Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1008

Zheng yuluo's voice is thin, tender, and with a slight nasal sound. It seems a little pathetic, but it makes people feel lovely.

Her long hair was scattered on her shoulders, which was torn in disorder by the fat man and looked extremely embarrassed.

Jingzhi can't help but lift up his hand and slowly comb her hair with her fingers.

Zheng Yu falls a Leng, raises his head to look at Jing Zhi, some can't believe that he can comb his hair for himself!

She stood quietly, without speaking or moving. She was afraid that Jing Zhi would change her mind and allow him to help her with her hair.

Her hair is long, but it's very smooth and drooping.

Holding it in his hand, Jing Zhizhi felt like silk, which had excellent luster and was very soft.

He used to like Shuyin's long hair. He thought it would be very comfortable to touch it, but he couldn't move Shuyin. His brother said that he could move any woman, but he couldn't move Shuyin.

He listened to his brother very much. Although he would make some harmless jokes with Shuyin, he did not move Shuyin.

Fortunately, Zheng yuluo's long hair is also very beautiful, feel very good, he immediately left Shuyin's hair behind, some fondle Zheng yuluo's hair, slowly comb her hair.

Zheng yuluo used to think that her hair had no feeling, but now her hair was touched by Jing Zhi. She found that touching her hair also made her feel a little shiver!

Her fingers were tightly twisted together, but her eyes were confused.

Does Jingzhi like her?

Otherwise, how could he behave like this?

Or is he a hair addict?

No, I haven't seen him like her hair so much before.

Jingzhi had never found Zheng yuluo's hair so good, so soft, with a good handle and a faint aroma. He just fell in love with it tonight.

He stroked for a while, and picked up Zheng yuluo.

His action is too sudden, cause Zheng Yu to fall involuntarily low shout.

"Next time, if you don't go home again without my permission, I'll break your leg!"

Zheng yuluo has been used to his ferocity now. When he said that, he was not angry, but felt warm.

He cares about her.

Otherwise, how can we find her and restrict her activities.

Zheng Yu fell in his arms and gave a low "um" sound.

Today's matter, she is also very scared, if not Jing Zhi appears in time, she must be bullied by those people.

The feeling of being protected by him makes Zheng yuluo feel sentimental, and his embrace also makes her feel at ease.

She especially hoped that he could hold her like this all the time and stop hugging others.

If she wants to compete with Shu Yin, she doesn't have much confidence.

It's a pity that Jing Zhi didn't go too far with her, so he went to his car. Then she was put into the front passenger's seat. He turned to the other side, sat in the driver's seat and drove off.

Along the way, none of them spoke, and some of the silence in the carriage was breathless.

Zheng yuluo feels that her relationship with Jing Zhi is really embarrassing. She feels sorry for Shu Yin.

Shu Yin is Jing Zhi's real child friend. Now she has a sense of shame.

When they return to Jingzhi's villa in the suburbs, Zheng yuluo's feeling is even stronger.

She just went to see Shu Yin today. She wanted to give up her heart. She also said that she would let Shu Yin take care of Gu Jingzhi. But then she stayed with Jingzhi again. No, they live together now.

But let her leave Jingzhi, she can't do it at all. She is too eager to stay by his side. Even if she can only see him, it is enough.

Her inner attachment to Jing Zhi is much stronger than she thinks.

Maybe she has been looking for him for a long time. After waiting for so many years, her emotion has been overstocked. Now she can be with him, and her emotion suddenly bursts out.

At first, she couldn't tell whether she felt guilty or liked Jingzhi. Until Shu Yin appeared, she was sure that although she had always felt guilty about Jingzhi, she was more like it.

Zheng Yu fell into the bathroom and washed herself from head to toe. She felt very uncomfortable when she was touched by other people. Even if those people only touched her clothes, she didn't feel clean.

When she finished the bath, she found an important problem - she didn't have clothes to change.

She had no choice but to wrap her upper body and lower body with two bath towels, then went out and knocked on Jingzhi's bedroom door.

Jingzhi opened the door and looked at Zheng yuluo from head to toe. He raised his eyebrow and asked, "why, do you want to sleep with me?"

"I have no clothes to wear..."

Zheng yuluo's voice was as small as mosquito hum, and her ears were slightly red, but she still had to make her requirements clear: "can I wear your clothes first? Besides, I want to borrow some money from you and buy some clothes tomorrow so that I don't have to wear yours"No

Jingzhi said: "I don't have any money. I can't wear my clothes for you. Just wrap them in a bath towel."

He closed the door and went back to bed.

Zheng yuluo was shocked and didn't expect to be rejected.

She had also worn Jingzhi's clothes before, and he had never said anything about it. Why did she refuse to dress her today?

Zheng yuluo confused back to his room, turned off the light, buried himself in the quilt, tossing and turning to think of a way.

She can't always be wrapped in a towel, can she?

Before she could figure out why, the frosted glass door was pulled open and there was one more person in her bed.

Jing Zhi presses the small woman wrapped in a bath towel under her body. She reaches into the towel and starts stroking from her slender waist.

"You mean it, don't you?"

Zheng yuluo didn't respond. She pressed Jing Zhi's big hand to light the fire everywhere: "what's on purpose?"

"Deliberately do not wear clothes, deliberately wrapped in bath towel, to seduce me!"

"I didn't!"

"You have succeeded in arousing my interest! Anyway, I have nothing to do at night. I'd better do it with you! "

Jingzhi said, and pulled off Zheng yuluo's bath towel, her body immediately exposed to his eyes.

Zheng yuluo's face suddenly flushed, subconsciously curled up to protect his chest.

Fortunately, it was at night. Fortunately, she had turned off the light. The room was dark and could not see anything. Otherwise, she would be even more ashamed and didn't know what to do.

It's a pity that Zheng yuluo doesn't know that Jingzhi's eyesight is strong. As long as there is a weak moonlight, he can see Zheng yuluo's concave and convex body.

He lowered his head and nibbled at her delicate clavicle with his teeth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!