Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1012

Jingzhi swore to deny: "absolutely did not use you, otherwise let me die! I'll never find a girlfriend again! "

He said, suddenly a flash of light, way: "in fact, please come, because my brother wants to discuss with you the matter of returning to a city!"

"Oh, well, I'll be there in a minute."

Shu Yin finished, and then hung up the phone.

Jing Zhi is so angry at home!

No matter how he asked for Shuyin, she refused to come. As soon as he moved out of his brother, she immediately agreed!

They are also surnamed Jing. How can the difference in treatment be so big!

His full of enthusiasm and a trace of guilt, were all tossed away by Shu Yin.

However, Jingzhi still prepared rich dishes. Of course, he did not cook them. Instead, he found a chef to make them according to Shu Yin's preference.

Looking at him, Zheng yuluo earnestly told the chef to do this and that, but all the food prepared was not her taste. She knew that today's dinner was prepared for others.

She forbeared and forbeared, but did not ask who it was prepared for.

There are more desserts and European dishes for dinner. I feel like it's for girls.

Zheng yuluo felt that his heart was pricked by a needle, and the pain was slowly overflowing and bleeding.

Sure enough, at more than seven o'clock in the evening, an extremely beautiful woman came to the appointment.

Today's Shuyin is wearing a black and White Plaid Dress with academic style, black stockings, white woollen coat, dark brown small leather boots, long hair shawl, red lips and white teeth. She still holds a thick book in front of her chest and carries a backpack. She looks like a pure and green college student.

No, not like, she is.

Looking at such a comfortable sound, Zheng yuluo wondered whether she should also go to read.

For the sake of Jing Zhi, her studies have been delayed a lot. It's not that she doesn't love to study. She was also the first in her class before she found Jing Zhi, but she didn't have any mind to study before she found Jing Zhi.

Like Shu Yin, a girl who has both unique beauty and hard work, I'm afraid no one doesn't like her.

Even she began to like her gradually!

"Dr. Shu, here you are

Zheng Yu can't afford to compete with Shu Yin at all. She knows that if Jing Zhi doesn't like her, no matter how she behaves, no matter how she argues, it will be useless.

Even if there is no Shu Yin, there will be other girls to occupy Jing Zhi's heart.

So, she knows, everything is not Shu Yin's fault.

If there is a mistake, it is her own fault!

She pushed Jing Zhi out by herself.

Shu Yin was very sensitive to the change of Zheng yuluo's attitude. She was very puzzled, but she gently laughed on her face: "you can call me Shuyin. Later, I'll tell you to rain down well, otherwise it seems that we are too unfamiliar!"

She didn't know why Zheng yuluo changed her attitude towards her, but she would not be cold faced to others when people were good to her.

What's more, Zheng yuluo and Jingzhi are likely to become a couple in the future. Jingzhi is one of her few friends. She can't have a fight with Jingzhi's girlfriend!

What's more, Zheng yuluo looks so simple and has no idea. If he is a friend, he is also very good.

Zheng yuluo's eyes were dazzled by Shuyin's smile. She never knew that a girl could be so beautiful when she laughed!

"Shuyin, you are beautiful!"

"Thank you! You are beautiful, too

This is the second time that Zheng yuluo is so formal that she is beautiful. Shu Yin can't help sighing in her heart. Does Jingzhi stimulate Zheng Yu again?

As soon as her idea came into being, Jingzhi rushed directly to her and hugged her. She exclaimed, "little tree shade, you are coming so fast! Do you miss me

Shu Yin separates herself from Jing Zhi with the book on her chest. Seeing Zheng yuluo's face turning white quickly, she feels that she must do something.

She pushed Jingzhi away and said to Zheng yuluo, "yuluo, don't get me wrong. Jingzhi and I are just ordinary friends. Don't listen to him. I'm not his girlfriend! He's teasing you

How can Zheng Baishu deny it!

She can't help but look at Jing Zhi, hoping that he can also say "to tease you.".

Unfortunately, Jing Zhi forced himself to hold Shuyin, and said, "who said it was not? You are my girlfriend! It's no use if you don't admit it. Anyway, I treat you as my girlfriend

Shu Yin Qi picked up the book and smashed it on Jing Zhi: "how come you never stop! Rain, don't believe him, I don't like him, I I I've had a boyfriend for a long time

In a hurry, Shu Yin had to make up a non-existent boyfriend!

She didn't want to carry a black pot for Jing Zhi. She was obviously interested in other girls, but she would not admit it because she wanted face! The girls obviously like him, but he pushes people out!

Shu Yin didn't know the feud between Zheng yuluo and Jingzhi before. She thought it was Jingzhi who was rebellious, so she was so upset.Zheng yuluo and Jingzhi were both startled by Shuyin's words and said in the same voice: "do you have a boyfriend?"

Shu Yin looked at them and couldn't help but sigh.

well, what as like as two peas, I don't love each other. Look, even the words are exactly the same.

"Yes, I have a boyfriend! Jingzhi, you can't make fun of me in the future. In case my boyfriend knows about it, he will not be happy! "

Shu Yin said very seriously, but Jing Zhi was very suspicious: "little tree shade, you are not a good child to lie! I've known you for so long. Why didn't I know you had a boyfriend? What's his name? How old are you? What do you do? When did you meet? How long have you been dating? He... "

This is to check account!

Why did you interrupt me? Don't ask me any more, you know I have a boyfriend

"Who knows if you made it up? If you're cheating, I can't let you cheat like that

"Isn't it better to cheat? Because it shows that I don't like you! "

"But I like you Jingzhi doesn't have any pressure to confess. He likes Shu Yin very much. He thinks she is a crisp girl with good character and good appearance.

If his brother didn't allow him to move Shuyin, he would have wanted to develop with her.

Shu Yin was all white by Jing Zhiqi's face. Fortunately, she responded quickly, and immediately replied, "you didn't say yesterday that you only love rain in your life?"

Jing Zhi was shocked: "when did I say that?"

"You hear the rain? He dares to say that he doesn't dare to be. He likes this one today and that one tomorrow. Such a man is not worth trusting for life. Leave him now! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!