Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1180

"No, brother

Jingzhi quickly gets up and follows him. He follows Jingrui into the room. Seeing Jingrui lying on the bed, he closes his eyes and immediately takes the quilt to cover him.

Jingrui opened his eyes: "go away! Go back to your own house! I can't even sleep well when I see you

Jingzhi doesn't mind being scolded by his brother at all. Anyway, his brother is a knife mouth with a bean curd heart. He can always tolerate him without a bottom line.

Instead, he took off his shoes and lay down on the bed. He rubbed his body close to Jingrui: "brother, let's sleep together."

Shu Yin just went upstairs and heard this sentence. When she entered Jingrui's room and saw two big men lying side by side, she almost thought she was dazzled!

She blinked her eyes. Seeing that Jing Rui's face was very ugly, she suddenly burst into a laugh: "you two brothers have a good sleep. I won't disturb you!"

Jing Rui chokes Jing Zhi's heart!

He immediately said, "Yinyin, come back! Don't go

Shuyin's face came out from the crack of the door. There was an obvious smile between her eyebrows and eyes: "I don't go. I'm downstairs. However, this bedroom is a little small. The master bedroom in the south is big, and the mood is good. You should change over there! "

She finished and went down the stairs with a smile.

Jingrui listens to Shuyin's laughter, feeling inexplicably better.

He looked at Jing Zhi around him and kicked him in disgust: "you hurry away, my woman is coming!"

Jingzhi wanted to cry without tears: "brother, she is not my sister-in-law, you don't want a younger brother? You have a woman with me, I don't! Please help me to find out about Xiao Yue

"You have two women with you, that's not enough?! Shall I give you another one? "

"There are two women! Now no one, Zheng yuluo doesn't talk to me any more, Xiao Yue, I'm all on guard! If you give me another one... "

"If you don't leave, I'll give you two!"



"All right, all right, I'll go. Can't I go yet?"

Jingzhi is almost crying. He can't resist two of them. Let's have three more. Don't live!

He thought that Jingrui would help him by listening to his grievances, but this time he failed!

My brother is completely unmoved!

Women's jealousy is a small matter, so he doesn't care?

Alas, jealousy can lead to disaster!

Jingzhi went down the stairs with wilting eyes. On the way, he saw the soothing sound of eating oranges sitting in the living room. He said plaintively, "my brother now has only you in his heart. Even my orange belongs to you. Are you satisfied?"

Shu Yin's smile was so brilliant that her white teeth seemed to be shining: "satisfied! Very satisfied! Are you not going? If you don't go, your little Yue will be in a hurry! "

In fact, Shu Yin doesn't know the relationship between Jing Zhi and Xiao Yue, but she knows that Jing Zhi likes Zheng yuluo, so she deliberately uses Xiao Yue to stimulate him.

Sure enough, Jing Zhi's bitter face turned cold: "don't mention her, this girl may be a liar!"

"Oh, you can be cheated! Alas, men are all the same. If they like other girls, they say that they deceive you and refuse to admit their mistakes. "

Shuyin's eyes turned and suddenly said, "it seems that I can't get engaged to Jing Rui so quickly. What if he likes others in the future? Maybe if you like someone else, you have to say that they are all entangled by girls! "

Jing Zhi is shocked!

If Shu Yin doesn't get engaged to her brother because of this, he will break his leg!

"No, no, no, I'm an example! It has nothing to do with my brother. You are the only one in my brother's heart

Jingzhi finished and quickly left. He was afraid that Shuyin would not associate with it!

This is not for fun, women's imagination is too rich, in case of pit Jing Rui, it will die!

But when he got out of the door and went to his car, he saw three beautiful women sitting in the car!

"How did you get in there?! Get out of here

Jingzhi yelled, but the three girls didn't pay any attention to it.

The one in the co driver's seat is young and beautiful, lively and flexible. She opens her vermilion lips and laughs with a sweet voice:

"young master Zhi, I'm Qingling, the slim one behind is Qingying, the plump one is Qingtian. Our three sisters will serve you specially in the future. The boss said, "it doesn't matter if you don't like the three of us. Tomorrow, you can tell him that you can send three more beautiful than us!"

Qingling's voice just fell, Qingying Qingtian said in one voice: "wisdom little good, let's go home!"

Jing Zhi almost fainted in the dark!

This girl calls "boss", which is no doubt Jing Rui!

My brother is really here!

Is this not going to give him a living?

All right, the three of them like to ride in his car, don't they?

Then he doesn't want this car!Jingzhi strides out, but after only a few steps, he finds that the car is catching up!

The car key is clearly here. How can they drive it?!

Qingling has gone from the co pilot to the driver's seat. Seeing Jingzhi turn back, she smiles and waves her hand at him: "our sisters are afraid of the sun, so we won't take a walk with you. Go slowly, we'll go home first!"

She said that, driving the sports car to rub suddenly jumped out, the two on the back seat also a burst of cheers "go home!" He didn't take Jing Zhi seriously.

Jingzhi's heart is like falling into an ice cellar. After that, his brother gave him three ancestors!

Shu Yin was lying on the window to watch the excitement, but she didn't think it was too big to cry out: "Jingzhi, you are lucky! The three sisters are rare beauties. You make money! Come back often! It's a good deal to take three back at once

Jing Zhi's face is green. He glares at Shu Yin with hatred and goes away quickly.

If we delay further, there will be more than three of them today!

Shu Yin looks at Jing Zhi leaving in a mess. She laughs so hard that she can't stand up. Jing Rui is too cruel!

She was smiling, and suddenly a warm embrace wrapped her behind her.

A familiar masculine breath came to her face, and Shuyin gently turned back: "you don't sleep?"

"Sleep, but I can't sleep alone. I need someone to sleep with."

Shu Yin laughed: "Jing Zhigang just went to sleep with you very well. Why did you drive people away?"

"Because you're here, he's a real eyesore!"

Jing Rui said, biting Shu Yin's earlobe for a while, and then picked her up.

Shu Yin was surprised: "what are you doing?"


"No, no, no, no, I have something else to do. I have to go!"

Shu Yin's face was scarlet, struggling to escape.

But Jing Rui hugs her tightly and walks steadily up the stairs.

Shu Yin saw that he even carried himself into the south of the big master bedroom, more flustered: "Why sleep in this room?"

"It's not what you said. It's a nice place." , the fastest update of the webnovel!