Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 439

Qin Ming was a little uncertain when he saw such a scene. Although he has some confidence in his current combat effectiveness, it is difficult to ensure that there will be no greater variables and crises in the underworld. Lei Xiao on the other side was also worried. After all, this was the netherworld. He was an outsider, and it was also risky to make such a big noise.

We must make a quick decision.

Lei Xiao\'s face was frozen, his wrist turned, and a crystal stone appeared.

There is a special ray of light filament in the crystal stone. When Lei Xiao crushed the crystal stone, the ray of light filament immediately rioted.

It turned into a solid Thunder Tiger.

Lei Hu was five feet long. He jumped up and jumped directly at him.

I couldn\'t feel my blood as if it was burning. I pinched my fist and blew it out. The hot fist power gushed everywhere, but I couldn\'t defeat the Thunder Tiger jumping out of the crystal stone.

This is one of the treasures at the bottom of the box collected by Lei Xiao, and it is also a one-time relic. It disappeared after one use.

On weekdays, I don\'t want to take it out at all. In this urgent moment, I will think of using it. Naturally, I have no power to say.

It can\'t be electrified by thunder and tiger. It can\'t be solved quickly for a while.

He suddenly felt a sense of retreat. After all, he had about a hundred important souls. It was very tempting for other monks in the nether world. He didn\'t want to make a bigger moth.

Before things were irreparable, he decided to slip away without backbone before he was injured.

"Withdraw!" he shouted, unable to turn into streamer and fly away in the distance.

The two members of Shenhuo realm reacted quickly. After hearing the impossible instructions, they also left Xiao Sheng and Liu xianger behind.

The rest of the members reacted very quickly, directly pulled up the seriously injured members and dispersed one after another.

The action is consistent, but it seems to have a tacit understanding.

Lei Xiao naturally doesn\'t want to let go. He can\'t. his precious Lei Hu has been released. How can he stop like this.

He made up his mind and chased up with Lei Hu.

Xiao Sheng, Liu xianger and others immediately followed. They all knew that more than 100 souls were the key thing to go back.

Qin Ming\'s sword power is rising gradually. He finds that he can\'t wait, but he is coming in the direction where he is.

Naturally, it is impossible to be polite to him. Qin Ming made a move with his right hand and condensed the ice sword.

The next moment, he moved and suddenly came out of the black fog.

The sword light pierced the sky.

Unable to change his face this time, he never thought that someone would ambush him here.

However, he made a living by looting and reacted very quickly. He coughed up a mouthful of blood essence and waved his palm.

The huge blood mark was ignited like a fire and collided with the fierce sword light cut by Qin Ming in mid air.

The space shook, and even the black fog overhead was lifted many layers.

After eating for a while, the blood fire palm print was extinguished and scattered in the air.

The sword light is still indomitable and can\'t be cut.

You know, Qin Ming didn\'t leave his hand at all. What he wanted was to kill him with one blow. It was cut when Tianji jade tiger was attached to him. Its power is more powerful than ever before.

I couldn\'t roar. There was blood and fire gushing from my mouth and nose. My hands supported the sky. I chose the sword power of hard resistance to Qin Ming when I had no time to dodge.


The sound of swords resounded through the sky.

I can\'t just feel the sweetness of my throat. This time I was forced to cough up a big mouthful of blood. My whole body was impacted by the sword light. Although it was not cut into powder, the relatively fragile internal organs in my body were damaged.

Qin Ming\'s real strength can be seen by his ability to push him to this point.

Qin Ming thought he could stop the other party, but he didn\'t expect the other party\'s determination to escape was very firm.

He pinched the formula with both hands, turned himself into a fire wave, ran away towards the distance, and ignored his injury.

The fire corpse of the black robed corpse refining man appeared and blew out with a fist.

The huge fist strength and evil spirit will impact back the fire waves that cannot be melted.

At the same time, Lei Xiao and others have also been killed.

"Damn it!" there are too many people blocked by the fence. Even if they can\'t escape, they can\'t withdraw smoothly in the hands of so many people comparable to Shenhuo state.

The Thunder Tiger released by Lei Xiao roared, and Yufeng got entangled with the fire wave that could not be melted.

The fierce collision between thunder and fire is like Mars hitting the earth.

The energy burst out, so that the monks of the netherworld who kept up with the onlookers didn\'t dare to get too close.

Qin Ming stood aside with an ice sword in his hand. When he was about to move, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was Xiao Sheng of Leiyin Castle who stared at Qin Ming with burning eyes.

Qin Ming\'s startling sword was particularly amazing just now. They all saw it in their eyes.

"I know you have condensed the nine grain golden elixir," said Xiao Shengdao.

At that time, Qin Ming was the first to get a top Tao on the divine tree. It\'s reasonable to condense nine grain gold pills with Qin Ming\'s talent. It\'s not surprising.

Qin Ming didn\'t know what he wanted. He just nodded. The nine grain golden pill was too strong to hide anything.

"Everyone wants to go back. It\'s better to get those souls as soon as possible."

He felt vaguely that the little boy was going to do something.

And the result was just as he expected.

"The nine grain golden elixir needs to be polished before it can bloom." Xiao Sheng said, and the war spirit gradually rose.

He even wants to fight Qin Ming here.

This willful and even paranoid war spirit made Qin Ming speechless for a while.

When it comes to cultivating strength, it seems that great things have to be sidelined.

In fact, what Qin Ming doesn\'t know is that the spiritual impact of his appearance on Xiao Sheng is unprecedented.

Even the state of mind of practicing hard all day has become unstable.

He is conceited, but his conceit comes from strong self-confidence, and his self-awareness is not blind.

He is qualified for conceit.

Once he thought that only Liu xianger of his age could compete with him.

But now he found that Qin Ming seemed stronger.

The moment he saw Qin Ming on the stage, he made this decision.

As a nine grain golden elixir, he has Leiyin Castle behind him for support and training. He can\'t lose again.

"I said I would go to the dance studio... Well, go back and say it again. Now is not the time to compete." looking at the talent of Leiyin castle, Qin Ming stood up helplessly.

"Uncle Xiao of soul and soul will get it done. That man has been injured and can no longer be uncle Xiao\'s opponent." Xiao Sheng said slowly. His fighting spirit not only didn\'t retreat, but was still rising.

Mental strength also firmly locked Qin Ming. He was engrossed. He couldn\'t listen to Qin Ming\'s words at all.

Although the fact is true, as Xiao Sheng said, the injured can\'t be entangled by Thunder Tiger, they have lost their last chance to escape. It\'s estimated that it won\'t take a few minutes to lose.

The rest of the team members, under the attack of Liu xianger, Jiancao and black robed Shenhuo corpse, could not save their leader at all.

Let alone a Leixiao master.