Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 440

Obviously, before stopping Qin Ming, Xiao Sheng also made a certain judgment on the situation in the field and challenged Qin Ming without delaying business.

Without waiting for Qin ming to think more, Xiao Sheng was wrapped in a light golden light and rushed towards Qin Ming with great momentum.

Qin Ming had to choose to fight it.

The ice sword crossed the air, and a sword light came out obliquely.

Xiao Sheng pinches his fist. The thunder around him gathers on the fist and suddenly breaks out.

The power of thunder turned into a plasma column and spewed to Qin Ming.

The sword light then collided, sent out a roar, and the thunder went like smoke and fire.

Qin Ming condensed a thin layer of ice crystals in front of him, blocking the scattered plasma out.

Xiao Sheng\'s strength has indeed made a qualitative leap. After going back to consolidate, his strength can be improved.

But now he has no advantage over Shangqin Ming.

Seeing that the blow failed, Xiao Sheng quickly approached Qin Ming and clenched his fist again.

"Thunder fist seal!"

Qin Ming was impressed by the energy fluctuation of distance. This is Xiao Sheng\'s fist technique and a set of treasure level skills from Leiyin castle. It is very powerful.

In the past, relying on this boxing technique, Xiao Sheng was almost invincible among his peers, and rarely lost.

But one of the few defeats facing Qin Ming this time.

Qin Ming\'s eyes showed two faint black flames, and there was a black light rising on his left heart.

The last time the whole body sent out a little wild breath, which was completely different from the previous introversion.

This time, Qin Ming did not use his sword, but also clenched his fist and hit it.

Some strange black light fist strength and the thunder running fist seal are intertwined, and they make a roaring explosion sound far better than before, but they are killing each other at the same time.

Finally, Xiao Sheng only felt a strong push back from Qin Ming, which made him a little unprepared.

The body shape was directly shaken back, and there was some staggering at the foot.

Even the residual force of thunder appeared to break up.

When he looked at it again, the thunder running fist seal he had played had dissipated in the air, and still could not cause any harm to Qin Ming. Even if he paid attention, he could find that Qin Ming had not even stepped back, as stable as a mountain.

Which is stronger and which is weaker is actually known.

"Are you so sure that the soul has been determined?" Qin Ming shook his sword blade, sprinkled a little ice crystal, glanced at the people coming around, and then said.

The team of leak picking has gathered more and more, and they are inseparable.

In this case, once the number of souls is exposed, they may have to meet a new group of enemies.

When Xiao Sheng heard Qin Ming say this, Yu Guang swept around quickly, and his sense of war gradually converged.

Obviously what Qin Ming said finally worked.

With the potential danger, Xiao Sheng chose to temporarily end the fight with Qin Ming and solve the problem of returning first.

That can\'t be. At the moment, although it is shriveled, it is still fighting with trapped animals. It doesn\'t choose to give up. It can be said that the Thunder Tiger is burnt outside and tender inside, and the whole body is smoking.

"Who are these people? What a powerful force of thunder. It seems that they belong to a sect." the melon eaters talk to each other if they have acquaintances.

"But I\'ve never seen these people. According to their strength, they shouldn\'t be so nameless in the black mountain territory."

"Is it said that he is a disciple of guile thunder cave?"

"No, the disciples of the deceitful thunder cave don\'t behave in such a big way, and their skills are different from ordinary people, especially from these people."

"Eh, have you found that there is very little ghost evil spirit on them?"

"Really, isn\'t it..."

A group of people first guessed the true identity of Qin Ming, Leiyin castle and others. There were all kinds of speculations. There were no attentive friars. They observed the differences of Qin Ming and others, and their looks changed slightly.

Of course, some people don\'t think this team is familiar.

"Wait, isn\'t that impossible? God, I didn\'t expect that his team was forced to be like this."

"No, this is No. He has always robbed others. Why did he change his identity today?"

"What else can there be? Why? Looking at the strength of these people, we know that we can\'t kick the iron plate."

"Hum, you deserve it. You can\'t deserve it!" there was a different voice of gnashing teeth among the people talking about it.

It\'s normal to be cursed by people behind their backs because they can\'t plunder so many people and have such bad reviews.

Of course, only a few people are watching the excitement, and more people have ulterior motives.

I hope I can get involved in this war and get some benefits from it.


After a long time in situ, Lei Xiao finally summoned a bright thunder from the black cloud and blew directly in the air.

Then he went straight into the field and formed a small cage, which could not be completely bound in it.

Even if the old technique is repeated and turned into a fire wave, it can\'t get out of the thunder cage that Lei Xiao has accumulated power for a long time.

"It\'s done!" Lanyu Chenglin felt relieved.

There are more and more local monks around the outer circle, and the pressure is still great.

It is urgent to suppress the failure as soon as possible and obtain the soul you want.

They are not like Xiao Sheng. At the moment, they still have the idea of fighting Qin Ming.

However, at this time, a thick black air suddenly came from the distance, which was a little different from the black fog above the sky.

The appearance of these black gases also changed the face of the local monks present.

"Black, how did the black mountain old demon come!"

"Go! Go! You can\'t stay here!"

The friars who were still happily watching the previous second immediately dispersed birds and animals and retreated rapidly after seeing the black gas.

In the twinkling of an eye, Qin Ming was the only one left in the field.

"Come on, take me away!" shouted the unable trapped in the cage, turning back into human form at the moment.

Rao was him, and when he saw the black gas, he was no exception.

This made Lei Xiao and Qin Ming suspicious and highly alert.

It is said that the black mountain old demon is the ruler of this black mountain territory, and there is no enemy.

It is said that there are many kinds of monks under the old demon, including all kinds of creatures.

But they are extremely evil and eat the flesh and blood of other monks, which is better than the body refiner.

"Come on, we\'ll all die later!" unable to see, Lei Xiao remained unmoved and looked even more anxious.

When his wrist turned over, he took out hundreds of souls.

"Take your soul and get out of here quickly!" he couldn\'t say.

It seems that even if he dies, he doesn\'t want to die in the hands of those black mountain creatures. That can be said to be the most painful way to die.

Lei Xiao got the soul he wanted so easily. Several people looked at each other.

There was no reason to feel a little uneasy.