Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1005

Shuyin was very surprised to see Zheng yuluo in the classroom.

However, she soon felt relaxed, because some of her male classmates turned to speak around Zheng yuluo.

Shu Yin didn't get angry at being robbed of the light ring at all, but was relieved.

Men are really fickle!

It was said yesterday that she would not marry, that she should love her all her life, and only treat her well. Today, the structure has gone to please other women.

In fact, Shu Yin's psychology is much more mature than her peers. She is very open to such things and won't be as jealous as others.

So all the men around her left, and she was still cold. Her mood was not affected at all. She just took out the textbook to prepare for the teacher to come to class.

Zheng yuluo wants to go to Shuyin and say a few words to her. Unfortunately, she can't move a step now.

The enthusiastic male students surrounded her in three circles and outside three circles. Some people bought roses. Originally, they intended to give them to Shu Yin. But when they saw Zheng yuluo, they changed their mind and gave them to Zheng yuluo.

Zheng yuluo has been pursued before, but she has never met such a big battle. She thinks that her appearance and temperament are inferior to Shuyin. She doesn't understand why those people have transferred from Shuyin to Shuyin.

She politely refused to accept any gifts. These gifts were supposed to be given to Shu Yin. How could she ask for them!

"Classmate, I haven't seen you, aren't you from our class? What's your major? Which class? Who is the mentor? "

"Classmate, do you have a boyfriend? Let's get together for a while. "

"Beauty, what's your mobile number?"


The noise around her was more and more high, which made Zheng yuluo almost unable to get off the stage. However, she did not know how to refuse these people completely. She was trapped in front of the table until the teacher came, and she was able to extricate herself.

But, in this way, she can't talk to Shu Yin.

She looked at Shu Yin for many times, and finally could only sigh helplessly, then deal with several boys sitting next to her.

When Shu Yin took care of Zheng yuluo before, she felt her slight repulsion and coldness, so she had no intention to say hello to her at the moment.

Strictly speaking, they have met only once, even friends are not counted, she will not be silly to help Zheng yuluo out of the siege.

After the teacher began to class, her whole attention was turned to the knowledge point, abnormal input, did not notice Zheng yuluo over there.

She is a progressive girl. Although the virus research institute has taught her a lot of professional knowledge, she lacks the most basic things. Those people in the research institute can't help you explain from the most basic aspects. Therefore, Shu Yin is very eager for basic knowledge and listens carefully in class.

Until after class, Zheng yuluo walked to Shuyin's side, and Shuyin remembered that Zheng yuluo was also in this classroom.

"Dr. Shu..."

Hearing Zheng yuluo's address, many students around were surprised to see Shuyin.


Shu Yincai has been a doctor for a short time?

Shu Yin herself did not feel wrong, she likes the name "doctor".

"Miss Zheng, can I help you? Are you a student of this school

Shu Yin has some doubts. She doesn't remember Zheng yuluo in her major!

Sure enough, Zheng yuluo shook his head and said, "no, I'm not a student here. I've come to look for you. Can I have a few words with you?"

Shu Yin closed the textbook, stuffed her pen and notebook into her backpack, and then walked out with her textbook: "let's go. I'm afraid I don't have much time to talk to you as I walk along

Shu Yin was very strange. She didn't know why Zheng yuluo came to find herself. She thought for a moment and thought that there was only one possibility: "is there a problem with your wound? Or do you feel sick? "

She is half a doctor. Zheng yuluo, a wounded man, came to see her. It should be the wound problem!

Zheng yuluo followed Shuyin out and looked at her clear eyes. He felt a little ashamed. He wanted to ask her about her and Jingzhi, but he couldn't say anything.

"No No, my wound has recovered very well. Thank you for the ointment you gave me. After applying it, I can recover very quickly, even the scar is very light. "

Shu Yin nodded: "well, that's good. Adhere to use, after a period of time basically no scar, ensure that your wrist is as beautiful as before

People care so much about her body and give her the best medicine to help her get rid of the scar. Zheng yuluo thinks that he is a bit stingy when compared with Shu Yin.

She raised her head and said to Shu Yin seriously: "doctor Shu, thank you. You are the most beautiful and kind girl I have ever seen! In the future, I will trouble you to take care of Jing Zhi. He seems to listen to you more. "Shu Yin is a little surprised at Zheng yuluo's quick change of thinking. How can she suddenly praise her beauty and kindness?

I'm afraid she's not really kind!

At least there is no good Zheng Yu.

As for taking care of Jing Zhi Did she take care of Jingzhi for two years? Was it Jingzhi who told Zheng yuluo?

But Jingzhi will not be in her charge in the future!

Her deal with Jing Rui has been completed, and she will not be enslaved by Jing Zhi any more. Taking care of him is exhausting!

"He doesn't listen to me. He only listens to Jing Rui. Naturally, his brother will take care of him in the future. I have to go to school, but I have no time to take care of a giant baby. "

With a faint smile on her face, Shuyin is clear about her relationship with the brothers.

She always felt that Zheng yuluo's expression when he said this was not right. She looked quite lonely and sad, so she instinctively explained two sentences.

However, Zheng yuluo thinks that Shuyin is just embarrassed to say that she and Jingzhi are concerned. Shuyin has taken care of Jingzhi for so long. In her opinion, even if two people are not lovers, they are better than lovers.

She felt that no one was more suitable for Jingzhi than Shuyin.

She also had to be willing to bow down, so she would summon up the courage to find Shu Yin today.

But she didn't say anything to Shu Yin until she came.

She just, very envious of Shu Yin, can be so close to Jing Zhi!

Zheng yuluo nodded to Shu Yin slightly and then left without saying a word.

Shu Yin looks at her lonely back and feels quite baffled. After thinking about it, she doesn't feel at ease and calls Jing Zhi directly.

"Jingzhi, what's going on? The girl who cut her wrists that you rescued two days ago came to my school to find me. Did you tell her address? She doesn't look very happy. What did you say to her

"Oh, I told her you were my girlfriend." , the fastest update of the webnovel!