Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1210

At that time, some people were disadvantageous to shangguanning, and jingyichen's rectification was so miserable that Mu Qing had seen it!

If Jing Rui and jingyichen are of the same virtue, MuQing will not offend Jingrui and jingyichen for the sake of louzirong. Otherwise, when jingyichen comes back from vacation, he will be guilty.

MuQing knows Shu Yin. She is really a beautiful girl. She is cold and quiet. She is not very sociable. She is definitely not the kind of person who actively provokes right and wrong. The low-key can't be low-key any more.

She renovated Lou Zirong into such a way that she must have offended her.

Musen saw that his father didn't say a word, turned around and left, immediately stunned.

Mu Qing has a good temper and is always friendly to people. He always treats Lou's family warmly. Every time Lou Ruofei comes to acupuncture, he will smile and ask her if she is better. He encourages her to have an operation and let her not be afraid.

How can I see Lou Zirong's attitude so strange today?

Lou Zirong himself did not know what was going on. He knew MuQing, but he was not familiar with it at all. Mu Qing is now a famous doctor in a city. He is really famous. Not everyone can ask him to treat him.

"Musen, uncle mu, don't you know me? Tell him quickly, I'm Lou Zirong! I'm waiting for him to help

"Wait a minute. I'll tell my dad that your face is swollen. He didn't recognize it."

Mu Sen opens his eyes and tells lies. He has already said the identity of Lou Zirong. Mu Qing can't be unaware of it. There must be other reasons for this. He wants to find out.

As a result, as soon as he got out of the emergency room, he was slapped by the wood green waiting outside.

Mu Sen is so big that he has been beaten by many Mu Wen Sheng. However, Mu Qing seldom starts to beat him. When he slaps him hard, he knows that he is really angry, otherwise he will not be willing to beat him.

Mu Qing directly pulled his son's ear into a small office outside the emergency room and scolded: "you have lived in vain for two years! You've got water in your head? How do I usually tell you to make friends with Jingrui. If you don't want to, you want to be his enemy now? The friendship between the Mu family and the Jing family will be destroyed in your hands? "

This is a little heavy. Mu Wensheng's life is getting older and older. Although he still quarrels with jingtianyuan every day, he actually thinks much of jingtianyuan. The friendship between the two has lasted for decades. It is not a brother that is more than a brother. He has always hoped that the Mu family can be friendly with jingtianyuan.

Mu Wensheng once said that if the Mu family and the Jing family get into a stalemate in the future, he will die with his eyes closed. He will become a ghost under the nine springs and will whip the whip of his descendants.

It is undeniable that without the support of a huge amount of money from the Jing family, the Mu family would not be able to develop to this scale. Therefore, the old man is grateful to the Jing family from the bottom of his heart. His lifelong wish is to carry forward the medical skills inherited from the wood family. The full support of the Jing family is indispensable.

"Dad, I didn't take Jingrui as an enemy. He was indifferent. I suddenly got together and was shameless. I have to take it slow. You can rest assured that even if you are not a friend, you will never be an enemy. "

The relationship between Musen and Jingrui is very general. The only one who has contact with him is Jingxi. However, I don't know what happened recently. Jingxi doesn't seem to be close to him.

"Why don't you show it to Lou Zirong? He is a member of the Lou family. You should give me some face. "

When Mu Qingdun was angry, he said angrily: "our wooden family is in a city. In addition to the face of the king family, no one needs to give face! What kind of thing is the Lou family? A second-class family that only gets up with the support of the Jing family. Give me a fart face! The old man can't even give the king's face. How can I degrade myself to give Lou Zirong a smile?! Your brain is eaten by the dog? "

"No, I don't mean that..."

"Lou Zirong has provoked Shu Yin. There must be no good fruit to eat in the future. You'll mix up blindly. When the time comes, Jingrui will beat you up. Don't complain to me. I can't beat Jing Yichen! Our hospital has more than ten billion dollars invested by him. "Now Jing Jia has the final say, if the money is taken back, do you think I will smoke you?"

Mu Sen could not help frowning: "Dad, it may be just a small matter. Isn't the relationship between the Lou family and the Jing family always very good? Is it right to save Lou Zirong? "

"Don't talk nonsense. Get rid of him and ask him to find someone else to treat him. I can't cure him! You remember, when you don't know why, you should ask more questions. Call Jingrui immediately and ask him what is going on! "

Mu Qing and Jing Yichen have been getting along for so many years, and their relationship has been very good. Is it because Jing Yichen is gentle?

Jingyichen is colder than Jingrui!

Sometimes he won't even give you a look when you say ten words to him.

But Mu Qing knew that he did not look down on people, and never looked down on the wood family. He was just that temper. In addition to being gentle to Shangguan, he was indifferent to everyone, even his own father and grandfather, not to mention outsiders.

Contact with the people of Jing family, if it is too glass hearted, you can be abused to death in minutes!

Jing Rui is even more from the dead. He has been a killer in the killer organization for so long. It's strange that he likes to talk and laugh as much as normal people!

Mu Qing can understand the indifference of the Jing family, but mu Sen can't.

"Dad, things may not be Lou Zirong's fault. He is usually very popular and has a good personality. I can't drive him away at this time. What's more, he's Ruofei's brother. If I drive him away, ruofe will not be happy to know. "

Mu Qing was angry with his son. He was thinking about the second lady of the house!

"OK, OK, you get out of the hospital! If you want to be surnamed Lou, I won't stop you. From now on, don't call me dad. I don't have a son like you! Don't even think about the succession of the hospital. I'd rather give the hospital to your cousins than give it to you! "

Mu Qing said, directly pushed the door to go, leaving a stunned face of Mu Sen.

This is the first time that Munson has seen his father get so angry.

Did he really do something wrong?

Mori is in a daze, listen to outside have a gentle voice has been calling him: "Musen, where are you, are you?"

As soon as he was shocked, he opened the door and went out: "ruofe, I'm here. How did you come?"

As soon as Lou Ruofei saw him, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Her face was flushed and her forehead was covered with sweat. It was obvious that she had come in a hurry.

"Big brother called me, I happened to be nearby, and I came immediately."

Her delicate face showed heartache and anxiety: "how did the big brother's face become like this? Would you mind if you don't let him suffe