Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 125

Ah Hu's character is simple and honest. How can he stand Mi Xiaoxiao's teasing!

What's more, AHU is very good at it. In case Mi Xiaoxiao touches her and gets angry, how can she be hurt.

Mi Xiaoxiao laughed and whispered, "I just want to tease him just because he looks like a dull wood. There is absolutely no other meaning. He looks very bullied, hehe..."

Shangguan Ning has some helplessness. She didn't see ah Hu's ferocity. Otherwise, she didn't want to tease him.


The next day was Huang Lihan's birthday.

This day happens to be the weekend, Shangguan Ning and jingyichen set out from home early in the morning.

Jing Yichen is driving, Shangguan Ning calls his uncle.

As a result, Huang Lihan simply forgot his birthday today and laughed happily when he heard that his niece was coming to celebrate his birthday.

When Shangguan Ning arrives at the villa where Huang Lihan lives, Huang Lihan is already waiting at the door.

Shangguan Ning saw his uncle's white temples in the breeze.

She took a deep breath and quickly got out of the car. She carried the purple clay teapot and the birthday cake she had just picked for him yesterday and handed it to him with a smile: "happy birthday, uncle! This is a gift I specially selected for you. Don't dislike it! "

Huang Lihan took the gift. He was very relieved and laughed: "how dare I dislike what you gave me. You used to cook so bad, but I ate it with my eyes closed!"

Two people talk Kung Fu, Jing Yichen stopped the car, also walked down.

When Huang Lihan saw him, he was surprised and said: "isn't this the boy of laojing family? Why are you here today? "

Shangguan Ning smile, some embarrassed way: "ah, the original uncle knows Yi Chen, today I specially brought him to celebrate your birthday."

Before Huang Lihan understood the meaning of her words, jingyichen said respectfully to him: "Hello, uncle, I'll celebrate your birthday with a Ning. I should have come to visit you, but I was too busy to see you some time ago. This is my birthday present

He said and handed the gift.

Shangguan Ning didn't know that jingyichen had prepared a gift alone. She couldn't help showing a faint smile. She felt as sweet as drinking honey.

Huang Lihan was very surprised. After a while, he said in disbelief: "Xiaoning, what's going on? You... "

Shangguan Ning took his uncle's arm and laughed happily: "uncle, I'm married with Yichen!"

Huang Lihan looked at his niece, then looked at jingyichen, who was serious. Finally, he made sure that they were not joking. Then he sighed and murmured: "Lao Jing is right. He has fulfilled his wish..."

Shangguan Ning didn't hear him clearly, so he couldn't help asking, "uncle, what do you say? What's right? "

Huang Lihan immediately shook his head, lovingly patted Shangguan Ning's hand and said with a smile: "nothing, uncle is very happy!"

He took the gift from jingyichen's hand, fixed a look at him for a moment, and said meaningfully: "Xiaoning grew up under my protection. Her character is somewhat simple. I hope her choice is correct."

Of course, Jing Yichen understood what he meant. He nodded and said firmly: "of course, it's right, because she didn't choose me, but I chose her."

The implication is that he chased shangguanning. Of course, he will treat her well.

However, Jing Yichen just heard Huang Lihan's soliloquy, and he began to wonder in the bottom of his heart: did his father, Jing Zhongxiu, have long been attracted to shangguanning and wanted to marry her? Otherwise, how could Huang Lihan say what he wanted?

Shangguan Ning didn't want jingyichen to be preached by his uncle, so he immediately led him to the villa: "Oh, uncle, don't stand outside and say, let's go in quickly!"

Huang Lihan didn't know how careful she was. Seeing her talking to Jing Yichen, he felt a little sour in his heart. He felt that his niece, who was closer than his daughter, was protecting others!

"Hum! Xiao Ning, it's not my uncle who said you, how can you keep quiet about such a big marriage? What should you do if you are cheated by others? You haven't known this guy for a long time. Why did you get married so soon? He's good and bad, you know? Do you know all the mess in his family? Uncle, I usually teach you how, think twice before you act! How can you just know that you are long, but you don't have a heart! "

Jingyichen, who follows them, is covered with black lines by Huang Lihan. How can he cheat people? Where does he look like a bad guy?

Shangguan Ning was not happy with Du Qi's mouth and said, "how can I not have a long heart? I've been much smarter these years! Yichen is very kind to me. You must not speak ill of him

"Oh, I've just said a few words. You just want to treat him like this, even my uncle!" Huang Lihan said, wrung her wrinkly little nose, "female big not stay, uncle too sad! No, I can't. I have to fight with Jing Zhongxiu and cheat my niece to his house. I saw me yesterday, but I didn't miss a word! The old man is really more and more interestedShangguan Ning hugged his uncle's arm, put his head on his generous shoulder, and said with some seriousness: "uncle, when will I not want you? You raised me up. I am the closest to my uncle! And uncle Jing is very kind to me

Uncle has always been her most solid support, if not for him, she would not have grown up so healthy and happy.

Huang Lihan finally felt much better after hearing her say so.

Having raised a child for many years, he married so quietly, and his heart was empty.

However, as long as Shangguan congeals well, he will be satisfied.

Jing Zhongxiu is very clear, affectionate and righteous. There is no messy woman outside. He has strong self-control and willpower, but he doesn't know how much jingyichen is like him.

Three people into the living room, Shangguan Ning but found something wrong.

She glanced around and looked at Huang Lihan suspiciously: "what about uncle, aunt and cousin? Not at home today? "

Huang Lihan was silent for a moment, and then said faintly, "I divorced her. Don't call her aunt any more. She is not worthy to be an aunt! Your cousin has been sent abroad to study, and she is allowed to come back once a year. "

Shangguan Ning was shocked and lost his voice and said, "uncle, how could this happen? Is it because of me? "

Huang Lihan comfortingly patted her on the back: "don't think blindly. It has nothing to do with you. It's me who can't get along with her. She I've changed too much and taught your cousin wrong. I didn't see my husband in my eyes. That's why I divorced her , the fastest update of the webnovel!