Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1181

Of course, the mood is good!

This is the master bedroom for their engagement!

The lamps inside are all picked by Jing Rui himself. They are beautifully decorated. The sheets and covers are all bright red, which means a new house.

Shuyin just made fun of the two brothers, and then let them sleep here.

She thought that Jing Rui would ask to sleep in this room until she got engaged. She didn't expect to sleep here today!

Shu Yin is flustered. Jing Rui suddenly smiles gently, puts her on the bed, touches her hair, and whispers, "don't be nervous. Just hold you to sleep. Don't think about it."

He said, then lay down beside Shuyin, stretched out his hand to take her slender waist, bowed his head and kissed her on her forehead, and then he really hugged Shuyin and quickly fell asleep.

Shuyin waited for a long time. Seeing that he didn't have the next move, she looked up and saw that he was tired and asleep.

Continuous high-intensity work, even a machine can not stand, let alone people.

Shu Yin was a little distressed. She did not have that kind of charming and bashful in her heart. She leaned quietly in his arms, listening to his breath, and couldn't help kissing his chin.

It's the day now. She has no class this afternoon. She didn't go to the hospital to do virus research. She came here to accompany Jingrui.

She is not sleepy, but she likes the feeling of Jing Rui sleeping beside her. She is stable, quiet and warm.

Two people close together, Shuyin can feel his strong heartbeat, and through the thin clothes, come to belong to his blazing temperature.

Shu Yin looks at Jing Rui's near face and sighs at his perfection.

His facial features are cut like a knife. He is brilliant and perfect. His skin is excellent. However, he has never cared for it. His eyelashes are long, but he thinks that he is too long. Sometimes he falls into his eyes and feels uncomfortable.

Shu Yin looks at him, thinking that he is about to be engaged to this man, his heart is a little elated.

His lip shape is very good-looking, not big or small, light red, has a man's unique sex appeal, make the comfortable sound even some ready to move.

She endured for a while, but eventually did not, or was bewitched, close to him, kiss up.

Anyway, he fell asleep and didn't know. It's good to take advantage of it!

Shu Yin tentatively kisses him. Seeing that Jing Rui doesn't respond, he kisses again.

She kisses once and for all, happily, as if she has got a new toy, constantly testing the bottom line of the toy.

Jingrui falls asleep all the time. Shuyin kisses him for a long time. Finally, he is satisfied. He closes his eyes happily and begins to belong to sheep.

Shuyin wakes up again and is awakened by a kiss.

Jingrui originally kisses very gently. As soon as she wakes up, the kiss immediately becomes domineering and crazy, as if to eat Shu Yin.

His teeth bite Shu Yin's lips, some ambiguous way: "like it?"

In fact, she likes this kind of entanglement love, like to be his overbearing kiss.

However, Shu Yin's export is a little delicate word: "pain..."

Jing Rui releases her red and swollen lips and reaches into her clothes.

His hand just touched the skin of Shuyin's waist, which made her feel a kind of inexplicable shiver. Her heart beat quickly, and her skin quickly turned into light pink.

Shu Yin stopped his hand in a hurry: "don't move, or I'll go!"

Jing Rui said with a low smile, "I thought you were thirsty and wanted to satisfy you."

These four words are really embarrassing, Shu Yin blushed and refuted: "nonsense, I'm not!"

"No, you just snuck on me for half an hour?"

Shu Yin was shocked: "do you know?"

"Why don't you know? You kiss too hard and your technique is not very good. Haven't I taught you many times? Why haven't you learned it yet? "

Shu Yin's face rose red instantly, and she couldn't raise her head.

I've been caught!

What a shame!

She bit Jing Rui's chest angrily, and said, "you are so disgusted. Why don't you tell me when you wake up?"

Seeing her shy and lovely appearance, Jingrui's chest vibrates with laughter. He gently pinches Shu Yin's chin and whispers, "I just want to see what you can do. If you want to give me a hand, I can take the opportunity to cooperate with you."

What's all this? How could she

Shu Yin and Jing Rui laugh and make trouble. If they didn't know that he still had work to deal with, they could make it until dark.

The two of them are making trouble here, and Jingzhi is not at peace.

He took a taxi back home, saw three girls with different characteristics at home when crazy, suddenly headache to crack!

"Go, go, go! No one is allowed to come in without my permission

The three girls are not afraid of the cold faced Jing Zhi at all. They have been under Jing Rui's hand for a long time. When Jing Rui gets cold, he is much more frightening than Jing Zhi."Young master Zhi, you are too cruel. We come in to clean up the housework and provide entertainment for you, which is to increase your happiness. Do you think the house is much cleaner?"

"If you drive us out, the three sisters will have to sleep in the street. Can you bear it?"

"I heard that you are the most pitiful. Why are you so fierce today? I'm afraid of you

Three people, you a word I a word, Jingzhi brain pain!

And although these three people have their own characteristics, they are all the same as their names and belong to the new style of Qing Dynasty. In addition, the three people are deliberately coquettish and soft. They are all similar to Zheng yuluo's style!

Jingzhi knows that this is Jingrui's intentional punishment of him!

Don't he like Zheng yuluo?

Then give him a pile of Zheng yuluo with beautiful women, after this kind of women, there must be enough resistance!

Maybe, even with Zheng yuluo, will not like it!

My brother has a good intention, but Jingzhi doesn't like the same style at all. He only likes the original version!

He looked more at girls like Zheng yuluo, but it was because of Zheng yuluo, not because they were pure and lovely.

However, after Xiao Yue's affair and today's seamless attack of the three Qingling sisters, he is really immune to such women!

More women, really not a good thing!

According to the law, Jing Rui certainly won't send him three women to make trouble, but these three are as beautiful as flowers, they don't look like they have received any special training.

Jing Zhi is impatient to drive the three sisters out. They all murmur wrongly. As they go out, they whisper in the voice Jingzhi hears: "is it a man who drives women out! Don't you pretend you don't like us because you can't satisfy our three sisters

If these three girls were not Jing Rui's, Jing Zhi would beat each of them! , the fastest update of the webnovel!