Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 98

"Brother, I\'m so tired. I can\'t fly any more. Maybe I\'d better grab some other people\'s bags today. I think I can grab them again." Erji couldn\'t help it today after eating sweets yesterday.

Being said so, Daji also moved his mind.

Compared with the 25000 pollen tasks of the Jadin tribe every day, the Nigar tribe needs to collect 28000 pollen per person every day, which is more demanding.

"Go, you lead the way." Daji hehe said with a smile.

"OK!" erjidang stopped his collection work and was ready to start.

"Brother, there are people from Jiading tribe flying over." at this time, Sanji suddenly shouted, and his eyes fell on Qin Ming who was approaching in the distance.

On Qin Ming\'s chest, it represents the badge mark of Jiading tribe. It will never be mistaken.

"What, people from Jiading tribe?" Erji frowned and felt that Qin Ming was very strange.

"Isn\'t it true that the counsellor is looking for someone?"

Daji came forward and stopped Qin Ming. He said in a bad tone: "people of Jiading tribe, this is not where you should come. Leave here now."

This flower area is occupied by their niagar tribe all year round. Generally, residents of other tribes are not allowed to come here for mining.

If the other party is from the Jadin tribe, let alone close.

"Oh, I\'m not here to collect pollen." Qin Ming said with a smile.

"Hmm?" Daji stared at Qin Ming, didn\'t speak, and waited for Qin Ming\'s next words.

"Remember the pollen you robbed yesterday?" Qin Ming was too lazy to beat around the Bush and gave a hint directly.

"Why, you want to take the lead for that counsellor! It\'s up to you!" Erji sneered when he heard Qin Ming\'s intention.

Qin Ming is only one person after all, and there are three of them. There is no need to be afraid of each other.

"People of Jiading tribe, we\'ll rob it if we rob it. What do you want?" Sanji said contemptuously.

"Don\'t talk nonsense. If I were you, I would slip away now instead of staying here." Daji smiled with a relaxed look.

"Elder brother, why let this guy go? Anyway, we\'re going to rob the counselor later. It\'s not right to rob this guy too." Erji said and floated to Qin Ming.

"Boy, I admire your courage to come alone, but it\'s a little stupid."

Name: Erji

Genie: Flower Elf

Combat effectiveness score: Level 3 middle grade

Growth potential: Fourth Order middle grade

Name: Daji

Genie: Flower Elf

Combat effectiveness score: Level 3 middle grade

Growth potential: top grade 4

Name: Sanji

Genie: Flower Elf

Combat effectiveness score: Level 3 inferior

Growth potential: Fourth Order middle grade

These three flower elves, the exploration results are two third-order middle class combat power and one third-order lower class combat power.

Qin Ming himself is only the strength of third-order middle-class products. From the perspective of paper combat power, he really can\'t fight. After all, there are three people on the other side.

But Qin Ming is not an ordinary flower elf.

He was too lazy to argue with the three people and stretched out his hand.

Erji didn\'t seem to expect that Qin Ming would suddenly start, and Qin Ming directly clasped his head.


Erji\'s head directly collided with Qin Ming\'s knee, and suddenly blood flew.

Erji screamed and fell directly from the air.

This time, Qin Ming didn\'t mean to keep his hand.

"Second brother!" Daji stared at Qin Ming and rushed up.

Qin Ming suddenly opened his hand and mentally manipulated the surrounding wind elements.

Daji only felt a sudden gust of wind, and his body was blown askew.

Qin Ming swooped down with the wind and hit Daji in mid air like a shell.

Daji was directly blown down and fell to the ground. He was badly hurt.

The wind element can really play a great role in air operations like this.

Before he came, he found that the body of the flower elf also has the affinity of wind elements, and the affinity is higher than that of the white arm monkey.

Therefore, this attachment, he can still manipulate the wind element.

In this way, Qin Ming defeated two third-order middle-class flower elves equivalent to him.

The remaining three-level inferior ones can be easily dealt with without even using wind elements.

"Damn!" the three brothers were thrown to the ground by Qin Ming. Daji gritted his teeth and looked unwilling.

Seeing this, Qin Ming was not polite and served again.

"Sir, are you strong enough?"

ten minutes later.

"Don\'t fight, don\'t fight, I surrender, I apologize, I\'m a maggot, I shouldn\'t appear in this world, please, let us go." Erji took the lead in subduing, his face is very sad, and even he has some difficulties in speaking.

Daji and Sanji soon couldn\'t bear it and admitted their mistakes.

"Since you know your mistake, you should be punished." Qin Ming said with a smile, slowly pulled off a small piece of wings from Sanji and wiped the blood on his hands as a piece of cloth.

The three of them didn\'t do much bad things on weekdays, but facing Qin Ming at the moment, it\'s like a street hooligan meets a real terrorist and only fear is left in the heart of being beaten.

This guy really doesn\'t mind killing them here!

"Yes, what kind of punishment is it?" two giggles asked.

"Well, after all, I\'m not a devil. You three gather up 25000 more pollen every day. I don\'t think it\'s a big problem." Qin Ming said with a smile.

Clearly is laughing, but let three people shudder, the bottom of my heart is cold.

"No problem, no problem." the three nodded.

"Well, if I don\'t receive so much pollen one day, I believe that if there are three more corpses in the soil, the flowers will grow better." Qin Ming said with satisfaction.

In the evening, Qin Ming and Sam dragged two large leaves full of pollen one after another towards the Jiading tribe.

"Where did you get so much pollen?" Sam was curious.

Originally, it has been flying around with Qin Ming today, which has delayed a lot of time, so its own collection task is about to be completed.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ming suddenly brought back a large amount of pollen, which directly collected enough pollen for one day.

"Oh, I met three kind-hearted people. They had too much pollen to take back, so they gave me some." Qin Ming was full of nonsense.

"Ha ha, you\'re lucky. There aren\'t many such kind-hearted people." Sam believed it. He looked so naive that he really looked like an elf.

In fact, Sam\'s original heart is also pure and good.

If other flower Elves were assigned the task of leading the way, most of them would be just careless and perfunctory. They would not do their best and guide seriously like Sam, and even put their own tasks aside.

"From tomorrow, you will also be assigned to 25000. If you can\'t finish it, you can tell me. Then I will share some pollen with you." Sam said. He was worried that Qin Minggang would not finish the task of the day.

"Hehe, thank you so much, Sam. you are such an angel." Qin Ming nodded and praised.

Of course, he accepted Sam\'s kindness, but he wouldn\'t really ask Sam for help.

After all, a person\'s workload is quite saturated. It\'s too difficult for Sam to help him again. He\'s also sorry.

"Hmm..." Sam looked back rather shyly. Although he didn\'t understand what the angel in Qin Ming\'s mouth was, he could still hear that Qin Ming was praising it, which made him a little embarrassed.