Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 124

Jilili waited for a long time. She didn't hear Xie Zhuojun answer herself. She couldn't help looking at him angrily. She found that he was staring at shangguanning, and his eyes seemed to stick to her.

"Xie Zhuo Jun, I speak to you. Are you deaf or mute?"

Xie Zhuojun always does not like Ji Lili's insolence. He told Shangguan rouxue many times that he would not let her have too much contact with Jili, but Shangguan rouxue didn't take his words seriously.

At the moment, he hated jilili from his heart. Without her words, he directly said to Shangguan Ning: "Xiaoning, get on the bus. I'll take you back with your friends."

Shangguan Ning looked at him in surprise. How could he treat her so well? He didn't watch her throw hot water on Yang Wenshu that day. Did he hate her? Isn't she vicious?

Mi Xiaoxiao's gossip cells are 100 times more active than ordinary people, and they are as good as ghosts. At this moment, where can we see that shangguanning has a story with them, and that Cinderella is bullied in the story.

"No problem, we have someone to pick up! Driving a broken Land Rover, trying to pick up our wife? Tut Tut, it's too cheap. My wife never takes this kind of broken car. Let's keep the three of you

She changed her address to shangguanning immediately, but she didn't say who shangguanning's husband was. She could see that shangguanning didn't want to let these people know about her. Otherwise, the sister of Shangguan rouxue should know about her marriage.

She doesn't worry about getting involved. In any case, her boyfriend can serve as the driver of shangguanning and come to pick up people immediately.

The three of them thought that she was just acting when they heard her calling. If you look at the two of them, you can see that no one has come to pick up.

Jilili couldn't hold her breath. She immediately said, "if anyone comes to pick you up today, my princess won't be surnamed Ji. She will take your surname! If no one comes to pick you up, you two will lose. Kneel down to school and bark twice! "

As soon as she finished speaking, a luxury Aston Martin stopped in front of them, followed by eight new rolls Royces worth tens of millions.

Nine cars, a luxury eye-catching team, instantly compared Xie Zhuojun's half old Land Rover into scrap metal.

The first car came down a suit man, tall and honest, it is jingyichen around ah Hu.

He didn't look at jilili. He went straight to shangguanning and said respectfully, "young lady, the young master will let me take you home. The young master has already bought the things you want. Please get on the bus."

Shangguan nodded and pulled Mi Xiaoxiao, who was still staring at nine luxury cars, into the car.

Mi Xiaoxiao was shocked. She just said it casually. I didn't expect that the CEO really sent someone here! And it's such a luxurious lineup!

She was pulled into the car by Shangguan Ning before she regained consciousness. She immediately laughed and said to jilili outside the window: "Hello, just you. After learning dog barking, go home and change your family name! Shangguan Lili, ha ha! Did your father know you changed your family name

Mi Xiaoxiao didn't know that jilili followed her mother's surname, but thought that she was the same as ordinary people, with her father's surname. As a result, she inadvertently a word, the Ji Lili gas almost fainted.

She has never had a father. She has always been brought up by her mother alone. The word "father" is the most taboo in her life.

No one has ever dared to mention her father in front of her!

Her angry face was white and her heart was cruel. She must let Shangguan coagulate to death very ugly!

She watched the nine cars go away, causing many people on the road to exclaim and praise. She couldn't help but curse: "just pick up two farts. Is it necessary to send nine cars?"?! Show what, we have more money! Two foxes are not worthy of such a good car

Xie Zhuojun and Shangguan rouxue on one side did not agree with her. Both of them were silent and had different expressions.

Aston Martin

Looking at the luxury car, the important things that he had been dreaming of disappeared in his dream.

She married, married a mysterious and powerful man, that man's body sends out the cold, let him remember, still feel cold.

Shangguan rouxue has no way to believe that Shangguan Ning has been married!

The nine cars made her envious eyes red. Jilly didn't go to a street and was picked up by a motorcade!

Her new nails, deeply pinched into the palm of her hand, the sharp pain from the palm, let her wake up.

She glanced at Xie Zhuojun around her. A trace of gloom flashed in her beautiful eyes. Then she took Xie Zhuojun's arm and said in a soft voice, "Zhuo Jun, sister, she Are you really married? Why didn't I hear the news at all? "

Xie Zhuo Jun was silent for a long time, but did not answer her words, just a light way: "it's not early, hurry home, I still have entertainment tonight, can't delay down."Shangguan rouxue's smile on her face was stiff. She saw that he turned around and went straight into the car. She didn't take care of her into the car as usual. She had to bite her teeth.

But only a moment later, she returned to her former gentle appearance and pulled Jili to the car with a smile.


Mi Xiaoxiao sits in the back seat side by side with Shangguan Ning, and the excited light in his eyes almost blinds Shangguan Ning's eyes.

This is a luxury car for the president. It is said that no woman has ever sat in it!

I think shangguanning has been sitting in shangguanning for a long time. I didn't expect that she would be lucky enough to take the most luxurious and representative car in a city with the help of the president's wife.

If the women in the PR department knew that she had come home in the president's car, they would have gone mad with envy!

Ouch, her mi Xiaoxiao is lucky. She made a female friend for the first time. The result is that the president's wife is more mysterious than fairy tales!

She went back and forth to look at the whole car, even ah Hu who was driving. She almost saw a hole in ah Hu's body.

Ah Hu knows that she is a friend and colleague of the young lady. Last time, he secretly photographed the young master having dinner with Tang Yun and complained to the young lady.

He si didn't mind being stared at and turned to her politely with a simple and honest smile.

Seeing his simple and honest appearance, MI Xiaoxiao couldn't help trying to tease him. Just as he was about to touch his face, Shangguan Ning on one side couldn't look down. He quickly stopped her and whispered in her ear: "Ms. Mi Xiaoxiao, how are you? You are also the elite white-collar workers of Jingsheng group. Can you be more reserved?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!