Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1232

Jingzhi, a killer, doesn't believe in Buddhism at all. Otherwise, he would have to commit suicide with guilt if he had killed so many people.

"Follow me. Don't get into the crowd. You're the primary target of human traffickers. If you make any more mischief, I won't take you out to play! "

Jingxi ignored him, or desperately to go forward, to chase Zheng yuluo.

Just now, Zheng yuluo looked at Jingzhi's eyes, which was a lingering and deep one. Obviously, she had a different feeling for Jingzhi, so she must go after her!

"Second brother, look, the rain fell sister went to the marriage hall!"

When Jing Zhi looks up, he can't see Zheng yuluo.

However, no matter where Zheng yuluo goes, he doesn't care much about it. What can he do if he goes to the marriage hall? Is it really a good marriage?

He didn't believe in all the ghosts and snakes.

Jingzhi picked up Jingxi and didn't allow her to chase Zheng Yu again.

Pei Xinhua doesn't know him, but he has seen all the treatments in Zheng yuluo's family, and he knows Pei Xinhua.

It is estimated that no one in the Zheng family likes him. If Pei Xinhua knows the relationship between him and Zheng yuluo, he will certainly speak very hard.

Jingzhi didn't want to beat Zheng yuluo's father only yesterday. Today, he beat Zheng yuluo's grandmother. It's better not to see her.

This is the first time in Jingzhi's life that he chose to give in, and for the first time he did things without impulse.

He would rather be a shrinking turtle than make Zheng yuluo sad.

Jingxi is still young and doesn't understand the meaning of this. She just thinks that Jingzhi doesn't chase Zheng yuluo when he sees him. It's not like his wild character before.

"Second brother, I think the grandmother next to me seems to be sister Yulai. You should go and say hello to your elders and make a good impression! If you can meet in the marriage hall, it is also a kind of marriage

Jingxi doesn't know Pei Xinhua, but judging by her age and appearance, she guesses that it should be Zheng yuluo's grandmother.

"Or, you can also grab sister Yulai directly from the old man's hand! Second brother, you have changed. You were not like this before

She still likes the arrogant and fearless second brother!

Jingzhi took Jingxi to the hall of peace, and said faintly, "if I go there, people will think I'm going to challenge. It's not good to fight. I have a bad temper. If the old lady talks badly and hurt her impulsively, Zheng yuluo should cry again

Jing Xi immediately opened his eyes and said in disbelief: "second brother, after you shaved your head, your head has changed too!"?! You're really going to become an eminent monk now

She thought about it carefully and found that Jing Zhi's words were reasonable.

Jingzhi is impulsive and doesn't like to hold back and bend. The viruses in his body have transformed his body and his character, making him violent and belligerent. Sometimes he gets angry and hits people unconsciously.

Jingxi learned about this virus from Shu Yin in detail. Unless the willpower is extremely strong, it can suppress the irascibility brought by the virus, otherwise it will be affected.

Jing Zhi's impulsive personality is not voluntary, but passive.

He can restrain himself now, obviously also heartache, Zheng yuluo has the upper hand, change a person, he just don't care whether to break the arm or break the leg.

But, in this way, are they going further and further?

This is not like the appearance of love, is clearly to be a stranger!

"Second brother, why don't you change your girlfriend? I'm sorry to see you like this."

Jingzhi suddenly lost his smile. He touched his sister's little bald head and said with a smile, "I'm not very good now. You're heartbroken! Your second brother, even if I become a monk, I'm sure there will be a lot of beautiful women going to the temple to throw themselves in their arms and arms! "

Jingxi was touched with a bald head, and immediately went to touch Jingzhi's bald head. Then he was overjoyed and said, "second brother, if we go home today, will my brother feel that there are too many light bulbs at home?"

"Ha ha! No, he'll just beat us both, and he won't be able to find it anywhere

Both brother and sister are not the kind of people who love sad spring and hurt autumn. After a while, they are happy again.

Jingxi is a natural pistachio, as long as she wants to make Jingzhi happy, Jingzhi will soon be coaxed up by her.

Two people jump up and down in Dayun temple, but they still have to pull the old host to dance. The old host is almost driven crazy by these two monkeys!

He's a very old man. He was highly respected. Now, his image has been destroyed!

However, how do you feel with this brother and sister, he is much younger?

Compared with Jingzhi and Jingxi, Zheng yuluo kneels on the futon of the marriage hall, feeling the quiet and sacred atmosphere in the hall, but suddenly has an impulse to become a monk.

If she can't spend her whole life with Jingzhi, she would rather live in a temple and live a life of qingdeng Gufo.

Apart from Jing Zhi, she has nothing to worry about.

There are not only temples but also nunneries in city a, but they are relatively poor.Once upon a time, several famous stars had been in a city's Qinxin nunnery after being too tired in the entertainment industry.

Qinxin nunnery is also famous for this.

Buddhist meditation can really make people get rid of the flashiness and enjoy the essence of life. In the world of life, disturbances are inevitable. Only the holy land of Buddhism and Taoism can make people have peace for a short time.

In fact, Zheng yuluo doesn't believe in Buddhism. She is a real materialist.

She just kind of likes to be out of things.

Pei Xinhua asked for the marriage contract for Zheng yuluo. After spending 20 yuan to solve the marriage contract, she was very happy and said to Zheng yuluo:

"Luoluo, the master said, you can definitely marry a good husband in the future! Rich and happy, very good! Don't worry about your father now! In the future, you can forget that Jing Zhi, go to school well, find a good job after graduation, and have no worries about finding a partner! "

"Oh, by the way, I have to ask for another one for your sister! No, no, no, no, you are twins. You beg for your sister. The master said, the closer the blood ties are, the more accurate you are! "


Pei Xinhua chattered, Zheng yuluo followed her without saying a word, cooperate with her, no matter what Pei Xinhua asked her to do, she did it obediently.

It's good to make the old lady happy.

Dayun temple has been around for a long time, but Zheng yuluo doesn't see Jing Zhi any more. She also makes an excuse to go back to the Peace Palace with Pei Xinhua. Unfortunately, the monks in the temple have changed into real monks in the temple.

All the spirit of Zheng yuluo was taken away in an instant, and she could not see Jing Zhi. She already felt that there was nothing left for her in the whole temple.

When I saw Jing Zhi just now, there was an obvious bruise on his face, which was obviously beaten by Zheng Jing yesterday.

Zheng yuluo has some heartache, but the most painful thing is that they are so close that she can't touch him and comfort his injury. , the fastest update of the webnovel!