Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1009

The next morning, when Zheng yuluo woke up from his sleep, there was no one around him.

If it had not been for the soreness and tenderness of her whole body and the dull pain in her private places, she would have felt that the intense lingering last night was just a dream for her.

All kinds of body, not from the embarrassment of his body, like a struggle.

She didn't know what possessed her last night. She even took the initiative.

Now think about it. How humiliating!

Zheng yuluo sat up wrapped in a quilt and wanted to get out of bed. Only then did he think of the unsolved problem last night: she had no clothes to wear.

I don't know if Jingzhi is out now. If he is not at home, maybe she can go to his room to steal two clothes to wear, and then quietly take a little money from him and go out to buy clothes. When she goes back to city a, she will pay him back.

Yesterday, Zheng Yujing didn't believe it!

How can the Jing family have no money? Jing Rui controls a lot of resources of the Jing family, and he is so distressed for his only brother. Jing Zhi certainly has no shortage of money.

Zheng yuluo still used the two big bath towels last night to wrap the upper body and lower body respectively, and then put on slippers, quietly opened the door and went out.

The house is very quiet. There is no shadow of Jing Zhi in the living room. Zheng Yu is a bit bold and slips to Jingzhi's room on tiptoe.

The door of his room is wooden, which is different from the frosted glass door of her room. It is impossible to see the general situation inside from the outside.

Zheng Yu bit his teeth and gently pushed open the door.

The door opened with a squeak, and there was no one in it.

Zheng Yu fell ecstatic, immediately walked in, ran to two large wardrobe, began to look for clothes to wear.

"Are you looking for something or are you going to steal?"

A cold voice suddenly exploded on Zheng Yu's head, which scared her into the closet.

Clothes hanging in the closet were pulled down by her, piled on her body, she was buried in the clothes pile.

The owner caught him stealing clothes, and Zheng yuluo was hot on his face.

She looked up embarrassed, just about to speak. Seeing Jing Zhi's appearance, she immediately covered her eyes and screamed: "ah! Why don't you get dressed

Jing Zhi pulls Zheng yuluo out of the closet, then slams the door of the closet and pushes Zheng Yu against the door.

He deliberately put his body and Zheng yuluo together, one hand around her waist, the other hand into the bath towel!

"You've taken away both bath towels. I don't have bath towels. Of course, I can only come out naked!"

Zheng yuluo's body is extremely sensitive, she's all soft, almost no strength to stand.

She tried to push Jingzhi away, but as soon as she reached out, she touched his strong chest muscles. She was so scared that she pulled her hand back: "you don't have clothes, you shouldn't have no bath towel Nothing. "

At least you should wear a pair of underpants!

"This is my family. I can wear it if I like, or not if I like! It's you who came into my room early in the morning with nothing on. Did I not satisfy you last night? "

Jingzhi said, pulling off Zheng Yu's bath towel!

Zheng yuluo hurriedly went to cover: "where did I wear anything? I'm wrapped in a bath towel

"I mean, you don't wear anything under your towel. Don't you know it's more tempting than being completely naked?"

Jingzhi's voice, imperceptibly stained with a trace of hoarseness.

The fullness of Zheng yuluo's chest made him want to swallow.

How beautiful!

Not big or small, just right!

On the snow-white skin, and the strawberries he planted last night, they are so mellow and rich that they are tempting people to commit crimes!

The light was too poor last night, and he did not appreciate it carefully. Now facing the morning sun, the beauty of her body was completely presented in front of his eyes, making him ready to move.

As soon as Zheng yuluo lowered his head, he saw some place of Jingzhi waking up.

She was startled. Her face turned red and stammered: "don't don't don't, no, no, don't do it! I don't have the strength... "

"I've always been the one who helped last night. You've been enjoying it all the time. I didn't yell tired, so you didn't have the strength first?"

Zheng Yu couldn't lift her head. She bit her lips and said in a very low voice, "I'm hungry. I didn't eat last night..."

In fact, she was very hungry last night, but at that time, she only cared about the sinking of Jingzhi and completely forgot about her hunger.

At this moment, she really has no strength to follow Jingzhi.

Jing Zhi looks at her delicate and weak appearance, and wishes to throw her on the bed and ravage her again, but he still resists after all.

I'm afraid Zheng yuluo can't bear it any more.

It doesn't matter. There's a long way to go. He wants her any time! She can't run away anyway!He lowered his head and took a bite on her white plump, leaving a clear line of teeth marks.

"I'll let you go and eat. When you're full, I'll settle with you about stealing my clothes!"

"I didn't steal it!" Zheng yuluo said in a hurry

Jingzhi suddenly opened the wardrobe, took out a white cashmere sweater and put it on Zheng yuluo: "now it's stolen!"

Zheng Yu was so angry that he almost stamped his feet: "it doesn't count. This is what you wear for me!"

"I'll call it a day!"

"I can give you money!"

"My name is Jing. Do you think I will be short of money? My brother has only money left, don't you know? "

Zheng yuluo stares at him and doesn't speak.

She couldn't say anything about him!

He is rude and unreasonable. She is not his opponent.

"Oh, if you want to pay, I sell this sweater for 10 million yuan. You can choose to pay back, or Sell yourself

Zheng yuluo wants to say, why don't you rob money!

But she has self-knowledge. If she goes on fighting, she will not only sell herself, but also sell her heart!

She wanted to say that her body had already been given to him, but she was embarrassed to say so. She could only change the subject and murmured, "I'm hungry. I want to eat."

"Everything here is very expensive. Are you sure you want it?"

"I don't have money, don't you? Why do you want money everywhere? "

"Because I don't do loss making business, I can't let my brother earn money. I spend money recklessly? I have to find a way to make money! And you owe me so much debt, I have no psychological pressure to blackmail you! "

Jingzhi said, sticking his body to Zheng yuluo's: "I said, it doesn't matter if you don't have money. You can also choose to sell yourself and mortgage yourself to me. No matter what you do in the future, you should listen to me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!