Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 99

Return to the jading tribe and hand in the pollen brought back, and Sam\'s collection task today will be over.

"I came in a hurry before. Now I\'ll take you to the tribe." Sam volunteered to be a guide and flew around with Qin Ming.

"This is usually the place where tribal residents meet."

"This is where the patriarch speaks."

"Here is..."

With Sam\'s introduction, Qin Ming found that the facilities in the tribe have been quite perfect, just like a complete social group.

Near the vines connecting the big trees, many young flower elves are chasing and playing with each other.

They do not have the burden of daily tasks, but are still in a carefree state and do not know the taste of worry.

It has to be said that even though the adult flower elves here are busy and hard, they do ensure their safety. It seems that there are no other monsters here.

When flying to the other side of the tribe, Qin Ming noticed that a group of flower Elves were flying to the mountain with a large amount of pollen.

"What are they doing?"

These pollen are undoubtedly the results of their collection today, but they seem to have been taken to other places.

Sam also looked puzzled, shook his head and said he didn\'t know.

It is also a young man and does not know enough about some things in the whole tribe.

Qin Ming thought for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Sam, do you know the ink meteorite tree?"

"Ink meteorite tree? What\'s that?" Sam flashed his eyes, looking a little confused.

Seeing this, Qin Ming didn\'t continue to ask. His eyes fell on the team carrying pollen, and gradually disappeared into the mountains. He didn\'t know where he had gone.

I wanted to follow up, but I felt a little aggressive.

Today is the first day he entered the strange world. There\'s no need to be so anxious.

As the sky darkened, Qin Ming and Sam separated and returned to the cabin assigned to him.

The wooden house has all the basic furniture. Beds, tables and stools are all made of wood.

There are even small lanterns for night lighting. Instead of candles, some luminous bodies float in them, emitting soft light.

Lying on the bed board, quietly thinking about future arrangements.

First of all, we must find a way to collect Linghua pollen, and then inquire about the news of the ink meteorite tree in the mission.

"End the long rule of the ink meteorite tree..."

"Since it\'s the rule, it\'s impossible for the flower elves not to know the existence of the ink meteorite tree. Sam is still young. You can find a chance to ask the older flower elves."

Qin Ming murmured to himself, recalling the appearance that the old clan leaders and guards avoided when talking. Is the existence they are worried about is the ink meteor tree?

In addition, if he wants to stay here, he must complete the collection task on time and quantity every day.

Today, he took the initiative to find three people from nanigar tribe in order to solve the daily collection task.

As for whether the three of them will honestly follow suit, Qin Ming is not worried. The big deal is to teach them a lesson again and leave them more unforgettable memories.

Because of the task, the three of them can\'t stay in the tribe all the time.

No way, who let the three of them be watched by Qin Ming can only be regarded as their bad luck.

"Flower elves are really a strange group of spirits."

Through this day\'s contact, he was deeply impressed by both the wisdom of the flower elves themselves and the huge scale of this ethnic group,

Qin Ming felt more and more that the spirits bred by the heaven and earth were really strange and had everything.

Early the next morning, Qin Ming set out with the tribe\'s collection team and flew to the sea of flowers.

Every day, more than half of the tribe\'s residents need to join the collection team and go out to collect pollen.

Qin Ming estimated that there were at least 600 or 700 flower elves in this collection team.

Sam said hello to Qin Ming in the team, and then he was taken to other places to collect.

"Hey, are you the young man who joined yesterday?" a flower elf resident looked at Qin Ming and asked.

"Hello." Qin Ming nodded.

"Come on, the first day of collection, no experience, the efficiency is certainly not very high. After a while, you should be able to adapt." the famous flower elf encouraged and was friendly.

"My name is Flynn."

"Flowers sing."

"Flower Ming, it\'s a strange name." make complaints about the names of two people. Qin Ming\'s name is also tucking up the other side.

"The first time I collected pollen alone was eight years ago. At that time, there were not as many tasks as now. I only needed to collect 18000 pollen, but even so, I spent 15 hours."

"I clearly remember that I really couldn\'t fly that day. I slept in the sea of flowers and didn\'t go back."

Fulin told Qin Ming about his childish past, as if he thought Qin Ming would experience these things.

Qin Ming also chatted with him. After getting familiar with him, Qin Ming suddenly turned the topic and asked, "in fact, I\'ve always been a little strange. Why do every tribe need to collect so much pollen every day?"

"This should have greatly exceeded the amount of pollen required by tribal residents in their daily life."

Talking about it, Flynn\'s face changed slightly.

Seeing this, Qin Ming understood what the older resident really knew.

Fulin sighed and said, "in fact, it\'s not a secret in every tribe. People who are older and live longer know this. You may not know it when you\'re new. No wonder you have doubts."

"Please tell me," Qin Ming asked immediately.

"Well, in fact, everyone is reluctant to talk about it on weekdays. After all, it is not a glorious thing, but since you have joined us, you are qualified to know about it."

Fulin said, shaking his head and sighing again and again, with a helpless look.

"The large amount of pollen collected is not for their own use, but for worship."

"Worship?" Qin Ming was puzzled, but he had a guess in his heart.

"Look at this vast treasure land of flower sea, do you think it is suitable for our flower elves to live here?" Fulin suddenly pointed to the flower sea passing below.

Qin Ming nodded. There is no doubt about this.

Otherwise, the flower Elves will not grow to such a scale here.

"But it\'s not always beautiful here. There are a group of mobile fourth-order tree spirits among the mountains. They are very powerful and can easily swallow us."

"Decades ago, they triggered a disaster that destroyed more than ten of our tribes in one day."

"At that time, the whole ethnic group almost fell apart and was ready to flee here. However, the ELF KING suddenly reached an agreement with this group of trees. As long as we can offer enough pollen, we can continue to live here. Those tree spirits will not continue to swallow us, but also ensure our safety."

"This sea of mountains and flowers is the basis for our reproduction and growth. If it is not a last resort, the ethnic group will not choose to leave. After all, it is hard to imagine finding a similar and suitable treasure land."

Fulin does know a lot about ethnic groups. Although it has been decades since the disaster, he still laments when talking about it.

This is a major turning point experienced by ethnic groups.