Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1163

Shuyin only stayed in Jingrui's villa for two days, and then went back to the hotel.

One is that the villa is a little far away from x-big and Mu's Hospital, which makes it inconvenient for her to get up early to go to school or go to work.

The second reason is that Jing Rui's eyes are getting hotter and hotter now. He wants to swallow her directly. He is so scared that Shuyin doesn't dare to live with him.

However, Shuyin can not get rid of Jingrui even after staying in the hotel.

Where she wants to live, Jingrui doesn't stop her. Anyway, he follows her.

He has only one requirement, and that is to stay in the best hotel.

The top hotels in a city are all Jing's, so Shu Yin can't escape from his palm.

Jingrui takes pursuing Shuyin as a great pleasure in his life. After his busy work every day, Shuyin is his most warm and peaceful harbor.

He entered the hotel with a big bunch of roses and took the elevator to the luxurious suite on the top floor.

Today, he is dressed in a pure black custom-made suit, spotless white shirt, shining hand-made leather shoes, and his hair is not disordered. Standing under the crystal lamp in the living room of the suite, he radiates more dazzling light than the crystal lamp!

Shu Yin is holding the book and staring at him.

Jing Rui faint smile: "baby, you don't know me?"


Shu Yin blinked her eyes. She didn't adapt to her new name, but she liked it.

"You're so handsome that you flash into my eyes."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so handsome."

When he speaks, he exudes charm all the time, which makes Shuyin's uncontrollable heart beat faster.

"No, you should be so handsome. I like it!"

She put down the book, got up and went to Jing Rui, and reached out to get the beautiful roses.

Jing Rui's hand pulls back slightly, and Shu Yin's hand falls empty.

Shu Yin looked at him suspiciously: "didn't you buy it for me?"

Jing Rui lowered his head and bit her red lips. He said in a low voice, "yes, but it's not for you."

He kisses lightly, the control is excellent, comfortable sound is not satisfied.

How come every time she wants to kiss deeply, he doesn't kiss on purpose?

It was so dark yesterday that I had to eat her into my stomach. Today I have become a gentleman again!

Prince of change?

Jing Rui looks at Shu Yin's lips and knows that she is reluctant to part with the kiss just now.

Suddenly, he was in a good mood. He put one hand around Shuyin's waist and lowered his head to entangle her again.

Each other's breath entangles together, even the rhythm of the heartbeat seems to be consistent.

For a long time, Jingrui releases Shuyin. In her shocked eyes, she kneels on one knee on the carpet, holds flowers in one hand, and takes out a ring from the pocket of her suit with the other.

"Yinyin, I'm here to propose to you today. Would you like to marry me?"

There is still his blazing heat between his lips and teeth. Shuyin is intoxicated with his gentle and firm eyes.

She didn't expect that Jing Rui would propose. She had wondered why Jing Rui would buy her flowers today.

Didn't they talk about engagement long ago?

This kind of moment, say anything will destroy the good atmosphere, except for the classic three words.

"I will!"

Shu Yin's face is crimson. She looks at Jingrui and reaches out to help him up.

Such an indomitable man who made the world tremble was kneeling in front of her on one knee. She felt great pressure!

In her heart, he has always been as noble as a prince. He should be respected and admired by all people.

Jing Rui doesn't stand up with Shu Yin's hand. In addition to kneeling his parents and elders, the only person willing to bend his knees is Shuyin.

He remembered that jingyichen had said before that it was right to bow down in front of her own women.

How can you tie her shoes if you don't bend down?

She's shorter than you. How can you kiss her if you don't bow your head?

If you want to propose, even if you have ten thousand taels of gold under your knees, you will be happy to kneel down, as long as she can agree.

From then on, she is your woman. It makes sense for you to have children, to take care of your daily chores and to kneel down to propose marriage.

Jingrui puts the diamond ring on Shuyin's ring finger, kisses it gently, and then slowly gets up.

He handed the rose to Shuyin and said with a smile, "baby, now the flowers are yours. Of course, I am yours too."

Shuyin felt that she was surrounded by boundless happiness.

Her tears, however, fell on the red rose petals, forming a drop of crystal water, magnificent incomparable.

Since knowing Shu Yin, Jing Rui has never seen Shu Yin cry.

No matter what happened, even if it was captured by yew and Lucas and threatened her life, she never cried.

Last time, she firmly said goodbye to him, and did not cry.And now, she is in tears!

Through the fragrant rose, Jing Rui kisses the tears on her face.

Her tears cool, like her people, with a special cold, let people want to warm her.

"You said it yourself. You are mine. You can't abandon me or be cruel to me. You can only treat me well."

Jingrui stroked her long hair and said in a low voice, "OK, I promise you. But you also have to promise that from now on, no matter what happens, you can't leave me. "

Shu Yin feels that he has no reason to leave Jingrui. He is worried about it!

Where can I find such a gentle, handsome, noble and rich boyfriend?

She happily pulls Jingrui to sit down on the sofa, puts the big bunch of roses on the white marble table, and then the whole person leans on Jingrui's arms and looks at her diamond ring in the light.

Under the crystal lamp, the diamond, a symbol of eternal love, exudes a dazzling light.

The diamond is crystal clear, with high purity and exquisite grinding. The craftsman's uncanny craftsmanship endows this diamond with immortal soul.

Although Shu Yin has no research on diamonds and has never liked diamonds before, she still knows that this diamond ring is valuable.

The diamond is very beautiful, and the key is from Jing Rui.

This is the first ornament he gave her, and it is also a treasure.

The meaning is extraordinary, Shu Yin can't put it down.

She finally understood why women like jewelry.

She remembered that her mother used to love luxury jewelry, and almost all her money bought those gems that she could neither eat nor wear.

After she died, she didn't know who was cheaper.

When Shu Yin was sent to the Research Institute, she didn't bring anything of value.

She suspected that all her mother's things were in Lucas's hands.

Shu Yin doesn't want to ask Lucas. She just needs the diamond given by Jing Rui.

Jingrui see Shu Yin has been playing with that diamond ring, can't help but ask: "like?"

Before he bought it, he was very worried that Shuyin would not like it. He chose it for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!