Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1189

In the afternoon of that day, Jingzhi was arranged by Jingrui to join Jingsheng group, and he started from the lowest level of staff - to be a security guard!

This should be the most handsome and powerful security guard in the world so far!

All the other security guards work in three shifts, but Jing Zhi gets special treatment because he is the second son of the king family. He needs to work 24 hours a day!

Of course, his salary is ten times that of the ordinary security guard. After all, he has strong strength and long working hours. It is normal to get tens of thousands of yuan a month.

Jing Zhi works for a long time, and then almost cries to find Jing Rui.

"Brother, I am your brother! How can you ask your brother to show you the gate! You will be engaged the day after tomorrow. If everyone sees that I am your brother at the engagement banquet, it will be a shame to you! "

"I'm not afraid of losing face, and being a security guard is a proper profession. I can only be respected and will not be laughed at. You think too much!"

Jing Rui, with a light gray striped suit and white shirt, is sitting in his president's office. He has a pile of thick materials on his hand, which makes him look like the president.

Jing Zhi originally thought that if he was transferred to Jingsheng group by his brother, he would be able to be a vice president even if he was not as tall as his brother. He could also sit in the air-conditioned room and give orders like his brother every day.

He looked at his security clothes, which were worth 300 yuan at most, and his brother's white shirt, which was more than 30000 yuan.

"I want to be vice president!"

"No way. Every vice president of the group is shouldering heavy responsibilities and has real talents. You don't have to dream!"

"I also have real talent and practical learning!"

"You mean killing?"

Jingzhi choked, and then choked his neck in defiance: "you are not the same. Besides killing people, you will not be anything else."

Jing Rui nodded calmly: "so I have been learning, so as not to be cheated by the vice president who is more refined than ghost!"

"Then why can you parachute to the position of President instead of starting with security?"

"Because you have water in your head and knowledge in mine. I work for 20 hours a day, you are in love, you are in love when I am in a meeting, you are in love when I meet clients, I am... "

"Go, go, go! Brother, you don't say, I listen to you! If you go on, if I have any sense of shame, I should jump from you

Jingzhi is defeated directly. He doesn't feel that he is in love. How can Jing Rui say that he is all in love!

Is it not Jing Rui who has been in love?

Jing Rui seems to be able to see through people's hearts. He said faintly: "I spent less than an hour with Shu Yin every day for the last month."

Thinking of this, Jing Rui will feel sorry for Shu Yin.

He is too busy. Sometimes he gets busy and immerses himself in his work all day. If he didn't need to go home to rest, I'm afraid he didn't even have an hour to accompany Shu Yin.

That is to say, Shu Yin understands him, never makes trouble or entangles himself, and says that her work is more important than her. If she changes people, she will have a quarrel.

In fact, in Jing Rui's mind, Shu Yin is the most important one, and his work will never be finished. That is, he has just taken over the group in the near future. After a period of time, he will be like Jing Yichen. In addition to working in the daytime, he will go home to accompany his wife after work at night.

His father set a good example for him, and he can deal with the relationship between work and family.

Shangguan Ning has never felt left out. She always doubts why jingyichen is so idle.

Jing Zhi was eventually expelled by Jing Rui and continued to work as his security guard. Moreover, he was deducted 10000 yuan of bonus because he directly reported to the president this time.

He has been patrolling the whole building all day, but there are no troublemakers in the building. There is no cockroach in the building. He wants to hit the wall.

Jingzhi knows in his heart that this is actually his brother's punishment for him.

Since he came back from North America, he has been doing nothing. He has been tangled with Zheng yuluo. His life can be said to be a failure.

But the problem is, he has already known that he was wrong and is changing. How could he be forced to be a security guard?

Jingzhi can't think of it, but he doesn't know that he became a security guard, just because Shu Yin sighed unintentionally.

After two days, it is Jingrui and Shuyin's engagement banquet.

The people invited by the Jing family are only close relatives and friends, not business partners. According to the tradition of Jingrui, before Jingrui gets married, he and his fiancee will be under the most strict protection. Shu Yin will not even have any exposure. People will know that the successor of the Jing family is engaged, but everything about Shuyin will be blocked.

Married to Jing Rui, she can enjoy the most luxurious life in the world, but at the same time, she will face great risks, so her protection level will be raised to the highest level.

Shu Yin likes this kind of protection very much. She has a problem with her identity. If people know that she comes from the frightening Virus Research Institute, she will be attacked by many people.She is engaged to Jing Rui. As long as she has a good life with Jing Rui, she doesn't like to make friends.

This is very similar to Jing Rui.

The engagement banquet was held at noon, and it was held in the private villa of the king's family. There were not many people, but everyone's eyes were almost focused on Shu Yin.

Today, Shu Yin was wearing a white custom-made dress. Her long skirt was dragged on the ground with dazzling pearls and broken diamonds. It was extremely gorgeous.

Being watched by many people, she felt a little uncomfortable. She kept a decent smile on her face, but her hands were tightly clenched.

Jingrui suddenly took her hand and whispered in her ear: "don't be nervous. Just look at me. Other people don't care. It's the two of us who are engaged. They come to make up for the number, otherwise it will be too cold."

He said that his parents, grandparents and great grandparents were all made up. Shuyin couldn't help laughing.

But after laughing, she was still a little worried: "you have so many relatives that I can't recognize them."

Almost all the relatives and friends of the Jing family are over 100 years old, and there are a large number of people. Shu Yin has always been a headache for all kinds of generations. When she grew up in North America, she has no ability to distinguish these generations.

Jing Rui said in a low voice: "it's OK. In fact, I can't recognize it. You don't have to call one. You can enjoy a smile."

Jing Rui teaches Shu Yin like this. He does it himself. He doesn't even give a smile to others.

He felt that the engagement banquet was too cumbersome and cumbersome. He wanted to finish it quickly and go home with Shu Yin to enjoy the world of two! , the fastest update of the webnovel!