Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1204

There are so many news today that Shuyin can't digest it all at once.

However, a voice in her heart told her that it was not like this! Jingrui is good to her, not because of guilt, not because of atonement!

The scenes with Jing Rui appear in Shuyin's mind one by one.

Once, she wondered why Jingrui wanted to protect her. Their cooperation had ended, but he often appeared beside her.

At the beginning, he clearly did not fall in love with her.

Now, it seems to make sense.

However, there are still many doubts in Shu Yin's heart. She doesn't believe the one-sided words of this person in the phone. Even if it is her own mother, she will not easily believe it. But she also shakes her trust in Jing Rui.

She constantly adjusted her breathing and forced herself to calm down.

"You have been giving me all kinds of hints, that is, you want me to contact you, and then tell me that Jingrui killed Shucheng mountain!"

Shuyin's lips showed a sneer, she called the name of Shucheng mountain, not even her father.

"You want me to leave Jingrui? Oh, no, no, you want me to avenge Shucheng mountain and kill Jingrui! That's a good calculation. You're so sure that I'll do what you want? "

In the mobile phone, a woman's "cackle" tender laughter, some crisp, some charming, like a little girl not familiar with the world, but also like a charming mature woman. Two kinds of feeling interweave together, listen to the comfortable sound is disgusting!

, this voice as like as two peas!

She used to laugh like this. Every time she did, she would always get the gentle and doting eyes of Shucheng mountain, just like what treasure she was.

However, she used to laugh only at Shucheng mountain, but seldom to her daughter.

Her laughter aroused Shu Yin's antipathy, and her hatred for Shucheng mountain also increased.

"You have a good laugh, but it's good for seducing men, not for me!"

"Xiaoyin, my daughter, you really let mom down!"

A faint sigh came from the phone, "you and I have never been intimate since childhood. I don't blame you, but your father loves you so much. How can you marry an enemy who killed your father! Be obedient and leave Jingrui. Don't go wrong again! "

"My father's enemy? Ha ha

Shuyin suddenly had a sharp smile. She echoed in the empty staircase classroom with angry voice: "if Shucheng mountain doesn't die, I want to kill him myself! I'd like to thank Jing Rui. If he does, I don't need to do it myself! I'll let him taste the taste of ten thousand poisons biting bones in person

"He was forced to send you in. He didn't know Lucas was a pervert! What's more, he was chased and killed at that time, and there was nowhere to escape. He was afraid that you would be killed. He could only send you to the virus research institute where the killers could not enter! "

"Is it? It's for me, okay? Let me be used as a test by Lucas, inject me with various drugs, and my body will cultivate all kinds of viruses? "

Shu Yin gently smile, never easy to shed tears, tears slide down unconsciously.

"My own parents are so kind to me! I wanted to kill you when I was eight or nine years old when I was beaten by Lucas with massive internal bleeding! My flesh and blood were corroded by the virus, and when my arm was exposed, I wanted to even dig the grave! Every day, when I open my eyes and feel the pain, I think, why am I still alive? Why am I still alive? "

"I naively thought that if you were all dead, I would be left to live alone. Sometimes I also felt that maybe it was my parents who loved me that I would die and leave me alive. Now I know that you are not dead! It turns out that I live alone, life is not like death

"Now that I live well, you come out again. You make me suffer, I blame myself, and even encourage me to kill my fiance. What a mother! There is no second one in the world

Shuyin tone with obvious disdain, even if this person is really her mother, she will never recognize!

How can a woman who has no regard for her life and death deserve to be a mother?

And her so-called secret is full of holes.

Rui Jing had known her for three years before.

But the man said that Shucheng mountain was killed by Jing Rui last year.

According to Jing Rui's meticulous thinking and crisp character, he can't protect her and kill her father at the same time.

If he had long wanted to kill shuchengshan, he would not have chosen her to take care of Jingzhi three years ago.

This proves at least that three years ago, Jing Rui protected her without any deception.

Having figured out this point, Shuyin's heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

The woman on the phone is still trying to praise shuchengshan, saying how good he is to his daughter and how much he blames himself.

Shu Yin listened quietly, but didn't believe a word.

The pain she suffered in the past can not be relieved by a word of remorse.How could she suddenly stop hating after so many years of hatred?

In the classroom, some people came to study with books. Shuyin hung up the phone and went out with his bag on his back.

Under the dark night sky, one by one street lamp stretches into the distance, like the light leading Shu Yin home, so that she slowly forward.

Under the umbrella, there are a pair of romantic and sweet lovers.

Usually at this time, Jing Rui should have taken her home, but why didn't he come today?

What's the matter?

Shu Yin's heart, like the gloomy weather, stuffy.

She stood under the pine tree where she usually waited for Jingrui. Without an umbrella, she let the rain drop on her body and face through the gap between the pine leaves.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and there are fewer and fewer people on campus. In the end, only Shu Yin is standing in the rain alone.

She would rather rain, also stubbornly refused to leave, she wanted to wait for him to come.

Don't know how long, a black sports car across the night sky, galloping, and then suddenly stopped in front of Shuyin.

Jingrui tall and straight figure from the car down, into the rain.

"Yinyin, I'm sorry I'm late! You can't wait for me. Why don't you go home first? "

In his voice, there was obvious anxiety and heartache.

He came in such a hurry that he didn't bring an umbrella at all.

He quickly took off his suit coat and put it on Shuyin: "let's go home!"

His thin white shirt was suddenly drenched by heavy rain, but he didn't care at all. He just used his expensive suit to protect her from the rain.

Shu Yin has been holding back tears in an instant, she rushed into Jing Rui's arms, crying: "why did you come? I thought you didn't want me! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!