Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1033

"What shall we do! In case What if she wants to find her parents! "

Jing Zhi lowered his voice very low for fear that Shuyin would hear it.

In fact, Shu Yin can't hear anything at the moment, and she is struggling in the abyss of pain.

Jing Rui shook his head and said in a low voice, "it should not be."

At least he knew that Shu Yin had never looked for her parents and never mentioned it.

For her parents, she is very indifferent, even indifferent.

If you want to find them, even if you find their bones, Shu Yin has already started looking for them, and won't wait until now.

Jing Zhi is not at ease. He doesn't want to be an enemy with Shu Yin.

Besides his brother, Jing Zhi has only two friends, one is Peter, the other is Shu Yin.

Getting along with her is very pleasant. If she becomes an enemy, Jing Zhi doesn't know whether he should fight Shu yin or not.

"Brother, when Peter comes back, we'd better ask him. Shu Yin's situation was better before. I always feel uneasy about her like this."

Jingzhi also wants to hide the secret of Shucheng mountain forever. Anyway, all the people of Shucheng mountain are dead, and his death is purely his own. Even if Shuyin knows about it, it can't change anything. It's better not to let Shuyin know.

After Peter came back from the outside, he felt much relieved when he saw Shu Yin sleeping soundly.

In fact, the relationship between Shu Yin and him is the best and the closest.

After all, the two have worked together for many years. Shu Yin grew up as a teacher and a friend. Among the people who come out of the Research Institute, they are still in contact with each other. Of course, he does not want Shu Yin to have an accident.

Worried that Shuyin would hear them talking inside, the three men turned to talk in a low voice outside the ward.

"As soon as Shu Yin entered the Research Institute, she was injected with drugs to erase her memory, but It didn't work at first, but it was only after repeated injections that it worked. However, this kind of medicine can not all be effective in one time. When Jing Zhi was given it at the beginning, it was repeated many times before he completely forgot the past. "

Peter thinks that it is possible that Shuyin has preserved some memories. Not everyone will completely forget the past.

The reason why Jing Zhi completely forgets is that he is the focus of the Research Institute. He has been injected with the largest amount of medicine and the longest time.

"Do you mean Shu Yin remembers the past?"

Jing Zhi could not help frowning, "I heard her calling dad in her dream today."

"It may be that he remembered that Lucas, Shu Yin's adoptive father, didn't care whether Shuyin had past memories, so he didn't strictly examine whether she had amnesia. Because Shu Yin was sent to the research institute by her father, even if she had memory, she would not recognize her father again. On the contrary, if she has this kind of hatred, she will be more determined to give her life to the Research Institute. "

Peter said so much, only the sentence "will not recognize her father again", which makes Jing Zhi feel comfortable.

Of course, Lucas Jingzhi knows him. He has been in the Research Institute for so many years, and he remembers every paranoia in it.

Lucas is the best of the paranoia. I heard that he even used his parents to test the virus. The couple and one of Lucas's brothers were tortured to death by him.

It's a miracle that Shuyin can survive in his hands!

Jing Rui also knows about Shu Yin's adoptive father Lucas, and he knows much more than Shu Yin and Jing Zhi.

Because before deciding to use Shu Yin, Jing Rui investigated her clearly.

The most dangerous person around Shu Yin is Lucas. If Shu Yin is as inhumane as he is, he can take any action at will. Jing Rui will not use such a person.

Peter doesn't know about Shu Chengshan's suicide, because he always thought that Shu Yin's parents had already died. However, seeing Jing Zhi's worried appearance, he seems to be afraid of Shu Yin's thinking of the past. He can't help but wonder if Shu Yin's parents are not dead?

But Jing Rui is indifferent from beginning to end, and Peter doesn't ask much.

If he knows, Jing Rui will tell him.

Anyway, the brothers will not harm Shu Yin.

The three people talk outside for a while, and the result is that Shuyin may have memories of the past, and Jingrui's look is even colder.

Shuyin's health is no longer in serious trouble. The hospital is not a good place for recuperation. It is not safe here. In addition, there is a king Xi. Jing Rui and Jing Zhi hold one each other and return to the helicopter on the roof top.

Although Jingxi is young, she is very alert. When Jingzhi hugs her, she wakes up when she leaves.

Seeing that the person holding her is Jing Zhi, she also called out "second brother" sweetly.

Jingzhi's heart is soft and in a mess. He thinks that this little girl is beautiful and lovely. He would like to take her with him every day.

However, in the following week, Jingzhi regretted his decision countless times!This girl's lovely and clever, are temporary, short-lived, she can make trouble too much!

Jingxi knows that her appearance is deceptive. She is very happy to see her second brother doting on her.

Oh, there will be another big supporter in the future! If you go out to fight, she is invincible!

However, when Jingxi lifted his eyes to see his brother in front of him, the cells of the eight trigrams immediately became active and sleepless!

"Second brother, why do you hold me, not my brother? Can't you hold that sister? "

Jingxi's big eyes blinked and blinked, as if they didn't understand anything.

But Jingzhi knew how clever she was. She grinned and said, "little girl, you should ask my brother about this! How can you know why I hold you

He said, one hand holding Jingxi, the other hand to pinch her small nose: "villain spirit!"

Jingxi doesn't care at all, just lies on Jingzhi and laughs.

I'm very happy to hold her with my second brother. She doesn't want to let her hold Shuyin! Otherwise, it would be troublesome for her two brothers to see the same girl!

Anyway, the second brother is so romantic, handsome and unrestrained that he will not be short of girlfriends in the future!

Jing Rui, who is walking in front of him, is not deaf. He can hear what the two people say clearly, but the expression on his face does not change at all, just as the naughty younger sister and teasing younger brother don't say anything about him.

The party lands in front of the villa that Jingrui has bought again. Jingrui still holds Shuyin, and Jingzhi still holds Jingxi. Peter follows, and several people enter the villa.

The cold wind came out from inside, and saw his boss holding Shuyin in his arms. As if he had not seen anything, he quickly said the layout of the villa in a low voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!