Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 422

Gradually approaching the island where the sacred tree is located, there are more and more reefs around the sea.

The exposed tree roots can be seen, extending all the way to the edge of the island, and the end still falls into the sea, just like the island is wrapped by a large number of tentacles.


Stepping on the golden sand, Qin Ming felt as if he had come to an isolated painting scene.

The violent vigorous wind outside and the doomsday black clouds and thunder overhead did not affect the vitality of the island and the giant tree.


A thick white thunder like a bucket fell overhead and hit the location of the island, startling Qin Ming.

However, when it was about to fall on the top of the big tree, it disintegrated directly and turned into an electric arc.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a top-grade and precious sacred tree. Even the thunder falling from the sky can\'t destroy it.

"Master, there are other smells here." the sword grass suddenly said after landing.

The jade tiger on one side is always vigilant.

At the next moment, several figures suddenly appeared over the island and flew towards Qin Ming\'s position.

"There are still people here!" Qin Ming was surprised. He really didn\'t expect that other people besides him appeared near the sacred tree through the sea wall.

There were five people, three men and two women, all of whom had a strong breath.

Wearing similar and luxurious family costumes, the five obviously have an unusual identity and come from the same place.

Qin Ming immediately threw out the probe.

Name: Lei Xiao

Race: Terran

Age: 78

Accomplishments: divine fire realm

Information: the deacon of Leiyin castle has the physique of thunder spirit and master the nine clouds thunder decision method.

The strongest among them was the middle-aged man who didn\'t look angry and powerful. The exploration result was as he thought. He was a monk in Shenhuo realm.

He seemed indifferent to the thunder all over the sky, flying in the air without even looking at it.

What makes Qin Ming more concerned is his information column, which indicates his identity as the deacon of Leiyin castle.

This Leiyin castle is not a small place.

During this time, he didn\'t know much about the deeds of the middle ancient continent, including the introduction of those famous forces.

It\'s true that Qiankun yunzong is the super power in his region, but looking at the whole medieval continent, in fact, Qiankun yunzong\'s influence is not so great.

Otherwise, it will not be just a corner state.

Today, the most powerful forces in the medieval continent, regardless of region, are Leiyin fort.

If Qiankun yunzong is said to be a super power, then Leiyin Castle belongs to one of the masters at the top of the pyramid.

It has been passed on for thousands of years and has not declined. The way of thunder is shining from ancient times to today.

It is said that a powerful person once came out of his castle and realized the immortal method with the way of thunder, which became a legend.

In fact, Qiankun yunzong once belonged to that group and was as famous as Leiyin castle.

However, due to some unknown reasons, Qiankun yunzong has gradually lagged behind in recent years. Although it is still strong, it can be seen that it can no longer be compared with Leiyin castle. It can only be said that it has been brilliant.

Qin Ming never expected to meet the people of Leiyin castle here. It\'s like meeting the final boss just after leaving the novice village. It\'s shocking.

Name: Xiao Sheng

Race: Terran

Age: 17

Accomplishments: Reincarnation

Information: the children of Leiyin castle have the physique of Lei Ling and master the decisive method of running thunder.

Name: Liu xianger

Race: Terran

Age: 16

Accomplishments: Reincarnation

Information: the children of Leiyin castle have the physique of Lei Ling and master the magic method of Lei Yin.

After that, the four people looked young. Although they were all the children of Leiyin castle, their accomplishments were only reincarnation. They seemed to be equivalent to Qin Ming and built a spirit body.

To be able to build a spirit body at the age of 16 or 17 is undoubtedly a rare talent.

Even though Qin Ming is older now, he can still be called a genius in the eyes of outsiders.

Of course, if they knew that Qin Ming had only achieved such cultivation in just a few months, they would be shocked and speechless.

"I didn\'t expect that besides us, someone else found this eclipse star divine tree." looking down at Qin Ming in the air, Xiao Sheng said.

The others also showed surprise, just like Qin Ming. They were all surprised that other people would appear.

"It shouldn\'t be from the holy kingdom." Cheng Lin frowned among the four.

"No, he doesn\'t have the breath of the holy kingdom." Liu xianger said plainly. Her face is beautiful and her body has a dusty temperament. She stands in the air like a fairy.

Compared with ordinary women, the charm is much higher.

The reason for this feeling is also because the spirit body she built has its own immortal Qi and aura when the aura dissipates.

Her eyes only stayed on Qin Ming, and then shifted to jade tiger and sword grass.

The spirit swallowing magic fish was taken back after Qin Ming landed on the island.

Even the deacon of Leiyin castle in Shenhuo state focused most of his attention on the sword grass.

He felt a threat on the sword grass.

The sword grass looked fierce, and its round cheeks puffed up. It floated in front of Qin Ming and confronted several people in the air.

It also felt that the deacon of Leiyin castle was not easy to provoke.

The jade tiger grasps the ground with four palms and shows fierce light in his eyes. Although it is not as high as the sword grass, its combat effectiveness after crystal armor can still help the sword grass.

Or deal with the remaining four young children of Leiyin castle.

"Regardless of him, our goal is the Tao Yun and its spirit species on this divine tree. It\'s about to start. You\'re ready." Lei Xiao looked back at the abnormal fluctuation of the giant tree.

"OK." Xiao Sheng nodded and stared at the huge tree with a look of longing.

Among the new generation of leiyinbao, they are all top players.

This time I came to find this sacred tree on the sea for its Tao Yun.

The top Tao Yun is the key to condensing the nine pattern golden elixir. Naturally, they know it best.

In Leiyin castle, only when the nine grain golden elixir is condensed can it be valued by the castle and vigorously cultivated.

The strength of the nine grain golden elixir is well known in the world. They are conceited and don\'t want to have other choices at all. Even the six grain silver elixir that everyone in the outside world yearns for is not in their consideration.

This is a bit like Qin Ming\'s pursuit of perfection.

Therefore, they have been suppressing their accomplishments, and the elixir that could have been condensed has never continued.

Otherwise, with their talent, they can break through to judan earlier.

In order to find the top Tao Yun, they spent several months, which shows their determination.

"There are three top Tao accumulations on this divine tree. Whether you four can get them all depends on yourself. I won\'t favor anyone." deacon Lei Xiao said slowly, obviously letting them compete by their own ability.

In the end, there must be someone who can\'t get this meaning.