Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1011

"No! Brother, if you like her words, don't talk about me

Jingzhi is a little unbelievable. What's his relationship with Shu yin? In the last two years at most, she took care of him as a doctor.

Is it because she took care of him that his brother would protect her for life?

The reason is too far fetched!

Brother doesn't seem to be such a low IQ person!

"No, it's true."

Jingrui's deep voice reaches Jingzhi's ears from the phone. There is a kind of firm power that makes Jingzhi calm down and no longer laugh.

Jingzhi frowned slightly: "brother, what's going on? If it is really related to me, I will protect her in the future

"Do you remember the hypnotist who hypnotized you?"

"Yes, he helped me recover a lot of my memories. Of course I remember him! Is this something to do with him? Didn't he commit suicide

When Shucheng mountain committed suicide, Jing Zhi witnessed it.

He wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

At that time, Jing Zhi felt sorry for him for a long time, and did not understand why he committed suicide.

"That hypnotist is shuchengshan."

Hearing the name, Jingzhi was shocked: "surname Shu? Shu Yin She would not... "

"Yes, that's right. Shuyin is the only daughter of Shucheng mountain."

This is one of the few things that makes Jing Rui feel blocked.

Originally, it was nothing to protect Shu Yin. Even if one day, Shu Yin knew the truth and wanted to revenge, it was no big deal. To kill an ordinary girl, it was easy for a killer like him.

However, things deviated from Jing Rui's expected track.

He's afraid it's hard to deal with Shu Yin.

Therefore, he hoped that Shuyin would never know the secret of Shucheng mountain's death, forever!

Jingrui slowly said his original deal with Shucheng mountain: "Shucheng mountain is the world's top hypnotist, but also a killer. He has studied hypnosis for decades. For those with weak resistance, he can hypnotize people with a look and a gesture. Yew once hired him to kill me by hypnosis. I almost hit him at that time. Later, he committed suicide, which was actually forced by me

"His hypnotism can make people lose their memory, and they can also restore their memory. He didn't want to hypnotize you at first, but then I threatened with Shuyin, and he agreed to help you recover your memory. In return, I need to protect Shuyin all my life. "

Jingzhi is stunned!

He never thought that there was such a complicated and tortuous relationship in it! It has something to do with yew!

The original elder brother protects Shu Yin, really is because of him!

This story is a little heavy, heavy to Jing Zhi such thick lines of people, feel a bit tricky.

After a long silence, he began to comfort Jingrui: "brother, you can't be blamed for Shucheng mountain. If he wants to kill you, you can't wait to die. When he's hired by yew, he should take the risk of being killed

Jingzhi has seen shuchengshan's hypnosis skills, and has been shocked by his powerful hypnotism.

Especially that kind of deep hypnosis, can really dig out the biggest secret hidden in one's heart!

He is a killer and a man with strict training. He has strong willpower and resistance to hypnosis, but in shuchengshan's hands, his resistance can only last for a quarter of an hour.

Otherwise, he will not think of those completely forgotten memories in deep hypnosis!

Such a powerful man killed his brother, but he didn't die. All this is due to the strength of his brother. Otherwise, he will lose his brother forever.

Jingrui gave a faint "um" and told Jingzhi, "don't let Shu Yin know about this. I promised Shucheng mountain to take care of her for the rest of her life, so that she would not be bullied. Unless she wants revenge, the agreement between me and shuchengshan will be invalid. This is the reason why shuchengshan refused to let me do it and chose to commit suicide. "

Kill Shucheng mountain, Jing Rui has never regretted.

To this day, he has no regrets.

Because shuchengshan also has a strong desire to kill him. He received a huge reward from yew. As long as he is still alive, he must complete the task.

Jing Rui can't let such a powerful opponent live all the time, which is equivalent to giving his life to yew.

"Brother, don't worry, I won't let Shu Yin know. She Didn't you know your father was still alive

Jing Zhi remembers that both Peter and Shu Yin said that Shu Yin's parents died when she was a child. She was sent to the virus research institute as an orphan.

"Well, she didn't know that Shucheng mountain was still alive, and Shucheng mountain never went to see her."

Hearing this, Jing Zhi sighed, "that's good. It's easy to hide it. I have known Shu Yin for such a long time, and I have never heard her talk about her parents. She should not doubt the life and death of her father. "Hang up the phone, Jingzhi suddenly feel that Shu Yin is actually a little pathetic.

She always thought she was an orphan, but in fact, her father was alive, and now, she has become an orphan.

The reason why she became an orphan was that she and her brother were both.

That Shucheng mountain is really short-sighted. Why kill his brother when he has nothing to do! It's not your own death!

This man deserves more than his death!

Fortunately, Shu Yin is not like him, otherwise this friend can't do it!

In the evening, Jing Zhi calls Shu Yin in a frivolous and playful tone: "Hello, sister Shuyin, are you free tonight? Brother, I'll treat you to a big meal

Shuyin held the mobile phone in one hand and was still turning the pages of the book with the other hand, and said neatly: "no! If there is nothing to pay attention to, it is either treachery or theft. "

Jingzhi picks eyebrow slightly, woman's intuition is really quite accurate!

After listening to his brother's words today, he also felt that he should take good care of Shuyin, so he called her.

"Besides, please make sure that I am older than you. You should call my sister!"

"Oh, yes, yes! I'm not shouting right. I'll shout again

Jingzhi is good-natured and has a good temper.

"Sister in law, I'll treat you to a big meal!"

Shu Yin helplessly closed her eyes, it's better to call her sister!

"What are you up to? If you have something to say, I'll hang up! "

"Of course! Don't I invite you to dinner? You won't appreciate it? Am I not handsome enough

"No reward! You must be angry, Zheng Yu down, deliberately take me as a shield! If you like others, tell them. Why do you always use other women to piss her off? This move is very naive! And it's easy to disappoint her

Jingzhi can't help but look up to the sky and sigh: Yes, she was once trapped last time, and she will never be trusted again! Today, he really wanted to treat her to some delicious food! , the fastest update of the webnovel!