Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1228

In addition to Jing Rui's words, he is willing to listen to his parents, and he is not responsible for talking to his parents.

Now there is a Zheng Jing that he is not familiar with. How can he do things? The rebellion in his bones broke out directly. He completely forgot that Zheng Jing was Zheng yuluo's father.

His hand grabbed Zheng Jing's collar and pulled him forward. He almost fell to the ground.

Zheng Jing has been exercising for many years, and his physical quality is very good. He is not his opponent, but in Jing Zhi's hands, he has no resistance at all!

At this moment, Zheng Zhi was scared out of her wits when she was sitting in the car!

He once almost killed Zheng yuluo with one foot, which made her feel a little bit frightened when she saw Jing Zhi using force.

What should he do if he doesn't have a heavy hand and takes the life of Zheng Jing?!

Zheng yuluo ran in front of two people with his fastest speed and yelled: "stop it! Don't fight

Jingzhi didn't let go, nor did Zheng Jing. He also grabbed Jingzhi's collar, and the two pulled them apart. Then they both fell to the ground because of imbalance.

Two people can't hear Zheng yuluo's words, their eyes are full of ferocity, it seems that they want to kill each other.

However, on the whole, Jing Zhi had the upper hand. Although he didn't have the heart to kill Zheng Jing, all the moves he would use were cruel moves to kill people. Zheng Jing was more on guard.

Zheng yuluo was crying, she saw her father's mouth bleeding!

"Stop fighting, stop fighting! Jingzhi, let go of my father, he will be killed by you

Zheng yuluo's voice was sharp and shrill. Jing Zhi, who was in a manic state, suddenly came back to his mind. The fist he had intended to hit Zheng Jing's face was taken back.

But he stopped, Zheng Jing's fist fell on his face with a bang.

Jingzhi's cheek was swollen.

However, he didn't fight back. Zheng yuluo had already cried out of breath. He gave Zheng Jing one more time. Maybe the faltering Zheng yuluo would cry and faint directly.

He didn't like to see her cry.

If we don't fight, what can we do even if we kill Zheng Jing?

Just add their own bad deeds, Zheng family has more than enough reasons to oppose him and Zheng Yu fall together.

Jingzhi got up from the ground and didn't care that his brand-new casual shirt and slacks got dirty. He got into his car and quickly left the area.

He was angry and bitter, because he was still despised by others. Maybe the Zheng family had never changed their views on him. He always thought he was a dangerous monster?

I hit Zheng Jing today. I was really impulsive.

But Jing Zhi didn't regret his impulse. He wanted to beat Zheng Jing for a long time!

Zheng Jing always objected to his falling together with Zheng Yu. He never said anything nice about him. He taught Zheng yuluo when he was a child into that virtue. It's light to beat him up!

But I'm afraid Zheng yuluo will be upset and angry.

Jingzhi shakes his head, slams on the accelerator and flies like a lightning bolt.

Zheng yuluo is really distressed and angry.

She helped Zheng Jing into the car. Her eyes were swollen with tears and became peaches: "Dad, we'll go to the hospital right away. Do you want to worry? Why don't you stop driving and I'll call an ambulance

At this moment, Zheng yuluo hates that he can't even drive a car. Otherwise, even if he doesn't have a driver's license, he can drive his father to the hospital immediately.

Zheng Jing was beaten a bit miserably. He was not Jing Zhi's opponent at all. Today's fight made him understand that Jing Zhi was completely beyond the scope of normal human beings!

He's not a man!

"Luoluo, I don't care, but you must remember Dad's words. From today on, you are not allowed to associate with Jingzhi any more! He is too dangerous

Zheng Jing's blood flowed out of his mouth. His cheek was swollen and high. He was a little laborious in speaking, but he still said every word clearly.

"Dad, it's not what you think. He's good to me. He's not in danger. I'm..."

"You don't need to explain, just say, can you do it?"

Zheng yuluo was forced by his father and was already in tears: "Dad, can I take you to the hospital first? We'll talk about it when you're ready. You're still bleeding. I'm so scared

After all, Zheng Jing is still more distressed for his daughter. He knows that he looks a little miserable now. Zheng Yu has not seen much blood since he fell so long. This kind of battle must have scared her.

"I'm ok. It's all skin injuries. It's frightening. It's not serious. It's just a few days."

Zheng Jing said, coming out of the back of the car, sitting in the driver's seat and driving to the hospital.

Zheng yuluo wants to stop him, but she can't stop him at all. Seeing that Zheng Jing can still drive, she feels that at least this proves that his problem is not serious. Jing Zhi does not kill him, nor does he pick Zheng Jing's fatal weakness to attack.She was in a mess. She was worried about Jingzhi's injury, and angry that he had beaten Zheng Jing.

Even if you look at her face, he can't do anything to Zheng Jing! This is the father who gave birth to her and raised her!

All blame her own bad, today she had to get on Jingzhi's car and kiss him.

The two of them were kissing each other in the car. Zheng Jing must have seen clearly that he would be so angry.

Now, Jing Zhi added another charge today. Zheng Jing's attitude has been very firm.

They soon arrived at Mu's hospital. Zheng yuluo had no time to think about it and helped Zheng Jing into the emergency room.

Mu Qing was surprised to see the old man injured like this: "who did this? If you dare to beat the director of the Public Security Bureau, you think your life is too long? "

Zheng Jing shook his head, did not explain, just said: "don't ask, medicine, bones should be OK, deal with trauma can."

Mu Qing disagreed: "are you a doctor and I am a doctor? Go to take a film first, the film shows that your bones are OK, that's really OK

Zheng Jingao can only agree with Mu Qing.

At least one month of recuperation and fracture of the ribs and small arm were required to show multiple fractures.

Zheng yuluo has been almost self reproach to death, Dad's forearm fracture, unexpectedly all the way to drive to the hospital! How much pain he suffered!

Zheng Jing was surprised by the result. When he and Jingzhi fought, both sides had their hands. How could he still have a fracture? He didn't feel much pain!

But with a bone injury, he won't be able to work for at least a month.

Zheng Jing was angry and said in a low voice: "Stinky boy, the brute force of the whole body, I don't know what I grew up with! But for my quick reaction, I would not be able to stand up at this moment! "

Mu Qing died of curiosity: "which boy? Why are you beaten? I don't remember how many people can beat you to the ground? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!