Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1203

It's getting dark, the classroom is empty, only Shu Yin is sitting there alone.

Jing Rui, who had come to pick her up on time every day, didn't know why she didn't come today.

That phone number, in the mind of Shu Yin, lingered, for a long time refused to disperse.

Shuyin closed her eyes, then took out her mobile phone and dialed out according to the number.

At the other end of the phone, a beautiful female voice sounded: "Shuyin, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Who are you?"

"Oh, honey, it doesn't matter who I am. My voice has been processed by the processor. Do you think it's particularly nice? If you like, I can give you some sound processing software. I want to hide my identity in the future. I can use it

The other party's tone is familiar, like reminiscence with an old friend. She is not in a hurry to tell Shu Yin what she wants to know.

Shu Yin is not in the mood of chatting. Now she is in a heavy and miserable mood. She always feels that she is close to the truth, but she is extremely afraid to touch the truth.

She was silent and did not speak any more, just listening to the other party in the tone of light sarcasm at her.

"You are so miserable. You are doomed to have a bad life! Ha ha ha, if you don't have a good time, I will be very happy! "

"Well, you are quite calm. Since you have all called me, it means that you have suspected your father's death. Why not ask?"

"Tut Tut, she is really a heartless daughter. Your father loved you so much that he tried to earn money for you. He didn't even want his own life, but you didn't care about his life. Originally, you can see him after you come out of the Research Institute. Unfortunately, he was killed


The other side talked a lot about it. She knew Shu Yin's past life like the palm of his hand, and knew Shucheng mountain very well. Shu Yin suddenly turned pale: "who are you?"

Her fingers holding the cell phone are shaking slightly!

When she was a child, she knew very little about Shucheng mountain. Why did this person know so much?!

There was a creepy laugh on the other end of the phone. Shu Yin didn't know whether it was the processor that made her voice so frightening, or whether the person was laughing like a ghost. She wanted to hang up her mobile phone, but a cold voice came from the phone: "little voice, I'm your mother!"

Shuyin's mind exploded, she could not even hold the phone, "pa" a crisp ring, the phone fell to the ground.

Only her mother would call her Xiaoyin, and other close people, including shuchengshan, called her Yinyin!

"No way! She's dead! "

Shuyin almost screamed, and the whole person was on the verge of collapse!

She wanted to ask how shuchengshan died. She didn't want to ask if her mother was still alive. Why did she tell her?!

The quality of the mobile phone is very good. When it falls to the ground, there are several cracks on the screen, which does not affect the call function at all.

Shuyin's scream was clearly heard by the other party.

In the silent dark classroom, the mobile phone screen is on, and the voice is sweet but with a sense of forest.

"Xiaoyin, you are engaged. Why don't you tell your mother? My mother has prepared many dowries for you

"Xiaoyin, don't be afraid. Mom is a human being, not a ghost. Call me quickly. Mom misses you very much."

Shu Yin listens to her affectation, the hatred in the heart suddenly gushes out, before, her good mother has always been such a disgusting face! It's very nice to say, but I never really care about her!

No matter who this person is, even if it is her mother, it is not a good person!

She did not shake her hand, nor scream. She picked up her mobile phone from the ground and said coldly, "you'd better be a ghost, or I have many ways to turn you into a ghost."

"Oh, you are cruel enough to kill your mother! White eyed wolf, you gave birth to you and raised you. That's how you repay me? "

Shu Yin can't confirm the identity of each other. She thinks that her parents died long ago. Now someone tells her that shuchengshan died last year, but her mother didn't die!

She can't believe it!

What's more, the other side uses a voice transformer to cover up the sound, which has its own problems!

"It turns out that you are the one who has been playing tricks these days. Since you know that I am engaged, go away and destroy my life. You can't even do it!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Now, there is no sign that the other party is in a good mood.

"When will I become a ghost? If you don't count, I will live for many years! It's your good dad. He went to hell last year! Oh, how miserable he died. He was brutally killed

"Do you want to know where his body is? I can tell you! "

"However, he should not want to see you, you are so unfilial, he must be very angry!"Shu Yin didn't understand the deep meaning of the other party's saying that she was unfilial. She didn't feel unfilial. If her parents abandoned her, she just thought she had no parents.

It's not because they are too poor to afford their children that they send them away.

Their family condition is good, support ten she all have no problem!

Shu Yin said coldly, "I don't want to see him either! I don't know where you heard about my childhood, but it doesn't prove anything. The more you say, the more I hate them. Aren't you just provoking me to avenge them? Ridiculous! Who killed them, I will thank them! "

"Ha ha ha, really?"

The voice on the phone gradually became shrill. She almost screamed: "OK, I tell you, your father murderer, sleeps next to you every day! The man you are engaged to has your father's blood on his hands

"No way!"

Shuyin's subconscious retort!

She doesn't believe it!

This person must be lying, she is deliberately misleading her!

How can Jingrui kill Shucheng mountain? They have no intersection at all!

If he killed shuchengshan, how could he marry her!

Shuyin's head is full of confusion, and he can't get his head in order.

In this world, the person she trusts most is Jing Rui. The only person she can trust is Jing Rui!

She didn't know, if even Jing Rui had to doubt, who else in the world could be trusted!

"You're talking nonsense! I don't know who you are, why believe you! If you have the ability, show me the evidence! "

"Hehe, if you don't believe me, go back and ask him! Why is he so nice to you? Because he killed your dad, he's guilty! He is making atonement , the fastest update of the webnovel!