Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1185

Zheng yuluo slightly stagnated, she did not let Xiao Yue die.

She didn't know who pushed herself down the lake that night. Without evidence, she couldn't wronged a person at will.

Moreover, even if there is no Xiaoyue, will there be others?

She shook her head and said, "it's not necessary for her to say so in a low voice. You go out. This is my home. I hope you don't come back again. "

Always see Jing Zhi, when can she forget him?

Jingzhi was blocked by Zheng yuluo's words and couldn't say a word, because until now, he didn't believe that Xiaoyue would have such an idea, nor did he believe that Xiaoyue would start to kill Zheng yuluo.

A person's camouflage can not be without a trace of flaws, from his understanding of Xiaoyue, her behavior is almost consistent.

If she really has some ingenuity and means, how can she starve herself of malnutrition? How can you be so stupid and filial?

However, he believes that Xiaoyue's simplicity does not mean that he likes this person.

The deepest love in the world is not love based on trust, but love in spite of hate.

For example, Zheng yuluo.

She gave him the hurt, is the deepest, is the most painful!

His childhood was destroyed by her, and his life changed because of her. Now his cruelty, cruelty and cruelty are all due to her!

He once vowed to let Zheng Yu die rather than live. However, when he hated her, he fell in love with her unconsciously.

If Zheng yuluo really felt that only when Xiaoyue died could he get rid of his hatred, Jingzhi would let Xiaoyue disappear from the world!

Human life, to him, has always been the least valuable.

Today's conversation ended in failure. Jing Zhi knew that even if he stayed, it would only make their relationship worse. He left with a cold look.

From the villa window jump, a few ups and downs, he will climb over the wall.

Qing Ying standing on the roof of Zheng's villa, looking at the distant figure in the night, sighed gently.

His back was a little lonely, almost integrated with the darkness around him, as if abandoned by all the light.

Qingying is clear about all the experiences of Jing Zhi. The three sisters have worked for Jingrui in North America and were responsible for protecting Jing Zhi for some time.

In the past, the name of "evil spirit" resounded throughout North America, and his most remarkable label was cold bloodiness. Who knew that he would love so humble one day?

He wants a woman, isn't that what he wants?

Qingying also did not feel how good Zheng Yu fell in the end, their three sisters, do not like weak girls, not like crying, sad spring hurt autumn women.

Zheng yuluo, no matter her birth or appearance, is much better than ordinary people. Her family is well-off, her parents are spoiling her, and her sister is protecting her. She should be more carefree than anyone else.

Since childhood, Qingying didn't even know who her own parents were. Her childhood life was dark. If she hadn't been strong enough to eat garbage, she would have died.

So she couldn't understand Zheng yuluo's emotion.

Qingying is feeling, the communicator suddenly sounded Qingling urgent voice: "Yingying, come to support!"

If it was not for a big event, Qingling would not let her leave Zheng Yulai at will.

Qing Ying has been cooperating with her for a long time, and she has a very tacit understanding. When she hears her, she replies immediately: "received, I'll go."

She raised her wrist and watched the two red dots on the locator, which represented Qingling and Qingtian, were moving at a high speed. She immediately jumped out of the villa, got into the sports car snatched from Jingzhi and left quickly.

At 2:10 in the morning, Jingzhi receives the message from Qingling: Xiaoyue is dead.

Jingzhi is extremely shocked, he said that let Xiaoyue die, Xiaoyue died?!

The smell of conspiracy is getting stronger and stronger, and there seems to be an invisible hand behind the scenes controlling all this.

At 2:30, Qingling three people came to the villa of Jingzhi.

"There are at least five masters on the other side, and one of them is a top sniper. Xiaoyue is killed with one shot."

The three of them haven't encountered such a disastrous battle for a long time. Everyone has hung up the lottery and the target is directly hung up. They can't tell Jing Rui when they go back.

Jing Rui keeps the three of them, but he doesn't want them to eat for nothing.

Qingling has the strongest fighting power and the least injuries, but one arm is also bloody.

However, she did not have any dressing mood.

She sat on the sofa dejectedly and said in a low voice: "they must have been staring at Xiao Yue for a long time, but they were so hidden that I didn't find any abnormality at all. Xiao Yue could have survived, but she should have known the secret of the other party, and she would be killed tonight. "

Qingtian has always been with Qingling tonight. She was the most injured, and her face was covered with blood, but she didn't even frown. She said faintly: "they took Xiaoyue away under our eyes. We had robbed her back, but the sniper of the other side did not hesitate to shoot."Qing Ying left late, but she was also seriously injured. Her smooth and delicate back was a blur of flesh and blood. Her mental state was the best. Her face was not dignified and dispirited. She said with a relaxed voice: "it's OK. We killed two of them tonight! But all three of us are alive, and a little Yue, who Jingzhi wanted to kill to please his woman, died. Make a profit

As long as she can live, it is lucky for her. She cherishes every minute and second of her life.

Qingling and Qingtian looked up at xiangjingzhi at the same time: "you want to kill Xiaoyue?"

Jing Zhi light way: "originally was to have this idea, however, tonight's matter, proved my intuition is right."

"What intuition?"

"She didn't do those things."

With that, Jing Zhi fell into a long silence.

Qingling three also silent down, although they do not like Xiaoyue, but also do not hate her, meet by chance, are just passers-by in life.

However, Xiao Yue seems to have died a little unjustly.

The young girl in flower season had been suffering until the moment before she died. She did not even have a full meal. She even refused to buy a bottle of mineral water for herself. Instead, she went to drink cold tap water.

They all thought she was a scheming girl, but in fact, she was a poor little girl misunderstood by everyone.

Because she had no background, no parents and brothers to protect her, she was slaughtered.

That is to say, they are used to life and death, so they can keep calm at this moment, otherwise they should be sad and sad.

I don't know how long after that, Jing Zhicai said again: "you've tried your best to go to the hospital to deal with the wound. I'll tell my brother about this."

"No, the mission failed, we should automatically go to the boss to get the punishment."

The three sisters stood up and went out together.

Nearly to the door, but heard Jingzhi whispered: "thank you for protecting her at the last moment, a shot killed, she has no pain." , the fastest update of the webnovel!