Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1032

Seeing Shu Yin's appearance, Jingzhi was on fire at once!

"What son of a bitch did this! Dare to move Shuyin, I'll let the killer kill him! "

Jing Rui looks cold. He hugs Shu Yin and looks around the environment. He can see several small black dots from a distance.

He said coldly, "ah Zhi, the people who move Shuyin are coming. They are all handed over to you. Jingxi back to the helicopter, Peter first give Shu Yin a look, her pulse is weak, there are signs of poisoning. "

Three people at the same time a Leng, grab Shu Yin people come? Jing Rui still knows pulse?!

But this is clearly not the time to get involved.

Jing Zhili agreed and said, "don't worry, brother, all these people will be handed over to me!"

"Leave a few alive!"


With that, Jingzhi puts Jingxi on the ground, but the descendants have disappeared from the original place and run straight to the dark spot in the distance.

With his fighting power, no matter how many people there are on the other side, they will surely lose.

Jingrui holds Shuyin and takes Jingxi back to the helicopter. Peter starts to check Shuyin.

He studied the virus for many years, and soon found that Shuyin was poisoned.

"It should be food poisoning. I'll give her a simple gastric lavage first."

The helicopter was equipped with some necessary medicine, and Peter brought some by himself. It was easy to induce vomiting.

After Shu Yin vomited, Peter said definitely: "yes, food poisoning!"

Because Shuyin only took more than half an hour to eat the mushrooms, the mushrooms did not fully digest.

"It seems that Shu Yin was so hungry and thirsty that she ate this wild mushroom. With her knowledge, she must have known that eating this mushroom raw would cause poisoning, so she only ate a little."

Peter takes out a bag of normal saline and skillfully infuses Shuyin.

"She would not have been poisoned so seriously, but she was injured and dehydrated so much that she was unconscious. Fortunately, there was no big problem. After the toxicity was discharged, she would be OK. However, the organs in her body should be damaged, or she should be sent to the hospital for treatment, otherwise the internal bleeding will become more and more serious

Jing Rui sits beside Shu Yin and listens to Peter's words indifferently and spits out a word: "good."

Jingxi stood beside her brother. She looked a little moved. She ran to get a spoon and handed a cup of water to Jingrui: "brother, please feed this sister some water! Didn't she say she was dehydrated? She must be thirsty if she eats poisonous mushrooms

Jing Rui can see through his sister's careful thinking at a glance. If Shu Yin's situation was not too bad at the moment, he would have applauded his sister.

The first time I saw Shu Yin, my sister was captured by her?

He hasn't seen a little girl speak for anyone like this. When he was in a city, he saw a woman who came to him, but Jingxi was very unhappy, and would directly help him drive people out.

Why doesn't she hate Shu yin?

Looking at Shu Yin's pale face and pale dry lips, Jing Rui gently lifts Shu Yin's head from behind and lets her back rest on his body.

"I'll hold her, and you'll feed her."

Jingxi looked at his brother did not hate to put Shu Yin in his arms, suddenly surprised.

It's understandable to have taken Shuyin back just now, but now I'm still holding her in my arms. That's a good illustration.

Shuyin is not clean at this time. She is not only covered with weeds, but also covered with soil and her hair is in a mess.

Mother said, brother and father, have serious cleanliness addiction, do not like other people touch him?

It seems that the beauty in front of me is not someone else!

My brother is enlightened!

She, as a sister, can worry less!

Jingxi holding a cup, happy to come forward, carefully learning from the mother's appearance, a spoon of feeding Shuyin drink water.

Peter is mixing the medicine and preparing to inject the antidote to Shuyin while watching his brother and sister serve Shuyin.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the whole world would be relieved to be able to take care of these two brothers and sisters! Even Jingzhi has never had such treatment!

He has never seen Jing Rui so careful with girls!

After a while, Jingzhi came back with a murderous look. His white shirt was stained with blood, even on his pretty face.

But obviously, the blood is not his, but the other people's.

"Brother, I didn't leave any alive. When they saw that I had arrested two people, they all took poison and committed suicide! The two that caught are also dead, using the virus peculiar to the research institute! There's no stopping it! "

Jing Rui's face is a little gloomy. It seems that the other party knows that he will come to the door, so even the protective measures have been taken!

"It's OK. Let's go back first. When Shuyin wakes up, let her tell us it's the same."

Although the mastermind will certainly run away, but he can't let Shu Yin's injury worsen.The helicopter takes off quickly and lands on the top floor of a hospital. Jing Rui enters the hospital from the rooftop with Shuyin in his arms.

After a rescue, Shuyin's condition finally stabilized and her heart rate returned to normal. She was in no danger, except that she still had some fever.

She was sent to a single ward, with Jing Rui and Jing Zhi guarding her. However, Jing Xi was too excited to follow someone last night and didn't sleep all night. Now she is sleepy in another bed.

Peter runs up and down outside to go through the hospitalization procedures, and then talks to Shu Yin's attending doctor. He is not afraid that other doctors can't cure Shuyin, but that the virus in Shuyin's body will infect the doctor.

Fortunately, doctors in the process of surgery are afraid of infection, will do a variety of protective measures in advance, so the attending doctor did not do anything wrong.

The ward is very quiet, Shuyin from time to time issued a painful murmur, it is very clear.

She is deeply immersed in the painful dream, the physical pain, let her instinctively curl up.

High fever makes Shuyin a little confused. She instinctively hugs a corner of the quilt and whispers: "Dad..."

The two men guarding her were slightly stiff at the same time.

After a long time, Jing Zhicai looks at Jing Rui with a worried look and says in a soft voice, "brother, this..."

"It's OK. She's just dreaming."

It's not the first time that Jing Rui has heard Shu Yin calling "Dad", so he looks more leisurely than Jing Zhi.

"Isn't she supposed to be as amnestic as I am? How can I remember... "

How can you remember your father!

You know, he just didn't remember anything!

Otherwise, how could he bear so much pain and carve the word "brother" in his palm!

However, even if it was engraved in the palm of his hand, he did not remember that he had a brother at all!

Why does Shu Yin remember?

How much does she remember?

Jing Rui looks at Shu Yin's painful expression, frowns tightly, and says faintly: "maybe, she remembers some fragments in the past." , the fastest update of the webnovel!