt better.

Zheng yuluo asked softly, "how do you have several red marks on your face?"

Deng Kun's gentle smile: "it's OK. I just played with Wei Wei and was scratched by her. She's like a little wild cat all day, and she's always joking

He said, a deep look at Zheng Yuwei standing on the side of the fall.

Zheng Yuwei ignored him. With a slight effort, she pulled Zheng yuluo out of Deng Kun's arms. She hugged her and played coquettish with her: "elder sister, my brother-in-law just wanted to enter your room. I stopped him from letting him in, and then I scratched his face carelessly. Don't blame me! I want to protect you! "

Sawei seldom rain, so she has no principle.

What's more, she is really unwilling to let Deng Kun into her room.

My sister did the right thing.

It seems that it is not good to scratch Deng Kun's face.

"I don't blame you, but don't scratch your face next time. You can tickle it!"

Zheng yuluo's tone is smile, look relaxed, a look is really not to heart.

Zheng Yuwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Jingzhi stands under a tree on the roadside, watching Zheng yuluo talk and laugh with Deng Kun. Sometimes, he hugs them affectionately. The sadness in his eyes can't be concealed.

Perhaps, his eyes are too strong, if Zheng Yu falls to feel, suddenly turned his head to look at him.Jingzhi put his hat on his head, lowered his brim, covered most of his face, and walked away in silence.

Deng Kun was originally telling a joke to Zheng yuluo. Seeing that she didn't respond, she couldn't help asking, "Luoluo, what are you looking at? Isn't my joke funny? "

Zheng Yu fell back to his senses and said with a smile, "nothing. I didn't hear you clearly just now. Can you tell me again?"

Deng Kun good temper told the joke again, Zheng yuluo with a smile.

However, Zheng yuluo's heart did not have any happy feeling, she always felt empty, as if missing something important.

She couldn't help looking back at the lonely figure in the distance.

Night vision is not good, the other side is too far away, Zheng yuluo can not see anything, can only see a general outline.

But, I don't know why, she always felt that the man just now, if she put on the coat in her closet, would be very suitable.

Zheng yuluo gently shook his head and laughed at himself.

Walking on the road, she always unconsciously looks at the height and figure of men, imagining the other party's appearance in that gray coat.

However, up to now, the most suitable person for her is not the lonely shadow just passed by, but Deng Kun standing by her side.

Of course, she never asked Deng Kun to try on the dress. She only noticed that the size of Deng Kun's dress matched that of the gray coat.

The man who just walked past seems to be a little thin. If you put on that overcoat, you should be a little fatter.

After walking outside for an hour, Deng Kun took the two sisters home, and then drove back to his home.

Zheng yuluo stood by the window, watching Deng Kun drive away, an inexplicable sense of familiarity hit her.

She always felt that before Deng Kun, she had also stood by the window, watching someone leave, disappeared in the vast night.

Zheng yuluo touched his heart and murmured: "if I can't think of you in this life, will you hate me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!