Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1220

In fact, the more Shu Yin hates Shucheng mountain, the more happy Jing Rui should be. Because in this way, Shuyin won't have too much knot in his heart when he forces Shucheng mountain to commit suicide.

However, he did not want to make Shu Yin feel that he was not treated by his father because of his selfishness.

At other times, Jing Rui doesn't know, but at least before Shucheng mountain dies, he is thinking about his daughter.

He regretted that he had pushed his daughter into the fire.

Shu Yin unfolds the letter, looks calm and begins to read the last words of Shucheng mountain.

The last words are very long. On a piece of A4 paper, they are all small characters.

The handwriting is Shu Yin's familiar script. When she was a child, shuchengshan taught her to write. Even after ten years, she still remembered his handwriting.

In his last words, Shu Chengshan did not send Shu Yin to the Research Institute for him, nor did he apologize to his daughter. What he emphasized was the confrontation between him and Jing Rui at that time and the cause of his death.

He wrote clearly in the letter that he had chosen to commit suicide voluntarily.

As a killer, he fails in his mission and is killed by the target. However, he doesn't need Jing Rui to do it. Suicide can preserve his dignity.

He also said the content of his agreement with Jingrui. He helped Jingzhi recover her memory and Jingrui protected her life.

All his property has also been handed over to Jing Rui, who will transfer it on his behalf.

If it is someone else, he is not at ease, but Jing Rui's reputation is very good, he believes in Jing Rui's character, so he will directly hand over the huge assets to him.

If possible, he hopes that Shuyin can win a little bit of ambition, fascinate Jing Rui, marry him, be the young wife of the Jing family, and live the best life.

After reading the last words, Shu Yin still looks calm.

He was neither moved by shuchengshan nor angry at his death.

She was even a little bit like reading the last words of an unimportant person, and she couldn't make any waves in her heart.

Family affection, died long ago in Shuyin!

If shuchengshan were alive now, Shuyin would never recognize him.

She handed the letter to Jing Rui and said faintly, "take it. Maybe it will be useful in the future. If Jiang Manshu comes back to pester her and gives her this letter, she should be able to shut up!"

Shu Yin's face is expressionless. Jing Rui can't understand her inner thoughts, so he can only accept the letter and take her downstairs to dinner.

Usually the appetite has always been very good Shu Yin, but this time only ate a little, even her favorite chicken wings, also ate only one.

"No, I'll go back to my room and lie down for a while."

Shu Yin said, then got up and went upstairs.

Jing Rui doesn't force her to go upstairs, but she feels a burst of pain.

Her parents are wearing masks, even he did not tell her the truth, Shuyin at the moment is strong and calm are pretended.

Jing Rui puts down his chopsticks, takes a bath and enters the bedroom.

The room is dark, and there is no light on. Jingrui turns on the floor lamp and gently walks to the bedside to lie down, and then holds Shuyin into his arms.

"Yinyin, I didn't mean to hide it from you. I'm afraid you will leave me if I say this."

Shu Yin lies quietly in his arms, no words, no movement, like a puppet without soul, numb and stiff.

"Don't get me wrong. I didn't know shuchengshan when I first asked you to trade with you. Later, the research institute collapsed and I protected you out of the promise to him, but now I am with you, not because of him."

"In my heart, you have nothing to do with each other. I will not change my feelings for you because of the death of Shucheng mountain. I couldn't find you two days ago. I'm going crazy. I'm afraid you'll have an accident. I'm afraid you'll know the truth. I'll hate me and leave. "

"I've solved the problem of the Lou family. I heard the recording in your mobile phone. You don't believe other people's nonsense. Just trust me. We make our own decisions, and the Lou family has no qualification to intervene."

Jingrui said a lot. He usually talks less and seldom talks like this.

Because he didn't know which sentence Shu Yin would like to hear or which sentence could reassure her, he simply said all the possible misunderstandings of Shu Yin.

After a long time, Shu Yincai asked him softly, "can I still believe you?"

She's a little scared. Sometimes the more you trust someone, the more you hurt.

She felt too insecure in her heart. She never believed anyone before. Later, she worked for Jingrui for two years. After getting familiar with his work style and personality, she dared to trust him slowly.

However, shuchengshan died in his hands such a major matter, she did not know.

She couldn't imagine whether there were many other things that she had been deceived.

Her trust in Jing Rui has almost reached the point where he says black is black and white is white!

Shu Yin fell in love with Jing Rui at first because of her worship of his personality charm. She was submissive to such a man from the bottom of her heart. She believed in all his decisions, and she obeyed all his arrangements.Whenever she has her own independent ideas, if she follows Jing Rui's opinion to the left, she can always prove that she is wrong.

During the two years of cooperation, Shuyin saw the real charm of a man and let her know that she was really just a frog in the well.

Therefore, after leaving the Research Institute, she also wants to follow Jing Rui.

Until she realized that Jing Rui had to arrange her life and even control her everything, she had the heart of resistance.

Later, Jingrui pursues her, but she doesn't embarrass him at all, so she agrees.

It's not that she wants to agree so quickly, but her heart trusts him, adores him, and no one else in the world can match him.

He said that he would make her happy in the future, and she firmly believed in it.

If her trust in Jing Rui completely collapses, her whole person will also collapse.

This kind of result, Shuyin can't bear.

For Shu Yin, it doesn't matter how Shucheng mountain died, whether Jiang Manshu is alive or dead. Ten years of hatred can't be dissipated overnight.

What she cares most is all she has now, her Jing Rui.

Her feelings for her parents have been exhausted in the torture, but her feelings for Jing Rui have accumulated and become more and more.

Before Jing Rui held her, she would feel happy and warm, why now leaning on his arms, she only felt cold?

"Yinyin, believe me. Of course you have to believe me, and you must believe me!"

Jing Rui raises Shu Yin's chin and makes her look at himself.

"This is the only thing I've ever concealed from you. Other things, all my secrets, have never been deliberately concealed from you. You know, it's easy for me to cheat you about Shucheng mountain! "

"I can even put it on Lucas. After all, you have decided that people were killed by him. Lucas, I have a way to get him to admit that he killed people."

"But I didn't. After you had doubts, I still chose to confess to you! I hid it, but I didn't cheat. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!