Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1188

When Zheng Yuwei turns into Jing Zhi's house from the window, Jing Zhigang has just finished the bath and comes out of the bathroom with a towel.

Zheng Yuwei almost collided with him. Seeing his strong chest with water drops, she could not help blushing. She stamped her feet angrily: "why don't you wear clothes?"

Jingzhi looked at her coldly: "I'm in my own house. What's the relationship between me and you! Who let you in? Get out of here

He has a bad impression on Zheng Yuwei. Every time he goes to Zheng's house, if he meets her, he will be driven away by her. Now she runs to his house without any scruple. It's strange that he can have a good attitude.

Zheng Yuwei is one of those people who eat soft but not hard. The stronger others are, the stronger she will be. If others treat her well, she will be embarrassed to fight against others.

Now she was yelled by Jingzhi. Her face was not red, and her embarrassment was completely gone. She snorted: "don't think I want to come! If my sister had not been ill, I would not have come if you had asked me to come! "

"What does her illness have to do with me! Who kept me away from her? Who said not to meet again? Why, if you think I'm useful now, you're going to see me? "

Jingzhi turns over the old account mercilessly. He actually knows that Zheng Yu is ill.

Shu Yin goes to Mu's hospital almost every day. Of course, she knows about Zheng yuluo's hospitalization and tells Jingzhi.

He even knew Zheng yuluo's condition clearly.

Of course, we also know that although Zheng yuluo has a high fever, he still has no worries about his life under the treatment of MuQing.

"I'm not a doctor. It's no use looking for me when Zheng Yu falls ill! Get out of my house, I don't want to see you! "

Zheng Yuwei frequently comes to him and contacts him, which is not a good thing.

In the eyes of those who have a heart, they may think how close he is to Zheng Yuwei.

Since Xiao Yue's affair, Jing Zhi has paid great attention to women in this respect. He will not approach a woman easily.

"My sister likes you the most. You can go to see her with me, talk to her, and explain some things clearly, otherwise she will never be good!"

Zheng Yuwei thinks that Zheng yuluo's illness keeps repeating because she has a heart knot. As long as Jing Zhi goes to her sister's heart knot, she will soon recover.

"That little Yue died, which made my sister sick!"

"Shut up!"

Jingzhi suddenly angrily drank: "she's dead, what do you want to blame her for?"?! How many times have I said nothing to her? What about you? Do you believe it? "

Although Xiao Yue has been dead for a week, the pain in Jingzhi's heart has not dissipated.

When her parents saw her body, they immediately fainted. After waking up, they had been crying with the corpse, and her younger brother and sister were also crying.

No matter how bad Xiaoyue's parents are, it is inevitable for him to see his own daughter die.

In the past, although their family was extremely poor and noisy, it was complete after all. Now one of them died, and he was the most filial and able to bear hardships. The whole family was about to collapse.

Jingzhi often thinks that he almost killed Xiaoyue in order to make Zheng yuluo believe that he has nothing to do with Xiaoyue. He will feel that he is a fool and would like to slap him twice.

Now, even Zheng Yu fell ill, he has to rely on the dead Xiaoyue. Who is Xiaoyue's death?

Jingzhi suddenly lost the interest of scolding Zheng Yuwei. At this moment, he seems to have returned to his childhood.

At that time, he was isolated by Zheng's sisters and Mu's brothers and sisters. No one believed what he said. Zheng yuluo was always the first to take the lead in refuting him, saying that he lied and told other children that he could not play with him.

No matter what happens, the wrong person is always him.

Zheng Yuwei knew that she had said something wrong, but she felt that she had not wronged Xiaoyue.

Sister is really because Xiaoyue died into self blame, and because Jingzhi refused to see her and fell ill.

In a few days, she will go back to England and continue to go to school. Before leaving, she has to deal with the affairs of her sister and Jing Zhi.

Zheng Yuwei took a deep breath and said slowly, "no matter what I said before, it had nothing to do with my sister. It was my own decision. She didn't know that I came to you, i..."

Jingzhi suddenly interrupted her, laughing at some irony and Indifference: "Zheng Yuwei, are you in love with me?"

Zheng Yuwei was stunned: "what do you say?"

"Zheng yuluo is the most suspicious person. He has zero trust in me. However, if I get closer to any woman, she will misunderstand me. You come to see me in the middle of the night, and you refuse to leave. It's for your sister's sake. To put it worse, it's you who want to be a man! "

Zheng Yuwei is upset by Jing Zhi!

"Bah! You have no face! Does your eye see that I like you

"You are the shameless man. I didn't ask you to come. Dare you go back and tell Zheng yuluo that you came to talk to me for half an hour in the middle of the night? What's more, it's a "What kind of man is this?!

Her clothes are well dressed, and Jingzhi just shows her upper body!

Jingzhi seemed to be able to see through Zheng Yuwei's thoughts. He walked into Zheng Yuwei, pushed her against the wall, and said in a bewitching voice, "Zheng Yuwei, I can't see it. You still want to see my lower body!"

He said, reaching out to tear off the towel.

Zheng Yuwei finally can't bear it. She screams and pushes Jingzhi away. She runs out of the villa like the wind.

When Zheng Yuwei went out, Jing Zhicai put away the evil charm on his face. On his handsome face, there was only endless indifference and coldness.

He was tired and tired and just wanted to have a good sleep.

It will be my brother's engagement party in two days. He should make himself happy.

Zheng Yuwei ran out of the villa for a long time before she realized that she had been cheated.

Jingzhi said that on purpose, so that she could not bear the defeat and escape psychologically.

She saw many bare - shouldered male students in the military academy. She shouldn't have been flustered by Jing Zhi's body.

Zheng Yuwei's heart leaps violently, but she can't say what the reason is.

Fortunately, the next day, Zheng yuluo's body had improved. Instead of sleeping in a daze, she was able to get up and eat something.

Shu Yin brings the news of Zheng yuluo's improvement to Jingzhi, who just nods lightly and doesn't say a word.

Shu Yin knew that he was in a bad mood. She sighed softly. When she saw Jing Rui, she sighed with him: "the fate of Jingzhi always seems to be joking with him. Let's treat him better."

Jingrui laughs: "we are not always very good to him? He is just a little bit in love. You don't have to worry about him. I'll find him something to do! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!