Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 423

"Hey, hey, you\'re welcome. This time I\'m going back to say anything, I\'ll refine it into a nine pattern golden pill." Cheng Lin said with a smile.

He was the oldest of the four, and he was the first to build the spirit body.

Although Xiao Sheng and Liu xianger have been in the limelight recently, he is still confident that he can win one of the Tao Yun.

Xiao Shengyu Guang glanced at Cheng Lin and said nothing.

Liu xianger was even more indifferent. She didn\'t even take a look at Cheng Lin.

Lei Xiao took out a piece of purple Rune paper from his sleeve, threw it into the air, and then quickly pinched it with both hands.

I saw that the rune paper suddenly thundered and burst out with great power.

At the same time, there seemed to be a chain reaction, and the dark clouds in the sky began to riot.


The sky exploded suddenly, and then a silver dragon went down vertically, cut through the sky and hit the rune paper.

At this time, Lei Xiao gave a violent drink and his five fingers flew over. The thunder light on the rune paper suddenly shrunk into a small bundle, and then went straight to the giant tree.

The thunder is so dazzling that you can\'t look directly at it.


A transparent halo appeared on the surface of the giant tree to resist the small thunder light.

The next moment, the thunder suddenly shot away, spread to the whole aura, and directly enveloped the whole giant tree.

Qin Ming took a breath, and the thunder rushed towards him. Without hesitation, he immediately retreated away from the sacred tree.

Thunder is like a group of animals running wildly, even the roots of the divine tree.

The sand particles on the ground are suspended in the air, forming a strange phenomenon.

Qin Ming\'s body suddenly became crystal armor. He held the ice sword in his right hand. A large amount of cold air condensed and resisted the thunder that almost covered the whole island.

"This is too strong." Qin Ming doesn\'t know whether the rune paper is playing a role or whether this is the strength of the deacon of Leiyin castle.

The thunder light, that is, the power is too scattered, otherwise he would be really unlucky on this island.


When Qin Ming blessed himself with the wind element and retreated into the air, he suddenly found three golden silk threads on the sacred tree, outlining the mysterious texture.

"Is this Dao Yun?" Qin Ming didn\'t expect that Dao Yun really existed on the divine tree he was looking for.

In fact, Tao Yun is originally condensed from some spiritual objects. It is not surprising that Tao Yun is owned on this precious divine tree.

"So the people of Leiyin Castle came here for these Taoist connotations..." Qin Ming guessed in his heart.

Since they can be liked by people in Leiyin castle, these Taoist connotations are obviously different.

"Not yet." Lei Xiao suddenly shouted.

The four young men beside him suddenly swooped down, and the speed was not comparable to that of ordinary friars.

Even monks who have reached the gathering place may not have such an outbreak.

Cheng Lin quickly stepped on the front line and took the lead in sinking into the thunder light attached to the aura. The skill works. Those thunder lights can\'t do him any damage.

Then Liu Xiang\'er, Xiao Sheng and Lanyu followed, with a slight difference.

When the four touched the aura, the speed suddenly decreased, just like being pressed the slow release key.

Their movements are stiff and slow, like the elderly with inconvenient legs and feet.

But in fact, it was not what they wanted, but the impact of the halo on the four of them.

"I can only maintain the effect of xuanlei jade talisman for 15 minutes. If I can\'t get Tao Yun within 15 minutes, I\'ll come out." Lei Xiao told me again.

Although the four heard Lei Xiao\'s words, at the moment they were concentrating on fighting the impact of the aura, and there was no way to distract them.

"Damn it!" Cheng Lin felt the constant pressure on the halo, and his forehead began to sweat.

A minute later, he only advanced five meters, and he was at least 50 meters away from the position of Tao Wen.

The closer it is to the sacred tree, the stronger the impact, and the difficulty of getting close will only increase bit by bit.

He found that he didn\'t even know where he was.

Among the four, the fastest is not him, but Liu xianger, who looks as soft as bone.

At this time, she has reached nine meters, and she doesn\'t look too hard. She is still indifferent.

And Xiao Sheng also wants to get out of his position quickly, almost close to the position of about seven meters.

The only one left behind him was the woman Lanyu.

The result was quite different from what he thought, which made him quite dissatisfied.

Crazy mobilize every part of the body energy, resist the aura impact, and try to speed up to surpass Xiaosheng.

However, the result is that the distance between Xiao Sheng and him is getting farther and farther.

Two meters, three meters, four meters.

Not to mention Liu xianger, who ranked first, three minutes later, she was close to about 25 meters, nearly half the distance.

According to this momentum, she is likely to arrive at the location of Daoyun within ten minutes, or even not.

"These two guys, their physical strength is above me!" Cheng Linxin\'s hair is sour, but he can\'t change the result.

At present, he still strives to reach the location of Daoyun within 15 minutes.

Qin Ming, who was not far away, was always observing the actions of these people. Naturally, he also saw the actions of the four people.

This also confirmed what he thought. These people came for the Tao Yun in the tree.

My mind turned and looked at the deacon of Leiyin Castle who was still maintaining the thunder light of Rune paper in the air.

Finally, he made a decision. After communicating with Jiancao and Yuhu, he moved and turned into a breeze to rush towards the thunder light and aura.

"Hmm?" Lei Xiao in the distance also noticed Qin Ming\'s move for the first time. His eyebrows wrinkled, his left hand came out and bent his fingers.

A ray of thunder differentiated and shot at Qin Ming accurately.

Just then, the sword grass figure suddenly appeared, blocking between Qin Ming and the thunder roar. With a small hand, he directly pinched the thunder light.

It\'s like putting out cigarette butts and pinching the thunder light.

One person, one spirit, once again formed a confrontation in the air.

However, with Qin Ming\'s advice, Jiancao doesn\'t mean to challenge Lei Xiao. At least Qin Ming won\'t do so until he gets Daoyun\'s exit aura.

The next moment, Qin Ming disappeared into the thunder light alone.

Although he didn\'t learn the skill of thunder system and didn\'t have the body of thunder spirit, he could still resist the erosion of these thunder lights after his whole body was crystal armor.

When he touched the halo, the impact that gave Cheng Lin a headache also appeared.

Qin Ming also felt trapped in the mire for a moment, as if it was much more difficult to move a finger.

But, uh, how to say.

It seems that it is not as difficult as expected