Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1186

Qingling three people slightly pause, turn their heads to look at him, involuntarily feel that at the moment Jingzhi looks a little pathetic.

This word, appearing in the body of the "magic spirit" who once dominated North America, is somewhat incredible.

Rumor has it that the devil has no human emotion at all. The virus has transformed his body and his temperament as well.

But they all know that he is just an ordinary person, but before all the feelings were deliberately suppressed by the two organizations.

Qingling three people left, the villa only left Jingzhi a person, appears empty.


There seems to be.

But not so sad.

Most of the time, when a person is alive, you want to kill him, but he really died, and will feel empty.

There is a delicate and timid little girl, since then disappeared from the world.

What's more ridiculous is that the executioner who made her disappear may be Jing Zhi himself.

He almost killed the wrong man!

Jingzhi sits on the sofa in the living room until dawn.

The sun rises from the East. In the early summer morning, it is full of light and boundless warmth. Through the clean French windows, it sprinkles on Jingzhi.

Jingzhi stood up, facing the sun, whispered: "Xiao Yue, rest in peace."

He will take revenge for her, nothing to do with it, just because he owes him a life.

One hand was on his shoulder, and he patted it comfortingly.

Jingzhi turns around and looks at Jingrui's calm face. The remorse in his heart can no longer be suppressed.

"Brother, she's dead!"

"I know."

Jingrui looks light. Xiaoyue is just a humble stranger to him. He is just worried that Jing Zhi will be angry and worried about him, so he puts down everything to see him.

However, it seems that Jing Zhi is far more rational and calm than he expected.

He thought that Jing Zhi, like before, would immediately seek revenge if he ignored it!

"Who is the enemy is still under investigation, but it must be you and my enemy. It has nothing to do with Xiao Yue."

Xiaoyue is not worth the other side to send out so many masters, they are obviously aware of the existence of Qingling three, so they will send five people.

"If you don't want Zheng yuluo to die, don't go to her in the near future. If you die of Xiaoyue, the next one is probably Zheng yuluo."

Zheng yuluo has been dead once, but he has survived again. The other side will surely fight again.

Jing Zhi nodded: "good."

Even if he went to find Zheng yuluo, Zheng yuluo may not be willing to see him.

Contrary to Jing Zhi's conjecture, Zheng yuluo wants to see him now!

Because, she already knew from Zheng Jing that Xiao Yue was dead!

Xiaoyue's body, Qingling three people of course did not move, after they finished fighting with each other, the two dead were taken away by their companions, and only Xiaoyue was left at the scene.

Qingling took the initiative to call the police. After the police arrived, they left secretly.

This is a criminal case, and it is the most serious case of shooting and killing. If Qingling San doesn't leave, she can't explain. If she takes Xiaoyue's body, her parents can't explain it.

The best way is to give it to the police.

Zheng yuluo doesn't know whether Xiaoyue's death is Jing Zhi's hand. She is very frightened in her heart. If Jing Zhi really killed Xiaoyue because of her, she doesn't know what to do!

She wants to ask Jing Zhi whether he killed people.

After all, he just said he would kill Xiao Yue last night.

Zheng yuluo waited for a day and a night, but did not wait for Jingzhi.

She thought that when Xiaoyue died, Jingzhi would at least tell her that he should take the opportunity to solve the misunderstanding between them, whether he killed him or not.

Zheng Yuwei also knew that Xiaoyue was dead, and she was a little stunned.

In her opinion, Jingzhi is cruel and cruel, and it's normal to attack Xiaoyue. But if he did it for Zheng yuluo, does that prove that in Jingzhi's heart, only Zheng yuluo is the most important one?

She felt that, in addition to Jing Zhi, no one else would attack Xiaoyue.

"Sister, don't wait for him. It's two o'clock in the morning. It's time to go to bed."

Zheng Yuwei knows that her sister is waiting for Jingzhi. She also thinks that Jingzhi will come, but it is so late that she hasn't seen any people. Obviously, she won't come.

In fact, she would like to say that Jing Zhicai has just killed a person, so it is not suitable to run to their house to show up. Otherwise, if her father finds out, he may be directly arrested into the Bureau.

But she was afraid to frighten her sister, so she swallowed the words behind her.

Zheng Jing really suspected that the murderer was Jing Zhi, because according to the records of Xiaoyue in the last month, it was found that only Jing Zhi was close to her, but the motive of killing was insufficient.Jing Zhi is summoned, together with Qingling, who intentionally becomes friends with her because of monitoring Xiaoyue, two people enter the bureau together.

All the surveillance equipment at the scene of the crime was shot by the sniper, so there was no live video.

Jingzhi and Qingling didn't show any difference from the beginning to the end, only saying that it had nothing to do with the whole thing.

They didn't kill people. Qingling even shot Xiao Yue in the arm to protect him. Her right arm tendon was damaged and she would not be able to use the gun for a long time.

When Jing Zhi saw Zheng Jing, he was expressionless all the time. He was indifferent as if he had never seen him, and he didn't mean to regard him as his future father-in-law.

Qing Ling was surprised for a long time.

If Jingzhi wants to marry Zheng yuluo, how can he go through Zheng Jing?

Don't like your father-in-law, can you hold a beauty home?

The two men were interrogated separately and didn't leave the police station until dawn.

Jingzhi drives back to the villa with Qingling and sees Zheng yuluo standing outside the door.

Jingzhi frowned slightly, but Qingling said faintly: "Xiaoyue is dead. She may think you killed him. The misunderstanding between you and Xiaoyue should be lifted. We have checked. The people who pushed her into the lake last time should be the same people who killed Xiaoyue. "

She meant that it was not Xiao Yue who killed Zheng yuluo.

This point, Jing Zhi had guessed for a long time, but he believed that Xiaoyue would not kill people. Zheng yuluo didn't believe it.

Even later, even he doubted Xiao Yue.

"The boss said that you should keep a distance from Zheng yuluo now, which may be the best protection for her."

Qingling reminds Jingzhi of her duty. She thinks that if Jingzhi dies another woman, her character will be even colder.

Jingzhi opened the door and said faintly, "you go down and tell Zheng yuluo about Xiaoyue. I didn't kill people."

"So she may still misunderstand the relationship between you and Xiaoyue. Are you sure you want to tell the truth? Sometimes, lying may be more appropriate. "

"No, tell her the truth." , the fastest update of the webnovel!