Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1219

In Shuyin's impression, her father is a very kind-hearted man who loves to coax his wife and tease his daughter. His biggest hobby is to take care of flowers and plants. How could he be a killer!

And a top killer!

The world can be regarded as the top killers, less than 10, and each hand is covered with blood, killing countless!

Jing Rui and Jing Zhi, the two killers who came out of the killers' organizations, are not top killers because they are too young. After training, they have officially become killers for only two or three years. The number of killers is far from the minimum standard of top killers.

Jing Rui affirms: "yes, he is a famous hypnotic killer in the industry. He is skillful and extremely expensive. I should have been killed for a reward. We didn't know each other before. The reason why I know him is because I checked your identity when I chose you to take care of Jing Zhi. "

Shu Yin's fingers holding the letter were shaking slightly: "when did he start to be a killer?"

Seeing that her face was a little pale, Jingrui could not help holding her hand and whispering: "it was before you were born, but not famous in the later period. He is the unique hypnotic killer in the world. His hypnotic ability is unmatched and his willpower is not strong. It only takes a few seconds to be hypnotized."

Shu Yin suddenly "ha ha" smile, but there is not a trace of smile in her eyes, her laughter is also full of sadness.

Jingrui can't help but hold her in his arms, gently stroking her back, and heartache: "Yinyin, don't do this. I didn't want to tell you about this, but now I have to. It's OK. It doesn't matter to be a killer. Your father actually loves you. Don't hate him. "

"Don't hate me. If I do something wrong, you can beat me and scold me, but under the circumstances at that time, I had to kill him, or he would have killed me in the dark all the time. To tell you the truth, his hypnotism worries me very much. I can't leave such a big hidden danger

Shu Yin wanted to cry, but she found that she couldn't shed a single tear.

She allows Jing Rui to hold herself, but she doesn't reach out to hold Jingrui.

"I always thought that after I was eight years old, I lived in nightmares. Before I was eight years old, I lived in nightmares," she said in a hoarse voice

She doesn't mind that shuchengshan is a killer. She thinks she has been cheated for too many years!

Killing is not a big deal in her eyes. There are people dying in the research institute every day, but she will not kill easily.

Until today, she began to know the true face of her parents. After being cheated for so long, her heart was so painful that the whole person seemed to be torn apart!

It turns out that her parents are not dead!

Jiang Manshu is alive!

Shucheng mountain is still alive!

If he didn't want to kill Jing Rui, he would have been alive until now!

They live outside freely, where they want to go, but send her to hell! She has never been out of the Research Institute for ten years!

No wonder they don't get married. No wonder their parents seldom take her out to play. They both have huge secrets!

In that case, why give birth to her?

If there is no Jing Rui to tell her, she is still in the dark, do not know why she will be abandoned, do not know why she is obedient but still into hell.

But in this way, it makes sense why shuchengshan met Lucas and became good friends!

Many killers are involved with people in the Research Institute. Shuchengshan's hypnosis is so powerful that it may not all be attributed to hypnosis. It is likely that Lucas provided him with a hypnotic virus.

Shu Yin has been stimulated a lot these two days. She thinks that her psychological quality is excellent and she has never been afraid of any storm. However, the feeling of living in hypocrisy and lies since childhood is too bad!

She had doubted some memories of her childhood before, but now it seems that some of her beautiful memories do not necessarily exist!

Skilled hypnotist, can really go deep into a person's heart, change her memory.

"Sound, don't think too much about it."

Jing Rui sees Shu Yin's thoughts in his heart, but he still objectively states his views on Shucheng mountain.

"When I sent you to the Research Institute, I think Shucheng mountain was really forced. He has too many enemies and you are too young. He thinks your mother is dead and wants to avenge her. He has no extra energy to take care of you. Therefore, he will send you to the Research Institute. It is well protected and full of viruses. No one will go to such a place to kill you. "

"He knew that I wanted to hypnotize Jingzhi with him, and only offered one condition, that is, let me promise to protect you for life. He is guilty and loves you, and the most regretful thing in his life is to give you to Lucas

These words, in Shu Yin's view, are all fragile and vulnerable.

She still can't forgive.

No one knows how much pain she suffered to survive.The only motivation she had to survive was that she wanted to grow up and be strong, and then kill Lucas, all the people who gave her the virus to make her miserable!

She was particularly disappointed when she learned from Lucas that her parents had died.

Because, in this way, she had no way to stand in front of them and question why they had abandoned her, and there was no way to let them know what an excellent daughter they had abandoned.

Shu Yin said coldly: "he doesn't love me. What he loves is that woman and himself! Since you are going to kill him, he knows that he can't live in any case. He also thinks Jiang Manshu is dead, so all the benefits fall on me! Why didn't he kill Lucas when he killed so much and hurt me so much

"The management of the research institute is so strict, and the base is strictly confidential. But why can you reach in and bribe so many people to protect Jingzhi and take care of Jingzhi?"

"Lucas is a madman, I don't believe he doesn't know! He never took care of me after he threw me to Lucas! Otherwise, how could Lucas test me? I'm not afraid that I'm dead. There's no way to tell him

At least, the father should write to his daughter every once in a while?

Most of the people in the research institute can't go in and out freely, but there are still some people who have the right of way, such as Jing Zhi, such as the staff who buy goods, and the senior managers of the Research Institute, such as Peter.

Shu Yin's words hit the nail on the head, even Jing Rui has no way to refute.

However, whether Shuyin hates Shucheng mountain is not important to Jingrui, as long as Shuyin doesn't hate him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!