Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1006

Jingzhi's tone is light, light and careless, as if he was saying that the weather is fine today!

Shu Yin was shocked by him, even forgot to go to class!

"What are you talking about? girl friend?! Me? "

"Yes, my girlfriend! You

"Crazy, you! Who is your girlfriend! Can you stop talking nonsense all day long, my reputation will be ruined by you

Shu Yin Qi's face is white, she finally knows the reason why Zheng yuluo's attitude towards her is so strange!

She was treated as a rival in love!

What a injustice!

As for Jingzhi's idiotic arrogance, she doesn't want to give her a dozen!

"It's OK."

Jingzhi was still relaxed. He didn't put it in his heart at all. He said lazily, "your reputation is ruined. Don't you get married? You can be my sister-in-law."

Sister in law?

Although Shu Yin's Chinese level is good, she can't immediately understand some family relationships.

She thought for a while before she realized what Jingzhi's "sister-in-law" meant.

"Your brother is so cold and cruel that he will never get a wife in his life! You'll never have a sister-in-law in your life

"Oh, you don't like my brother? Why? "

How can this be related to Jing Rui again!

Aren't they talking about Zheng yuluo?

"Why not look down on him? It has nothing to do with your brother. Don't get off the subject! Now, don't make a mistake. Don't call her right now! I have nothing to do with you

"If you promise to be my sister-in-law, I will explain it to Zheng yuluo."

Shu Yin is crooked by Jing Zhiqi's nose!

Fortunately, it was across the phone. If Jing Zhi was in front of her, she would not help hitting people!

Shuyin took several deep breaths to calm her down again.

She has always been a rational person. Except for the last time when she suddenly lost control of herself in front of Jing Rui, she can restrain herself and let herself calmly deal with all kinds of troubles no matter how big things happen.

"Jingzhi, Zheng yuluo likes you, doesn't he?"

"Nonsense, you are the only one who can't look up to me because I'm so handsome. Which one doesn't love me? Tut Tut, you don't know, Zheng yuluo and her twin sister Zheng Yuwei are fighting to have sex with me! Ah, you say, do I want to have a double flight! I'll tell you, the two of them... "

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Shu Yin is not interested in listening to Jing Zhi describe his sweet bed with a pair of twins. As long as he nags, he never stops. It's very frustrating. Shu Yin learned it two years ago!

"I think, Zheng yuluo likes you, and you also like Zheng yuluo. You can be lovers clearly. Why do you involve me? Why do you want to use me as a shield

Jingzhi's careless voice came through his mobile phone: "because I'm just playing. I don't want to be a couple with that stupid woman! If I can pull you into the water, why don't I do it? "

"You don't like Zheng yuluo?"

Jingzhi said firmly: "I don't like it! Bang, how can I look at her

“OK! In that case, I'll help you get rid of her, and when it's done, remember to pay! "

Don't like it?

Don't like it!

Shu Yin is not stupid. She soon figured out the trick. Zheng yuluo likes Jingzhi, so she is brought to North America. Jingzhi also likes Zheng yuluo, so she risks saving her.

It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, she'll do it!

Anyway, Jing Zhi lost her girlfriend, and she didn't have any loss!

"The next time Zheng yuluo comes to see me, I will say that I am your girlfriend. When they find a new boyfriend, don't cry! Don't even ask me to settle accounts! Bad ideas are your own, and you will eat the bad consequences! "

There was an obvious silence on the other end of the phone for a moment. Then Jing Zhi said indifferently: "I'm worried that I can't get rid of her. You'd better help! But aren't you afraid that I will ruin your reputation and that no one will marry you in the future? "

"Don't worry about it! I don't need you to worry about my business. I'll help you with your business! The twin sisters, I'll keep them away from you! How dare you play? Well, I'm sure I'll rescue the girl who has fallen behind, so as not to be destroyed by you! "


Jing Zhi, who has always been eloquent and good at messing around, is blocked by Shuyin and can't say a word.

On the other end of the phone, he suddenly turned his head and turned to a cold man around him: "brother, I can't tell her, please help me quickly!"

Shu Yin clearly heard, the phone came a deep and pleasant voice and some Indifference: "I also said she, and she will bite people in a hurry, you'd better not provoke her."Shu Yin's heart, do not know how to return a responsibility, suddenly slightly tremble.

That familiar voice, like a small stone, fell into her heart lake, causing a series of ripples.

"Brother, are you my brother? How can the ambition of such a small tree shade destroy the prestige of both of us

Jingzhi's crying and Howling came from the phone, and Shuyin couldn't help laughing.

Just by Jing Zhi entangled irritability, unexpectedly quickly disappeared, fast even she felt some incredible.

"It's because I'm your brother that keeps you away from her."

"I'm not afraid of her Oh, no, dear brother, did the little tree shade bite you

Jingrui doesn't answer. Jingzhi jumps up from the sofa and yells at the phone: "Shu, you dare to bite my brother! You're not going to die! You wait, I will bite it back for my brother

Shuyin suddenly remembers the night when he was sleeping with Jingrui's arm in his arms. When he got up the next day, Jingrui's arm was full of teeth marks she had bitten.

Her lips slightly raised, and her voice was clear and pleasant: "who said I bit him? Do you at least have to show evidence before you frame and slander? He's so fierce that I dare to talk to you? "

Shu Yin is a person who never lies. Listening to her denial, Jingzhi is a little confused and turns to ask Jingrui, "brother, did she bite or not?"

Jing Rui lying on the sofa, gently touched his arm, eyes are not easy to detect the smile: "no bite."

Jing Zhi's eyes widened: "then why do you say she can bite people?"

"Oh, that's because he's seen me bite a little dog!"

Jing Rui hasn't answered yet. Jing Zhi hears Shu Yin on the other end of the phone and replies in a light voice.

"You, you, you Bite the dog? "

"Well, bite the dog!"

"Not a bite of dog hair?"

"Some dogs have no hair!"

"What dog has no hair?"


Jingrui listens to the conversation between the two people. His face is completely black and becomes the bottom of the pot. He It's a dog! , the fastest update of the webnovel!