Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1227

Jing Zhi can't bear to hold Zheng yuluo's waist and lift her from the front passenger's seat to his lap.

Zheng yuluo exclaimed, originally holding his face hand, subconsciously to embrace Jingzhi's neck.

The radian of her head is slightly raised, which is just convenient for Jingzhi to ask for it.

The two lips fit together, some soft, some hot, it is easy to ignore everything around.

No one is born to kiss, but if you are deeply in love, this kind of thing doesn't need special study or extra practice. Everything will come naturally.

For a long time, he has never been so affectionate and passionate as he is now. In the past, Jing Zhi's kisses were basically superficial. Today, Zheng yuluo only felt that he was going to be swallowed by Jing Zhi.

When the lips and tongues were entangled, they were suddenly interrupted by a burst of percussion.

Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo suddenly separate and turn to look at the window.

Zheng Jing took back his hand that knocked on the window glass, and roared in shock and anger: "the rain falls, you get off immediately!"

Zheng Jing's voice is like a huge thunder, shaking Zheng yuluo from a fiery flame into a ball of crushed ice.

She scrambled down from Jing Zhi, opened the door and stood in front of Zheng Jing. She was at a loss and didn't know how to defend herself and Jingzhi.

Jing Zhi's eagerness is also quenched by Zheng Jing. He doesn't want to let go of Zheng yuluo. However, he knows that if he doesn't let go, Zheng yuluo will be in a very awkward situation.

He had to let go.

"Rain, you go to my car and wait, dad has something to say to Jingzhi!"

Zheng Jing's voice showed incomparable sternness, and Zheng yuluo's shoulders were shaking with fear.

Seeing this, Jing Zhi felt particularly dazzling. He looked at Zheng Jing with a bad look, and said in a cold voice, "director Zheng is really powerful. He scared his daughter out of his wits. You are very capable?"

Zheng Jing didn't pay any attention to him. He just stared at her daughter with severe eyes. Seeing that she refused to go, he even frowned tightly: "what are you doing in a daze?"?! Go to my car

Although Zheng yuluo was afraid of her father's majesty, she was afraid that her father would fight with Jing Zhi. She just stood there with her head down.

Of course, Jing Zhi was not afraid of Zheng Jing. He couldn't see Zheng yuluo's indignant and aggrieved appearance. Seeing this, he said directly: "you go first. I'll tell director Zheng that it's time to go home."

Zheng Yu falls to listen to his tone seems to be more gentle, do not want to hard with Zheng Jing's meaning, this just hesitated to leave.

However, as soon as she left, Jingzhi's look changed immediately. Her eyes were cruel as if she could kill people.

Zheng Jing's eyes are no better!

Just now, he drove past here and took a casual look at it. Because Jingzhi's brand-new sports car is really eye-catching, it just stops on the road, regardless of whether parking is allowed there or not. It looks like a second generation ancestor who ignores the rules.

Zheng Jing didn't care much about it. As a public security bureau chief, he would never get out of the car to drive the car owners who were disturbed by the parking regulations. Naturally, the traffic police brigade would deal with this matter.

However, he only looked at it, all the blood gushed to the top of his head, angry he almost fainted!

In the sports car, the second ancestor sitting seems to be the most dangerous Jing Zhi, and the person sitting on him who is forgetting to kiss him is his daughter Zheng yuluo!

The two of them are a little fishy. Zheng Jing had already guessed it and had warned his daughter seriously. But what did he see today?!

When did two people develop to this level?

A few days ago, Zheng Yu did not say that he would never see Jingzhi again?

Didn't she die of Jingzhi because of Xiaoyue?

Zheng Jing thought of the picture of his daughter sitting on Jingzhi's lap just now. He told him to keep her away from Jingzhi. How could he be so close instead of far away!

"Jingzhi, don't pester my daughter, let alone touch her! Your own body, don't you know the danger?! The rain falls the body quality is weak, cannot withstand your virus! If you want to harm others, do not harm the rain! "

Jingzhi "ha ha" laughed and pulled a sarcastic arc from the corner of his lips: "I finally know why Zheng Yu treated me as a monster when he was a child and avoided me like a snake and scorpion!"

He stepped down from the car and stood in front of Zheng Jing and said coldly, "don't you see it? She's in my arms and I kiss her. Is she dead?! She's still alive! "

In the past, Jingzhi was not sensible. He always thought that it was Zheng yuluo and his sisters that were too bad, so he would pull all the children together and isolate him.

But now he knew that Zheng yuluo was not bad at all. Her world outlook and judgment of people were taught by her parents.

Perhaps, the title of his monster was not given by Zheng Yu, but by Zheng Jing?

Children's world was originally simple without impurities, the reason why their world has become no longer pure is that adults put a lot of garbage into it!"If you keep close to her, she will not be far away from death! Once and twice is good luck, if long-time contact, who can guarantee that the rain is not dangerous?! You must leave her! "

Zheng Jing's eyes are red, on the one hand is angry, on the other hand is heartache.

Jing Zhi was beaten by the police before. The two people who hit him have died because their wounds touched his blood.

He didn't want his daughter killed!

There are so many men in the world. There is no need to choose one so dangerous!

That's life in love!

"Since you are so afraid of your daughter's death, you should tie her to your home with an iron chain. If you walk for a long time, who can guarantee that Zheng Yu will not be hit by a car? There are so many villains like me outside these days. Maybe she will be killed one day? "

Jingzhi was not in a good mood. He said mercilessly: "besides, it's not sure who's bothering you. Your daughter insists on getting on my car. I'm not a good thing. There's no reason why I don't eat the meat that comes to my mouth!"

"You come to scold me when you have a problem with your tutor? Hehe, thanks to you, I have been taken away since I was ten years old. I have grown crooked without parents' instruction. I can't live but kill people. Do you want to try my head and move

Jing Zhichang is so big that he has not been criticized by Zheng Jing for many times. He is used to living a reckless life. In the past, he did not give up his life. If anyone offended him, he would return it a thousand times and a hundred times. After others knew that he was not afraid of death, few people would fight against him.

Even the people from the virus research institute and killer organizations basically follow him and give what they want. , the fastest update of the webnovel!