Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1162

More than 11 o'clock at noon, Jing Rui takes Shu Yin to his home.

Shu Yin was very nervous, but when she saw shangguanning, she forgot to be nervous at all!

Shangguanning is too young!

She doesn't look like a mother of two. She looks more like Jing Rui's sister!

Shu Yin is stunned for a while, until Jing Rui pinches her hand and signals her to call someone. She hesitates and calls out "Auntie.".

She felt that calling "Auntie" was really getting old for Shangguan.

Shangguan Ning is wearing a bright orange dress today. The dress is covered with a white hollowed out cardigan. She has no makeup, but her skin is white and there is no wrinkle.

Her long black hair was draped on her shoulders, like the best silk, with a faint luster.

Her whole body exudes a kind of elegant and soft temperament, with a smile on her beautiful face, and she has the vitality and freshness of young talents.

Shu Yin thinks that if she meets shangguanning on the street, she would never have thought that this is Jing Rui's mother!

Shu Yin stupidly looks at Shangguan Ning's appearance, inadvertently pleasing jingyichen.

He took a look at his wife and thought that shangguanning was the most beautiful. Shuyin was stunned when she came!

Shangguanning also knows that Shuyin is surprised by her youth, because she has seen such scenes many times.

Many people think it's normal for her to have a daughter as old as Jingxi. They never thought she had a 20-year-old son.

She takes the gift from Shuyin with a smile, hands it to jingyichen directly, and then pulls Shuyin into the living room and sits down.

"The first time Yinyin comes to my home, don't be restrained. It's your own home! After a while, let ruiruirui show you around. Our house is quite big! "

Jingxi also joined the party and said with a smile: "we are very big. You and your brother can live here tonight."

She wanted to call Shuyin "sister-in-law", but she was worried that if she called in front of the whole family, she would feel embarrassed. Finally, she kept her back.

Shu Yin was really a little embarrassed. She touched Jingxi's head and showed a smile to Shangguan: "Auntie, you are young and beautiful!"

Shangguan was very happy with her smile. Before she spoke, Jing Rui, who was standing beside her, said, "she is not young and strange. My father has taken care of all the family affairs. She doesn't need to worry about anything. Even her daughter is now raised by her son. She plays basketball, beautifies and travels every day."

Shangguan Ning immediately glared at his son: "you and your father go to the study to talk, don't stand here, I feel dizzy!"

Jingrui laughs and shakes his head: "Mom, you don't want a son so soon? It's just the first day

He nodded to Shuyin and followed jingyichen to the study.

Jing Yichen looks much milder today than when he saw Shu Yin last time. Jing Rui knows that this must be due to his mother.

But this is also relatively speaking, when he does not speak, he still looks indifferent.

As soon as the two men left, the living room seemed to be much more relaxed.

Shu Yin is really a little afraid of jingyichen. He stares at him indifferently and feels that he doesn't know where to put his hands and feet.

There are always a lot of topics between women. In addition, Guan Ning and Shu Yin are both interested in making each other like themselves, and they soon get together.

In addition, Jingxi from time to time out of a few children's words, the atmosphere became relaxed and happy.

Half an hour later, Jingrui and jingyichen come out of the study and hear three people in the living room laughing.

The kitchen had prepared lunch, and several people went to the restaurant to eat together.

There has always been no habit of eating without saying anything at home, and a meal can be very enjoyable.

When Shuyin left in the afternoon, she had talked with Shangguan Ning.

"Your parents are very good, and their feelings are also very good. It's very rare!"

Back to Jingrui's villa, Shuyin can't help sighing.

Jingrui pillows his head on Shuyin's thigh, comfortable and comfortable.

"Our relationship will be very good. You can see how my father treats my mother, and I will treat you in the future."

His parents have never quarreled much in their lives.

On the one hand, shangguanning is really not the kind of woman who can make a fuss. She is easy to be satisfied. On the other hand, no matter what happens, jingyichen always bows her head and holds his wife in the palm of his hand.

When Jing Rui was a child, he laughed at his father for being strict with his wife. When he grew up, he realized that his father was not afraid of his mother, but that he loved her enough.

His gentleness and tolerance, indulgence and concession reflect a man's mind and a husband's attitude.

Jingrui hopes that in the future, he and Shu Yin can have no quarrel, only love.

Shu Yin is not a love to make love of people, she is very rational, no ambition, like children, like stability, is a good wife choice.

Shu Yin saw Jing Yichen's doting on his wife today.

She was so shocked that she didn't expect the indifferent jingyichen to have a gentle and considerate side.If Jing Rui is really like him, then the future life will be very beautiful indeed.

Shu Yin's fingers gently put on Jing Rui's face, subconsciously depicting his perfect facial contour.

She said softly, "I believe you."

Jingrui grabs her soft and boneless hand and kisses her gently: "when are we engaged? You pick a day and I'll prepare it! "

"This Will it be too soon? "

Shu Yin always has a kind of unreal feeling. How did she become Jingrui's girlfriend?

Can they live together for a lifetime?

Will there be another one in her life from now on?

She was a little upset, a little nervous.

"Not at all. It takes at least a month to get engaged."

Jing Rui feels that he has been very slow. Every time he approaches Shu Yin, he always has an impulse to turn her into his own woman!

Shu Yin stopped talking. She didn't know what to say.

When she can't see Jingrui, she will miss him unconsciously. If he is not around her, she will always feel empty.

Jing Rui doesn't need Shu Yin to respond to anything. As long as she doesn't object fiercely, he will all agree!

However, he had a hindsight reaction. In fact, he proposed to Shu Yin!

This is too informal!

No wonder Shu Yin hesitated!

Jing Rui reviews himself in his heart and sets the diamond ring and rose the next day.

But Shu Yin didn't pay any attention to formal or informal issues. She had never been to a wedding or engagement. She even knew little about marriage proposals.

She used to live in a cage, almost isolated from the world, the network of the research institute is set with access restrictions, not everything can be seen casually.

So she didn't have a clear idea about the proposal.

She never pays attention to the form, as long as the object of engagement is Jing Rui. , the fastest update of the webnovel!