Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1211

Mu Sen has known Lou Ruofei for such a long time. It's rare to see her so flustered.

She has always been calm. She speaks in a relaxed manner. She is very worried about Lou Zirong because she is so anxious today.

Musen saw such a Lou Ruofei, speechless heartache.

He looked at Lou Ruofei's expectant and anxious eyes, and his heart leaped slightly: "Ruofei, don't worry. I just discussed with my father. He has no good way. I can give him some anesthetics to relieve his pain."

"Well, listen to you! Thank you so much. When my big brother is ready, I'll treat you and make a good show! "

In fact, Lou Ruofei has been keeping a distance with Musen, but this time, the elder brother asked her to come to the hospital for help. She could not refuse.

She had nothing to repay Musen, so she had to invite him to dinner and then give him a more valuable gift.

Lou Ruofei doesn't know whether Lou Zirong is intentional or unintentional. When Mu Sen likes her, few people know it. Is it Lou Ziyi who discovers something and tells him?

But now is not the time to investigate these things, the most important thing is to cure Lou Zirong.

Usually Lou Zirong takes care of her cousin and does all the responsibilities that a brother should have. Lou Ruofei doesn't want to think too bad about him. She just wants to help him do something.

Musen injected a powerful anesthetic to Lou Zirong, and Lou Zirong fell asleep and finally stopped howling.

But even in a state of lethargy, his body also has an instinctive response to the invasion of the virus. From time to time, he will twitch and shake, and even foam at the mouth. It looks really frightening.

Lou Ruofei thinks it's too cruel. She can't see it: "Musen, is my brother's virus unsolved? How can he go on like this? Things of all sizes are still waiting for him to deal with. He can't be in such a coma all the time, and I'm afraid that his life will be worried if he is in a coma for a long time. "

Her voice, gentle and pleasant to listen to, because with a third of the urgency and appear to have a pyrotechnic atmosphere, that kind of alienation immediately reduced a lot.

After studying medicine for so many years, he found it useful to study medicine for the first time, which made him extremely happy.

However, for the first time, he felt that he was particularly useless!

Because he can't even judge the kind of virus that happened in Lou Zirong.

There are tens of thousands of viruses in the world, and most people only know about the color changing HIV. As a doctor, Musen knows more than ordinary people, but it is useless.

When Peter taught him virus knowledge, he only learned the most superficial part. Before he started to learn the profound knowledge, Jing Rui transferred Peter away.

Now I want to come here. Can't Jing Rui call Peter away on purpose?

In this way, only Shu Yin is proficient in virus in a city, which can become her most powerful weapon and her most effective means to protect herself.


Protect yourself?

Is Lou Zirong bullied Shu yin?

The idea flashed through his mind. He took a look at Lou Ruofei who was worried and finally said in a deep voice: "I think there is only one person in a city who can save your brother."

In fact, his guess was not accurate.

It's not the whole city, but the whole world can cure Lou Zirong. Basically, Shuyin is one! Virus this kind of thing, each researcher of Research Institute basically can cultivate a few kinds of special virus by oneself, others are very difficult to attack.

Shu Yin is one of the best.

Lou Zirong can't die, but he wants to die in pain.

Musen didn't explain too much. He called Jing Rui in front of Lou Ruofei.

He doesn't have the mobile phone number of Shuyin, so he can't ask her directly. He can only find Jingrui.

The phone rang for a long time to connect, Jing Rui as usual indifferent: "something?"

"Is Shu Yin there? I want to ask her something

Jingrui a listen to Mu Sen unexpectedly looking for Shu Yin, tone is not good way: "no, you have something to ask me, her matter I know all."

Musen can only smile bitterly. It seems that he really takes Shuyin seriously.

"Well, Lou Zirong is here with me. He is suffering from a rare virus. I want to ask Shu Yin how to solve it. According to Lou Zirong, the virus may be Shu Yin deliberately let him infected. "

Although Jing Rui has just said that he knows all about Shu Yin, he really doesn't know about it!

Did Lou Zirong meet Shu yin?


He said coldly: "no solution!"

Jingrui doesn't believe that Shuyin will let Lou Zirong get infected with the virus for no reason. She treasures all the viruses in her hands. Even Jingxi is crying to play, and she has never let go.

She once said that every kind of virus is precious, and the more toxic the virus is, the better it will be kept. Otherwise, if it flows out a little bit, it may cause disease.

Lou Zirong must be looking for Shu Yin to say something, and it must be about Lou Ruofu!

Jing Rui said two words briefly, then hung up the phone, and then called Shu Yin.

However, the phone call twice did not get through!

He left the job at hand and drove to school.

However, he looked for a long time in school, did not see Shu Yin's figure, only found her never willing to leave the backpack easily, even the mobile phone in the bag.

Jing Rui easily cracked her mobile phone password, her mobile phone in addition to his two missed calls, the only running program, is the recording function!

He opened the recording and then heard the whole process of the dialogue between Shu Yin and Lou Zirong.

If Lou Zirong is beside Jingrui now, he will be killed by him!

When did he say he would marry Lou Ruofu?

When was it the turn of the Lou family to tell the story about his marriage to Shu yin?

Even jingyichen and Shangguan Ning have never interfered with his emotional life. Lou Zirong is even more tough than his parents!

The anger in Jingrui's heart almost burns him through!

No wonder Shu Yin used a very strong virus to Lou Zirong. She didn't want Lou Zirong's life. She was really good tempered!

However, Lou Zirong met with Shu Yin and threatened her. Why didn't she follow Shu Yin to protect her subordinates?

What about Goya?

When the cold wind finds Gao Ya and the other three people, Jing Rui's face is a little ugly.

These four people are very good, but now they are all unconscious. Ordinary overpowering drugs are useless to Gao ya. Jing Rui has only one guess. They are all dizzy by Shu Yin's virus.

The strength of their own women is too strong, it seems that is not a good thing!

Where the hell is she?

Why do you want to make Gao Ya several dizzy?

Why don't you even bring your backpack and cell phone?

Is it Lou Zirong's words that make her sad? Or is she completely sure that he is the one who forced Shucheng mountain to death?

There is a strong sense of crisis in Jingrui's heart!